[comp.sys.hp] European X User Group CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION

celvin@EE.Surrey.Ac.UK (Chris Elvin) (09/11/90)


			European X User Group


		       24 -- 26 September 1990
			University of Surrey,
			Guildford, England

Three-day Conference, Vendor Exhibition, and ``Connectathon''.
Speakers include some of originators and principal architects of the X

Jim Gettys
	of Digital -- has worked on X and Project Athena since
	1984, played a major part in the design of X11:
		- "Keynote Speech

Chris Peterson
	of ICS and formerly of the X Consortium
		- "editres - interactive resouce editing system"
Paul Asente
	of Adobe -- designed and implemented the X toolkit:
		- "The X Extension Mechanism"

Jim Fulton
	of NCD and formerly of the X Consortium
		- "A Bestiary of X Boxes" (or what to choose, and why).

Keith Packard
	MIT X Consortium
		- "Using the Selections mechanism"

Todd Newman
	DEC Western Research Labs;  worked on implementing the first X
		- "Implementing X for accelerated graphics"

Don More
	BP Research
		- "Motif GUIded Laboratory Monitoring"

Niels Mayer
	HP Labs, Palo Alto
		- "WINTERP - a Widget Interpreter"

Danny Ross
		- "XSPY - Serious development tool, or nasty snooper?"
Tim Glauert
		- "SEX - Synchronisation Entension to X"
Vincent Bouthors
	INRIA, France
		- "The GWM Generic, Programmable, Window Manager, and the
		EGERIA Interface Design Tool"

Jeremy Purches
	Rolls Royce
		- "Experience building graphics applications in X"

Steve Witten
	Hewlett Packard Industrial Applications Center
		- "The IVI Interactive Visual Interface"

Andrew Peebles
		- "Motif 'do it yourself' Application Kits"

Ian Benest
	University of York
		- "New forms of user interface"

Melanie Barclay
		- "User Experience with X"

Gilberto Camara
	European Weather Centre
		- "GKX - a tool for integrating GKS and X"

J. Barnes, Dr. M.J.Clark, Roy Weaver
	University of Essex
		- "Automatic Generation of X Menus"

John F. Roden
	Procyon Informatics Ltd, Dublin
		- "OES -- a User Interface Editor"

David Smyth
	Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena
		- "Widget Set Independent applications programming"

Michael Speight
	University of Edinburgh
		- "XODUS: A Tool to assist the modelling of Neural Systems"

Nick Maclaren
	Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
		- "User Experiences with the X Window System"


Paul Asente
	Adobe Inc.
		- "Programming with the X Toolkit"

Berry Kercheval
	Lawrence Livermore Labs
		- "Introduction to X Window System Concepts"


	Tutorials	24 Sept.
	Conference	24--26 Sept.
	Exhibition	25--26 Sept.
	Connectathon	24 -- Sept 	
	BOF's		24,25 Sept	


	A major Exhibition is being held in conjunction with the
	conference.  This gives vendors the opportunity to show and
	sell their products and services, and allow users to keep up
	to date with the commercial market.  For further information:

		Tom Yeates
		EXUG'90 Exhibition Coordinator
		phone +44 256 843 333 (DEC, Basingstoke)


	The connectathon is held in parallel to the main exhibition.
	The emphasis is on the networking and connectivity aspects of
	X.  It demonstrates what can be achieved with X and how it can
	play an important role in providing a consistent environment
	across machines of many different types, sizes and power.


	The Secretary
	185 High St                 
	CB4 4RX
	tel: +44 954 51727
	fax: +44 954 211 244
	email: exug@unipalm.co.uk


		EXUG - European X User Group

		Membership Information Summary


	1. Quarterly newsletter free to members.

	2. Reduced fees for EXUG shows and conferences.

	3. Email list for technical discussions, and general X info.

	4. Opportunities to meet and talk with others working in the
	   same field.

	5. For corporate members, regular forums for display of
	   products and services.

Membership Costs (to end '90)

	(All amounts in pounds, Sterling)

	Individual membership		 25.00

	Corporate membership		230.00,

					or special rate of 200.00 if
					cheque payment enclosed with
					membership application
		Corporate membership entitles the institution to
		nominate six people who enjoy all the privileges of
		individual members.  (Corporate membership applies
		only to a single institution at one geographical

	Individual student membership	  5.00

		for those engaged in full-time academic study

	Academic corporate membership	 50.00

		As normal corporate membership, but for polytechs,
		universities, etc.  This special academic rate applies
		only if cheque payment enclosed with application.

Methods of Payment


		Please enclose a cheque with your membership
		application.  We cannot accept purchase orders for
		individual memberships.  If you need a receipt, please


		Send a purchase order or cheque with your application.
		Invoices will be raised for purchase orders, and
		receipts will be sent for cheques.


		Should be in Sterling, and either be drawn on a
		British Bank or be Eurocheques.

Application for Individual Membership of EXUG

	Name: __________________________________________________

	Address: _______________________________________________




	Post code:  ____________  Country: _____________________

	Phone: _________________________________________________

	Email: _________________________________________________

Application for Corporate Membership of EXUG

	Company name: __________________________________________

	Principal contact:
	      Name: ____________________________________________

	      Email: ___________________________________________

	Address: _______________________________________________




	Post code:  ____________  Country: _____________________

	Phone: _________________________________________________

	Additional members:

	      1. _______________________________________________

	      Email: ___________________________________________

	      2. _______________________________________________

	      Email: ___________________________________________

	      3. _______________________________________________

	      Email: ___________________________________________

	      4. _______________________________________________

	      Email: ___________________________________________

	      5. _______________________________________________

	      Email: ___________________________________________

	Cheque for 200.00 enclosed  /  Invoice me for 230.00
			(delete as appropriate)



Please register me for a place at the EXUG Autumn Conference.






	Membership number:


		Residential, members:	    #250.00	________

		Residential, non-members    #300.00	________

		Non-residential, member     #220.00	________

		Non-residential, non-member #270.00	________

		Extra night, Sunday	     #30.00	________

		Extra night, Wednesday	     #30.00	________

				VAT: please add 15%	________

				     Total enclosed	________

	Return this form, with your payment, to The Secretary EXUG,
	185 High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge CB4 4RX, England.

Chris Elvin
C.Elvin@EE.Surrey.Ac.UK                    "Beware of low flying butterflies!"
Dept of Elec. Eng, University of Surrey,
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH. England. PHONE: +44 483 509104  FAX: +44 483 34139