[comp.sys.hp] Instant Ignition & xsession

jsd@esl.ESL.COM (Jeff Dalton) (09/11/90)

> eric@hpfcda.HP.COM (Eric Flink) writes:
> For example, move /usr/bin/X11/X to /usr/bin/X11/X.real.  Then recreate
> /usr/bin/X11/X as a shell script which looks like:

Assuming this works for starting X, shouldn't it work for starting xsession?
And if so, then since xsession is passed the PID of user logging on then
shouldn't I beable to make xsession into a script and load the user's
environment (".kshrc" and ".profile" or whatever) and then exec 

I tried the following script and it didn't work.  Should it have worked?

#! /bin/ksh
if [ $1 = "-userId" ] 
	Home=$(grep $2 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6)

	. $Home/.profile
	. $Home/.kshrc

exec /usr/bin/X11/xsession.real $*

Jeff Dalton, ESL Inc.                    Real programmers can write 
jsd@esl.com                                 Fortran in any language.

eric@hpfcda.HP.COM (Eric Flink) (09/14/90)

I wrote:
>> For example, move /usr/bin/X11/X to /usr/bin/X11/X.real.  Then recreate
>> /usr/bin/X11/X as a shell script which looks like:

Jeff Dalton replied:
> Assuming this works for starting X, shouldn't it work for starting xsession?
> I tried the following script and it didn't work.  Should it have worked?

Your script should have worked; the reason it failed is that xsession
requires that its name (basename) be "xsession".  If you rename the "real"
xsession to something like /usr/lib/X11/xsession, it should work.

However, I STRONGLY recommend AGAINST doing this, as xsession runs as "root".
You would permit any user to run anything as superuser.

However, you can do essentially the same trick with "xctrl" (the control
panel window), so that all of its children at least have the same
environment.  I have included a modified version of your script which
does this.  You can move the xctrl program into /usr/lib/X11/xctrl, and
put this script in its place to achieve the effect you want.

As you may know, HP has introduced a product called Visual User Environment
(aka. VUE) which is a more sophisticated user interface than that
provided with Instant Ignition / X Environment.  VUE deals with the user
dot-file problem through a new file named ".vueprofile"; it can contain
shell commands which are interpreted by the user's favorite shell at
login time.  In order to provide some forward compatibility with VUE,
I configured the script below to reference vueprofile.

I suggest against actually sourcing the user's .profile, .kshrc or other
shell start up files, because the standard I/O of the dot files will not be
connected to anything.  The script connects the standard file descriptors 
to /dev/null, but depending on what the user has in his or her .profile
the screen contents might be jumbled (ie. output escapes to the ITE
"behind" the root window) or possibly hangs the system waiting for input
which it cannot receive.  So have users put commands in their .vueprofile
which sets up the environment, but which do not require I/O from/to a

Standard disclaimer: The script is provided as is; HP makes no claim as
to the validity or reliability of this code, nor warrants its suitability
for any particular use.

To install this script, first unpack it somewhere like /tmp.  Move the
"real" xctrl from /usr/bin/X11/xctrl to /usr/lib/X11/xctrl.  Move the
script to /usr/bin/X11/xctrl, and make sure it is publicly executable.

Hope this helps.


Eric Flink

(303) 229-2313

This posting does not reflect the official position of Hewlett-Packard Company.

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by Eric Flink <eric@hpfcenf> on Thu Sep 13 11:11:12 1990
# This archive contains:
#	xctrl	

LANG=""; export LANG
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH

echo x - xctrl
cat >xctrl <<'@EOF'
#! /bin/ksh

# NOTICE: The script is provided as is; HP makes no claim as to the
# validity or reliability of this code, nor warrants its suitability
# for any particular use.

# This script is a "wrapper" for the xctrl command.  It's job is to
# execute the user's PROFILE script (if one exists) before launching
# the real xctrl program.  The user can place normal shell commands
# in the PROFILE script - run commands or set environment variables.
# However, the standard I/O of PROFILE is connected to /dev/null.
# Coomands in the PROFILE file should not attempt to do input or output,
# as unexpected results may occur.

# XCTRL is the path to the "real" xctrl program.

# The xlogin program should have put HOME and SHELL in the environment for us.
# If they are not there for some reason, simply exec the xctrl program.

if [ -z "$HOME" -o -z "$SHELL" ]
    exec $XCTRL "$@"

# PROFILE is the name of the file to be sourced.
# (Use .vueprofile to be forward compatible with HP Visual User Environment.)


# If the PROFILE file exists, interpret it with the user's shell
# then exec the real xctrl.

if [ -r "$PROFILE" ]

	case "$SHELL" in

	    exec /bin/sh  -c ". $PROFILE < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ;
			 exec $XCTRL $@"

	    exec /bin/ksh  -c ". $PROFILE < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ;
			 exec $XCTRL $@"

	    exec /bin/csh  -c "source $PROFILE < /dev/null >& /dev/null ;
			 exec $XCTRL $@"


# If for some reason the above code did not exec XCTRL, then do so here.
exec $XCTRL "$@"

chmod 666 xctrl

exit 0