[comp.sys.hp] Possible survey questions about HP

jsadler@misty.boeing.com (Jim Sadler) (10/06/90)

The following is a list of perceived problems by some Interex members
I'm trying to gather as much information as I can to develop a survey
for the Interex membership.  I would like to make the questions as wide
based as possible.  If you would like to input to the survey questions
please send the problems or complaints to hp9k@misty.boeing.com or


HP 9000 Systems Improvement Committee 
jim sadler
206-234-9009	email	uunet!bcstec!jsadler | jsadler@misty.boeing.com
These are NOT the opinions of my employer.
They don't allow employees to have opinions !!!! :-}

Experience of RC personal dealing with unusual problems or RC personal not smarter than caller.

It seems that the RC is setup to help beginners and not experience unix users.

NO follow up on down system calls and RC closing call with out customer OK.

Call backs are at bad times ie:  lunch or just before quitting time.

Reluctance of RC to use email and or internet.

Too many README first documents

No documentation on what programs have log files or what can be logged.

Reference manual spread out in 6 or more manuals should be in the Brick.

Very few errors are documented and if they are don't suggest how to fix
problem.  ("Call your local HP sales office" is not a good fix.)

Sam not trusted.( ie: don't know what it did)

Unable to reset mux down to the h/w level. Have to power system down.

Online diagnostics horrible

SNA in general is a PROBLEM area.

SR process doesn't work.

Runtime Cobol missing a file in the latest release.

SRDO slow and s/w missing in  shipments.

Need to be able to configure user license at each site for multi site 

Prices (to high)

Quote system TOOOOOOOOO slow.

Support contract h/w and s/w too hard to manage and maintain.

Product #s seem to change about every 3 years.

On call close out have RC ask about AND document how the customer thinks the call was handled.

Multi vendor networking  Works great!

Jim Sadler

document how the customer thinks the call was handled.

Multi vendor networking  Works great!

Have are put UUNET info in the newsletter.

Wendy Marchack
analyst tech support
1165 leslie St. toronto, Ontario 
canada M3C 2K8
Will help with SIC work.
416-449 1750
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