daniel@island.uu.net (Daniel Smith) (11/06/90)
I posted a few weeks ago, asking for sample HPGL files. I got a
few but I'd really like to see some more. Flood my mailbox!
What I am looking for are complex examples, with legal HPGL syntax;
if you send me something that's full of some other manufacturers' extensions
please let me know that so that I don't rip my hair out trying to figure
out what is going on. Don't send me plots of anything confidential or
proprietary. Types of things I'd love to see: scaling, directional text,
relative lines and arcs, filled polygons.
I'm including a tarmail script; please use it on your hpgl
files. There are ^C's on lines that have labels and escape sequences.
HPGL files might look like plain text (given suitable amounts of coffee
and deadlines, you may believe this) but they aren't :-)
FOR THE ME-TOO'S: yes, I will send hpgl files to you this
time (those who wrote me last time, email me again, I'll make a list).
Below is a tarmail script whichcan safely handle large files, sample
usage would be:
tarmail daniel@island.com \~sample hpgl files\" *.plt
thanks very much in advance!
if test $# -lt 3; then
echo "Usage: tarmail mailpath \"subject-string\" directory-or-file(s)"
echo "mailpath = $mailpath"
echo "subject-string = $subject"
echo files = $*
tar cvf - $* | compress | btoa | split -700 - /tmp/tm$$
set /tmp/tm$$*
for f do
echo '---start beef'
cat $f
echo '---end beef'
} | mail -s "$subject - part $n of $#" $mailpath
n=`expr $n + 1`
rm /tmp/tm$$*
.......Daniel Smith, Island Graphics, daniel@island.com dansmith@well.sf.ca.us
..(415)491 0765 x 250 (W) 4000 CivicCenterDrive SanRafael MarinCounty CA 94903
.disclaimer: If I don't write these things, Island will take away my coffee.
"salesmen are the Ferengi of the software world"