[comp.sys.hp] Runaway CPU...

burzio@mmlai.UUCP (Tony Burzio) (08/19/90)

Strange gremlins continue under V7 ksh of HP-UX.  First, the 
ksh .sh_history grows out of control.  I tracked this
down to a ^C INTR while a spawned job was starting/terminating.
Note that this only happens on the pre-loaded HP-UX.

Today another, when a remsh to a 3.2 HP-UX 800 series machine
was interrupted, the process on the remote machine got a parent
ID of 1 and went into CPU spin-lock, trashing the CPU.  After
a few minutes, I got logged in as root and killed the process,
freeing up the processor.  The command was:

rlogin mmlab -l newfis

which runs a program out of the accounts' .profile and logs
out when done.  NFS and YP is running, if that helps.

Very odd, what?  This should be fixed by somebody at HP soon,
hopefully when V8 comes out in December 2014 :-)

Sigh!  Oh well, off to sea for 4 weeks!

Tony Burzio               * Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a rabbit out
Martin Marietta Labs      *  of my hat!
mmlab!burzio@uunet.uu.net *