[comp.sys.hp] gcc and g++ on hp9000-345

aec@unccvax.uncc.edu (Eddie Crocker) (08/25/90)

 I'm trying to set up the GNU gcc and gc++ compilers on my HP345 (68030)
work station running HP-UX 7.0

 In the release of the software I received I have the hp9k320
configuration and have a working gcc compiler but the 320 was a 68020
machine and is HP-UX 6.x vintage.  I assume it's not using the full O30
capabilities.  I'm also having trouble with some missing include file
cplus-tab.h for g++.  I used yacc, but will try again with bison as soon
as I get it working.  Makefile says it's a generated file to be
"realclean"ed but I never have it.

 Of course this is a side project (I wana get experience in C++ but the
company won't buy it) so a lot of time isn't available.

 Has anyone produced a hp9k340 or equivalent configuration ?
Has anyone got gc++ running on an HP340/345/360 type system yet ?
Or can anyone send me some help or experience to cut my hack time
bringing these up?

 I should be reachable via elox!dave@unccvax.uncc.edu or try
(704) 894-8011 x733 and we can figure out another address.

 Thanks in advance.  I'll send my experience to any one requesting it,
assuming I'm successful. And thanks to my poster, I get news but can't
post yet. Yet another hacking project on my endless list of I wanas.

                                                  dave brower