[comp.sys.hp] Netpower: OPEN LETTER Signature List

jimr@maths.su.oz.au (Jim Richardson) (08/23/90)

Here is the list of signatories to the Open Letter to HP.  Sorry again for the
delay.  (Of course the European list arrived four hours after my posting say-
ing it hadn't :-)

My thanks to all the signatories, and special thanks to Jonathan Ball and
Colin Dente for their help in collecting signatures.  Apologies to anyone who
has been omitted or misquoted: please let me know and I will post a supplement
if necessary.

The whole point of the "netpower" campaign is to encourage HP to use the
network to provide more effective customer support.  We've been able to use
the net ourselves in the campaign up to now.  But the time has come when we
have to "bootstrap" HP onto the network by using old-fashioned means.

So I would like to urge everyone who signed, and anyone else interested, to
snail-mail or FAX one or more copies of the Open Letter and the signature list
to suitable people in HP.  Choose HP staff whom you know already, as highly
placed as possible; those who read netnews or HP's internal notes system have
probably seen a copy already, so are not necessarily the best people to
choose.  You might like to coordinate with other signatories from the list who
are located in your area, so as to cover as many HP staff as possible without
too much duplication.

If you have time to write a covering letter detailing your own particular
concerns, that will help the overall campaign enormously, as it will relate
the general issues described in the Letter to local conditions and individual
problems.  If you don't have time, just send a "with compliments" note.

I will only mention the name of one person from HP: the CEO John Young.  It
is important that he should receive copies from plenty of the US signatories,
who are in the best position to send them to him.

The signature list is now available in two-column PostScript form in the 
previously announced FTP archive (directory netpower on maths.su.oz.au: see
article <1990Aug22.134114.1959@metro.ucc.su.OZ.AU> for details).
Jim Richardson
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Internet: jimr@maths.su.oz.au  Phone: +61 2 692 2232  FAX: +61 2 692 4534

<start of signature list>


There are 67 separate signatures containing 76 names, from 56 institutions and
companies  in  twelve  countries.  Of those sites where the hardware in use is
identified, 30 have Apollos and 9 have HP machines;  one  has  both.   The  37
sites  which  specified  how  many  nodes  they own have a total of about 1750
Apollos and 420 HP machines.

Signatures  are  sorted  (with a few exceptions) first by country, then by re-
versed electronic mail address.


Our company is a software developing one, we own an HP-3000 but we develop
also for HP-1000's and HP-9000's. As we see it, the e-mail will allow much
better service because once a question is posted an directed to the appropiate
person we could have a direct communication link. Today there is too much
intermediation slowing the process and scrambling the communication.
Ing. Eduardo Salom  | Fax:   +54 (1) 334-8964 and 34-5437
SoftWare Plus SA    | Voice: +54 (1) 826-2532 and 824-7554
Larrea 1218 - 2.A   | CompuServe: 73000,74 ** BIX: swp ** Delphi: SWP
(1117) Buenos Aires | UseNet:   ..!uunet!m2xenix!eduardo
Argentina           | InterNet: eduardo@psg.com -and- swp@dci2sp.das.net


Guy Carpenter, Systems Administrator,
Marine Geophysics, Dept of Geology, James Cook University, Qld 4811 Australia
Internet: glgac@marlin.jcu.edu.au
Phone:	 +61 77 81 4981			FAX:	 +61 77 251 501

(Dr) Rowland Sammut, Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, University College, University of New South Wales,
Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, ACT 2600 Australia
Internet: ras@maadfa.ma.adfa.oz.au Phone: +61 6 268 8892 FAX: +61 6 268 8886
   -- The Mathematics Department has an Apollo DN10010 and 
   about 15 Apollo workstations, used primarily for research.  
   We share all of the concerns raised in this letter.

     /\/\       Robin Brown (Mr), Apollo System Administrator
    / / /\      Computing Services Group
   / / /  \     BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories
  / / / /\ \    245 Wellington Rd Mulgrave Vic 3170 AUSTRALIA
  \ \/ / / /    Phone : +61-3-560-7066,  Fax : +61-3-561-6709
   \  / / /     ACSnet  :  robinb@bhpmrl.oz.au
    \/\/\/      Internet:  robinb%bhpmrl.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
BHP-MRL has one DN10040 and five DN3500/4500's.  Our main concerns
include availability of patch tapes and latest software releases, as well
as the apparent lack of adequate communication between HP's Australian
and American offices, both on product supply and service issues.

Ashleigh Quick                             | ACSnet: AGQ@dstos3.dsto.oz
Defence Science and Technology Organisation| Internet: AGQ@dstos3.dsto.oz.au
PO Box 1600                                | Phone: (Intl) (+61 8) 259 6975
Salisbury 5108, Australia                  |        (Local) (08) 259 6975
DSTO operates a network of 50 Apollo workstations. As a user writing special
purpose software, I have found the response to APRs to be poor, but have had
good support from other users of the net.  A response from those who have
developed the operating system would solve many problems very quickly.

			David le Comte
			Exicom (Aust) Pty Ltd
			R & D Manager.
			ph: 61 2 7248772 fax: 61 2 7248738
			internet: davelec@exicom.oz
The department has a HP9000/360, two DN3550s, and a DN3010.
(It also has 7 SparcStations and some Solbournes but whos asking)

 Dr Barry Mc Innes                      Internet : barry@giaea.oz.au
 Computer Centre Manager                Phone    : +61 51 220 350
 Monash University College Gippsland    FAX      : +61 51 222 876
 Switchback Rd, Churchill, 3842
  The college has an HP3000/950 and an HP-UX 9000/825 and the problem of
  lack of funds to get software and hardware support from HP has been of
  major concern to us for many years.  The lack of access to patches and
  the cost of simple enquires to HP could be overcome with HP support of
  an Internet newsgroup.

Mark Goodwin	  mark@bruce.cs.monash.oz.au
Senior Programmer (and Apollo administrator)
Dept. Comp. Sci., Monash University, Clayton Vic., Australia.
Phone +61 3 5655196

(Dr) Jim Richardson, Computer Systems Officer
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Internet: jimr@maths.su.oz.au  Phone: +61 2 692 2232  FAX: +61 2 692 4534
  -- The University's Mathematics Departments have an Apollo DN10010 and
  about 130 Apollo workstations.  Our particular concerns include prompt
  response to APRs via email, and our perception that communications be-
  tween HP's Australian and US offices are poor on service issues.

Brian Booth, PTTO1       Telematic and Security Systems Section
                         Telecom Australia Research Laboratories
                         P.O. Box 249 Clayton Victoria AUSTRALIA 3168
E-Mail: b.booth@trl.oz.au | FAX: +61 3 5685085 | VOICE: +61 3 5416719

--Telecom Research Labs has an Apollo DN10000 and 28 Apollo


Michael Haberler	mah@nestroy.wu-wien.ac.at, mah@awiwuw11.bitnet
University of Economics and Business Administration
Augasse 2-6,  A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (222) 347-541 x796 (9-18 CET) 	Fax 347-555

Michael K. Gschwind             mike@vlsivie.at
Institute for VLSI-Design       mike@vlsivie.uucp
Technical University, Vienna    e182202@awituw01.bitnet
We are one of four CS departments that have Apollos. Our major 
concerns are the perception that communications between HP's Austrian 
and US offices are poor on service issues. Also, since the Austrian
market is more of an end-user market, real UNIX (ver bsd4.3) experts 
are hard to come by at the local office. I would like to point
at that prompt response to APRs by email would be very welcome.


Paul Goldsmith (goldfish)
    (Shirley Maclaine told me there would be LIFETIMES like this)

Mike Peterson, System Administrator, U/Toronto Department of Chemistry
E-mail: system@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca
Tel: (416) 978-7094                  Fax: (416) 978-8775
  Our main concerns about our HP/Apollo equipment are the large number of
  problems with and deficiencies of the BSD UNIX / TCP/IP / Ethernet
  environment, the lack of system security as delivered/installed,
  and the very slow response to submitted APR's (not just stating it has
  been received, but actually fixing the problem).

Dr. Glenn R. Heppler
Assistant Professor
Department of Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario

Paul H. Calamai
Associate Professor
Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
(519) 885-1211 x3182

Lance R. Bailey, Systems Manager | Robarts Research Institute
email: lrb@rri.uwo.ca            | Clinical Trials Resources Group
  vox: 519.663.3787 ext. 4108    | P.O. Box 5015, 100 Perth Dr.
  fax: 519.663.3789              | London, Canada N6A 5K8

:: One HP 9000/540, a VAX 8530 and a TBA additional Unix box. This new box
   might be a 9000/822.
:: CTRG in RRI conducts Clinical Trials from inception to analysis or parts
   thereof. A data collection system spanning North America collects medical
   data into the UNIX box.


Eero Pajarre                       eero@tut.fi    
tel: +358-31-162189      Tampere University of Technology
fax: +358-31-162913   PO Box 527,  SF-33101 Tampere, FINLAND
	I manage a network of 11 Apollo workstations. Software support
should be improved by publishing information about available patches
and known bugs and by enabling either FTP or mail server access to
patches and other suitable information.


Darrell Skinner                             Ecole Polytechnique
PMIDS@FRPOLY11.BITNET                       Laboratoire P.M.I.  p. 21-54                       91128 Palaiseau CEDEX
fax:                            FRANCE

    I am part of a group that that has 3 Apollo workstations, just bought
a DN10000 and upgraded everything to Aegis 10.2, and is HOPPING MAD about
problems with the software and especially the support and the very long
delay before knowledge of fixes arrive in France (if they ever do).  So
angry is my group, and jealous of neighboring groups with Suns, that
it is not at all certain that we will be keeping the DN10000.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.H. Kroeplin, Department Head
Dipl.-Ing. C.A. Rihaczek, System Administrator
Cand. aer. G. Schmid, System Administrator

Department for Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace Structures (ISD),
University of Stuttgart, 7000 Stuttgart 80, West Germany
Internet: rihaczek@asterix.luftfahrt.uni-stuttgart.de 
Phone:    +49 711 685-3899
Fax:      +49 711 685-3706

The ISD have two Apollo DN10000, twenty Apollo DN3500, and four
Apollo DN2500. Our particular concerns include bad experiences with:
  - poor knowledge at the HP administration about existing
    service contracts,
  - little or no information provided by the local support
    representative about software updates, new releases, known bugs,
  - lack of availability of software patches by means of ftp,
  - unsuccessful filing of apr's (no acknowledgement),
  - tremendous delays in shipment of hardware (VTAPE).


Masahiro Kitagawa, Researcher and Network manager
Physical Science Lab., NTT Basic Research Labs., Tokyo Japan.
Internet: kitagawa%wave.ntt.jp@relay.cs.net, Phone: +81 422 59 3719
 We have 13 HP9000/S300 workstations running HPUX and connecting to the
 network. (and tens of HP-Basic workstations.) Our problem is: YHP,
 Japanese representative of HP, often cannot locate BUGS and tend to
 pretend that "It's FEATURE". HPUX's RMB on X11 cannot talk with other
 vendor's X11 servers. Isn't it a serious BUG ? We've been waiting
 for response for 4 months but still haven't got it. Please use HP's
 famous worldwide computer network to improve overseas customer service.

                               THE NETHERLANDS

Eric Wassenaar, Computer Systems Manager
Organization: NIKHEF-H, National Institute for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics
Address: Kruislaan 409, P.O. Box 41882, 1009 DB Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Internet: e07@nikhef.nl  Phone: +31 20 592 0412   Telefax: +31 20 592 5155

   Our Apollo network consists of about 40 workstations, including a DSP10020
   and a DN10020. I am particularly interested in adequate response to APRs
   via email, and to the public archive.

(Ing) Albert Willemsen, System Manager.
Philips' Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Internet: willemsn@clouseau.prl.philips.nl Phone: (040) 744327
  -- I am partly responsible for the (about) 45 systems of the
     (about) 380 Apollo systems, that are here on site. I agree
     in general with the contents of the Open Letter.

	Willem Jan Withagen (ir)

Eindhoven University of Technology   DomainName:  wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl    
Digital Systems Group, Room EH 10.10 BITNET: ELEBWJ@HEITUE5.BITNET
P.O. 513                             Tel: +31-40-473401
5600 MB Eindhoven                 
The Netherlands
	-- The Digital systems group has 15 Apollos in a University
	   Apollo population of about 100.
	   Although we are in general satisfied with the online service
	   from the Dutch sales office, is there a big discrepancy with
	   the problems that need to be "solved" at the homebase.
	   The issueing of APR's was advised against, due to lack of 


Dr. A.A. Rademakers.
Org:    CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research.
Mail:   1123 Geneve, Switzerland                      
Phone:  (22)7674024, 7674489 or 7672060   Fax: (22)7670600
E-mail: rdm@cernapo.cern.ch       or     rdm@cernvm.bitnet
  My particular concerns include prompt response to APRs via email, and 
  my perception that communications between HP's Geneva and US offices 
  are poor on service issues. Further, I want to stress that Apollo's
  supperior DM features should not get lost during some future OS upgrade.
  These features (integrated editor and window control via keyboard)
  should at least be incorporated in or on top of Motif. Otherwise
  the reason to buy HP/Apollo would vanish.

Prof J.-P. Eckmann  University of geneva (a basis of about 15 apollos)
Email: eckmann@sc2a.unige.ch

                                UNITED KINGDOM

Colin Dente                     | JANET: dente@uk.ac.man.ee.els
Manchester Computing Centre     | ARPA:  dente@els.ee.man.ac.uk 
University of Manchester, UK    | UUCP:  ...!ukc!man.ee.els!dente 
Tel: +44-61-273-3286  FAX: +44-61-274-3889

I manage an internet of about thirty Apollos.  I am particularly concerned
with poor response to security-related issues from HP, and would like to
see some sort of emergency response system set up, perhaps similar to the one
that Sun has recently announced.

Jim Reid
Department of Computer Science, Strathclyde University
Richmond St., Glasgow, Scotland G1 1XH
  I fully support any steps that may make HP pay attention to its customers.
  Internet access to support staff, bug lists, patches and fixes, notification
  of problems etc. would be a great leap forward, especially when the service
  we get (and pay an arm and a leg for) is not as good as it should be.

Andrew D. Nimmo			      | JANET: andrewn@uk.ac.sussex.eaps
VLSI & Graphics Research Group,	      | INTERNET: andrewn%uk.ac.sussex.eaps
EAPS II, University of Sussex,        |           @nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Falmer, BRIGHTON,                     | BITNET: andrewn%uk.ac.sussex.eaps@uk.ac
East Sussex, BN1 9QT     	      | UUCP: ...mcsun!ukc!syma!andrewn
TEL: +44 273 606755 x 2617	      |       or andrewn@syma.uucp

Bob Nutter, Computer Officer
Dept. of Computation, University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology
PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. tel:+44 61 200 3386 fax:+44 61 228 7040
email:b.nutter@umist.ac.uk, ran@cns.umist.ac.uk
-Responsible for one of the University's apollo networks, particlularly 
concerned with poor APR response, patch availability, etc, etc, etc!

A. P. Marriott (apm@apollo1.electrical-engineering.umist.ac.uk)
P. R. Hartland
G. Rubner
all at Dept EE & E, UMIST, Manchester UK.

David Boreham, INMOS Limited | mail(uk): davidb@inmos.co.uk or ukc!inmos!davidb
Bristol,  England            |     (us): uunet!inmos.com!davidb
+44 454 616616 ex 547        | Internet: davidb@inmos.com 
  We have over 200 workstations on-site, of which 8 are Apollo machines.
  We are concerned about receiving APR reports over the net and would
  like to see patch information via mail servers in the US or X.25 in the UK.
  We CAN NOT use FTP since we are in the wrong continent and lack an
  internet connection.

                                   USA: COM

    Vince Skahan             Boeing Aerospace and Electronics
    (206) 237-8604           ARPA:  vince@atc.boeing.com
                             UUCP:  bcsaic!vince
	Steve Pirollo	-	 pirollos@pgate.boeing.com
	Darren Leeman - 	 leemand@pgate.boeing.com
	Gary Burton	-	 burtong@pgate.boeing.com
	Brian Dillmore	- 	 dillmoreb@pgate.boeing.com

Eric Smith                             (206) 342-9681 (wk)      
Boeing Computer Services         ....uunet!bcstec!evtprp0b!root 
M/S 03-87,     P.O. Box 24346,     Seattle, WA     98124-0346 
-- I support a mixed network of 43 Apollo's including: 3000's,
   3500's, 4500's, a 2500, and one 10010. My concern's include:
   security, patch tapes, and particularly notifications of
   known bugs and security holes.

Denis Bohm    (usenet: decwrl!vlsisj!denis)
              (internet: vlsisj!denis@decwrl.dec.com)
Software Engineer
VLSI Technology, Inc.
San Jose, CA 95131

James Walker, Member of Technical Staff                   jjw1@gte.com
GTE Laboratories Incorporated, 40 Sylvan Road, Waltham, MA, USA  02254
>>      We are currently doing research into the next generation    <<
>>      of distributed CASE tools, and are using 3 DN4000's, with   <<
>>      hopes of expanding to a parallel machine (a DN10000???).    <<
>>      Our concern is finding out about bugs and patches in a      <<
>>      prompt manner, and having access to contributed public      <<
>>      domain and freely-distributable programs.                   <<

I have a 31 node ring & 10 node ring at my site, mostly DN3010's .
HINT: The preferred platform at my site is SUN, mostly ss1+ .
Len DiPaola                  dipaola@soleil.nj.semi.harris.com
Apollo System Administrator  __    __    __      _      _    __  _
Harris Semiconductor         ||----||   //\\   || \\  || \\  || //\
724 Route 202 m/s 150        _/\/\/\_  //__\\  ||==/  ||==/  || \\
Somerville, N. J. 08876      ||----|| //    \\ ||  \\ ||  \\ || _//
201 or 908-685-6289          ""    "" "      " ""   " ""   " "" ""

Tony John, Computer Applications Engineer
Military Avionics Division, Honeywell Inc, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Internet: tjohn@ike.mavd.honeywell.com  Phone: 612-542-4238 FAX: 612-593-6249
  -- Military Avionics Division's (MAvD) Apollo network consists of 18 Apollo
  workstations in two buildings.  Our main concern is the terrible HP/Apollo
  response to security related issues.

Jeff R. A. Hildebrand, Design Automation Engineer
Honeywell Solid State Electronics Center
12001 Hwy 55, Plymouth, MN  55441
Internet: hildebrand@pan.ssec.honeywell.com
Phone: (612) 541-2928 
  -- I use an Apollo DN4500 for CAD development of IC Physical Layout tools.
  My main concern is for prompt, accurate response to problems.  I would
  appreciate a more open email communication line with the internal HP
  personnel either through groups like comp.sys.apollo or direct email.

John Thompson, Apollo Systems Administrator
Honeywell, SSEC.     12001 St Hwy 55     Plymouth, MN  55441
Internet: thompson@pan.ssec.honeywell.com
Phone   : (612) 541-2604
  Honeywell SSEC has about 60 Apollo workstations, including a DN10020.
  A main concern is the apparent lack of coordination between HP/Apollo
  and major third-party vendors (Mentor, Cadence) for O/S updates, patches,
  and bug-fixes.

 | Paul F Gerwitz  WA2WPI    | SMTP: gerwitz@kodak.com                      |
 | Eastman Kodak Co          | UUCP: ..uunet!atexnet!kodak!eastman!gerwitz  |
 | 3/56/KP, mc/23302         |                                              |
 | Rochester, NY 14652-3302  | (716) 477-3067                               |
   - Eastman Kodak has over 250 HP systems including HP/1000, HP/9000 and 
     HP/3000's used in a variety of applications.  Our concerns are timeliness 
     of support services, communication of information to and from HP and 
     ensuring that HP is responsive to the needs of our installed base

Steve Hamm ----------- Motorola Inc. Semiconductor Sector CAD  
                       3501 Ed Bluestein Blvd., MD-M2, Austin TX 78762
Ph: (512) 928-6612     Internet:  hamm@austoto.sps.mot.com   
                       UUCP:      ...cs.utexas.edu!oakhill!austoto!hamm

Jinfu Chen, Senior Software Engineer
Logic IC Division, Motorola, Inc., Mesa, AZ85202
chen@digital.sps.mot.com, (602)898-5338

Motorola Incorporated                            Barry R. Spotts
Sector CAD Support                               3501 Ed Bluestein Boulevard
                                                 Austin, Texas 78721
Internal Address: barry@monarch                  MailDrop: M-2
UUCP Address: barry@monarch.sps.mot.com          (512) 928-6630

John Pham

Christian Schuh, Computer Systems Analyst
Laboratory Computer Facility, Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.
755 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Internet: schuh@siemens.siemens.com Phone:(609)734 6534 Fax:(609)734 6565
--- We at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton have one DN10020 and 
    about 35 Apollo workstations, mostly running Domain/OS SR10.2.

                                   USA: EDU

Jonathan M. Ball
Engineering Design Center Technician
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California 91711
jonathan@jarthur.claremont.edu                  (Internet)
...uunet!zardoz!jonathan@jarthur.claremont.edu  (Uunet)

We have eleven DN 3500 and 4500's, which are used for Electrical, Chemical,
Electromagnetic, and Chemical Engineering research and education.  We run
BSD 4.3 at SR10.1 and SR10.2.
Our concern is to press for a quality of service and responsiveness from
HP/Apollo to match the excellent hardware and software we have bought.

Steven S. Smith,  Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.
HP 800's and 300's (and soon 400's)

Jim Wright
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.

Mark Friedman
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
545 Technology Sq.
Cambridge, Ma. 02139
Internet: markf@zurich.ai.mit.edu
Phone: (617)253-0765

Nick Williams.
njw@athena.mit.edu ... Project Athena, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139. USA
njw@doc.ic.ac.uk   ... Dept of Computing, Imperial College, London SW7 2B7. UK

Stephan V. Schell
System Administrator for HP-9000/835 system 
Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
University of California, Davis
schell@llandru.ucdavis.edu             Phone: 916-752-1326 / 916-758-2906

Brian J. Smith                          "I hope caffeine kills me before
UF CIS Department Unix Admin Staff       I become a liability to society"

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo."
Brian Bartholomew	UUCP:       ...gatech!uflorida!beach.cis.ufl.edu!bb
University of Florida	Internet:   bb@beach.cis.ufl.edu
The Electrical Engineering department has been given a donation of 7 clients
and a server, and a full version of Design Center.  We expect another
donation of about 30 machines in a few months.  So far, we have experienced
a 90% failure rate using HP-Approved procedures to install HP-UX v7.0 on
the server.  This is completely and totally unacceptable.

Aaron J Sherman, Systems manager/Programmer
University of Lowell's Center for Productivity Enhancement
1 University Ave.
Lowell, MA 01854
asherman@dino.ulowell.edu or asherman%cpe@swan.ulowell.edu
  CPE has about 20 DN3x00's and 1 DN10000. Our major concerns are promopt
  response to service calls (sometimes over two-weeks) and the lack of
  internal communication at Apollo since the HP takeover.

	We currently have 22 hp9000s300 workstations (4 375s, 1 370, 2 345SRXs,
7 345s, and the rest are 340s) and more on currently on order.  Being an 
educational instition, we're required to run everything that we posibble can.
A lot of this is public domain software, and finding the software for this 
architecture is getting harder, and conversely, with more machines I don't have
as much time to port software.  Having one site for this software would be 
highly advantages, even if it's not the PD stuff, it would be nice to have all
the 'unsupported' hp-ux SW on one site (monitor, X11R4 server and more).

	Greg Sylvain  			Systems Programmer
	University of Maryland Baltimore County/Academic Computing Services
	UUCP:           	...!{uunet}!umbc5!greg
	Internet (Arpa) :	greg@umbc5.umbc.edu

                                   USA: GOV

John Milburn, Staff Scientist
Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California
#1 Cyclotron Road MS 46-161, Berkeley, CA 94720
Internet: JEMilburn@LBL.gov   Tel: 415/486-6969   Fax: 415/486-4873
  -- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory owns ~120 hp9000s300
  workstations, used primarily for mechanical and electronic CAD applications.
  Our particular concern is access to patches and support materials via
  the Internet.

David C. Hayes    - Member of Technical Staff
VLSI Design Group - Advanced Computers and Technology Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA, 91009
Internet: dave@vlsi-mentor.jpl.nasa.gov   Phone: 1-818-354-1910
    We are a CAD/CAE network of 24 HP/Apollo stations including two
    DN10000 systems. I am particularly interested in increasing the
    communication lines between HP/Apollo and its users.

Internet: adam@ncifcrf.gov			Adam W. Feigin
UUCP: {backbonz}!ncifcrf!adam		    Senior Systems Manager
Mail: P.O. Box B, Bldg 430	National Cancer Institute-Supercomputer Center
      Frederick, MD 21702      Frederick Cancer Research & Development Facility

                                   USA: MIL

Dennis Cottel, dennis@nosc.navy.mil, 1-619-553-1645
Dave Schmidt, schmidtd@nosc.navy.mil, 1-619-553-1664
Naval Ocean Systems Center, Code 662 Bayside, San Diego, CA 92152-5000
  --We manage about 70 Apollo workstations comprising several interconnected
  rings spread over the Center, and including a classified network.  Our
  concerns include transparent networking and redundancy, bug-free software
  releases, timely notification of bugs and patches, and increased
  availablility of applications.

                            USA: UUCP, BITNET, etc

Bradley Ward, CEO/Technical Director -  Bradley Ward, Inc.  Atlanta, GA
..!uunet!gatech!galbp!bwilab3!brad Phone: 404-396-4292 FAX 404-396-6509
BWI develops software for HP platforms for the industrial automation
marketplace.  We are a member of HP's "Premier Solution Provider" program,
and support over 100 customer sites, most within Fortune 500 companies.
Our primary interest is in the REQUEST 2 of the open letter.  We have 
numerous highly qualified developers, each a specialist in his own area.
An Internet source of support would be much more useful than the "general"
type support we get through PICS.  WE WILL NOT DROP OR REDUCE OUR LEVEL OF

Reynaldo W. Newman
Manager, Engineering Systems
Titan Linkait, Inc.
3033 Science Park Road
San Diego, CA - 92121
(619) 457-2340

Scott Ferguson		srfergu@erenj.bitnet
  My department in Exxon Corporate Research owns 5 workstations, and we hold
  a service contract.  We're using our machines for a microscopic CT scanner
  system, in conjunction with a synchrotron x-ray beamline at Brookhaven
  National Labs on Long Island, NY.  I've been managing Apollo systems since
  1986, and using them since I was a student, as early as 1983.

Greg P. Gibson, Member of Technical Staff
AG Communication Systems, P.O. Box 52179, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2179, USA
Uucp:     {ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att}!gtephx!gibsong
Internet: gtephx!gibsong@asuvax.eas.asu.edu
Voice:    (602) 582-7524    Fax: (602) 582-7111
  -- we do R&D development of telecommunications software using
     ~500 Apollo DN3000, 3500, & 4500s.

I have dealt with Apollo for about three years now.  I have also dealt
with other companies with "BAD" service.  HP/Apollo is far from "BAD"
by my definition.  However I feel that they used to be better and that
they have some room for improvement.
Bryan Province     Glenayre Corp.           quintro!bep@lll-winken.llnl.gov
                   Quincy,  IL
           "Surf Kansas, There's no place like home, Dude."

Ken Smelcer        Glenayre Corp.           quintro!kts@lll-winken
                   Quincy,  IL              tiamat!quintro!kts@uunet

- Glenayre's Apollo network consists of 19 nodes (DN2500s, DN3000s,
DN3500s and a DSP90).  Our major concerns are prompt notification of
bug fixes and new releases of software.

David Coelho, Executive Vice-President
Vantage Analysis Systems, Fremont, CA, USA
email: ...uunet!vntage!drc   voice: (415) 659-0901   fax: (415) 659-0129

Vantage currently maintains a network of roughly 50 Apollo
workstations, ranging from DN3000's to DN10000's. Our
concerns include prompt response to APRs via email and high
quality question/answer dialogue regarding use of Apollo

<end of signature list>