[comp.sys.hp] Floating-point benchmark comparison

mohan@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu (mohan ramamurthy) (11/08/90)

Given below are the results of a study comparing the performance of various
computers (workstations as well as supercomputers) for six
floating-point-intensive Fortran codes.   These programs represent what you
might call a hierarchy of "typical" geophysical fluid dynamics models.
Identical codes were used on all machines, and no effort whatsoever was
made to explicitly optimize the codes on a particular machine - other than
the use of the highest available compiler optimization.   Some codes have a
large percentage of scalar computations (e.g., the QG model spends over 95
percent of its time in scalar segments), where as the others, like the PE model 
code and the Jacobian Operator program, contain several kernels that lend
themselves very well to vectorizing.  Additionally, the latter two codes
also contain numerous linked triad operations (e.g., D = A*B + C), which would 
explain the disproportionately high performance of those codes on computers with
vector and super-scalar architectures. Again, it should be reiterated that   
this benchmark suite is dominated by floating-point-intensive codes; therefore, 
it is NOT intended to reflect on other measures of CPU performance (like I/O, 
integer, etc.).

   			Relative Performance in MicroVAX Units

   	      Shallow  Spectral    QG    Multi-   Jacobian  Onelevel  Geom. Mean
              water    model      model  level    operator  channel
     	      model                      PE model           model.

Cray-YMP	936.0	114.5	 120.4	1155.4	  2196.5   354.1     475.8

Cray-2		784.0	 79.7	  92.5   790.5	  1098.2   275.4     333.7

Cray-XMP	549.3	 77.7	  89.3	 442.4	   878.6   165.3     250.1

CYBER 205       126.8	 38.9	  42.8	 272.6	   399.4    65.2     107.0

Stardent GS2000 164.8	 27.5      9.5*  128.0	   366.1    43.5      66.7

Convex C220	109.9	 19.8	  20.8	 105.9	   244.1    45.9      61.4

IBM RS6000/320   48.5	 30.8	  38.0	  75.8	    81.4    42.7      49.6

Stardent GS1000 103.0	  7.0	   6.9	  67.3	   122.0    18.0      30.0

DECstation 5000  43.4	 17.3	  38.6	  41.6	    22.1    25.0      29.6

Apollo DN10000   53.2	  9.8	  41.4	  29.5	    23.2    33.0      28.0

Silicon Gr 4D/25 32.6    10.1*    29.3    25.7      22.9    15.8      21.1

DECstation 3100	 28.4	 10.0	  25.5	  24.7	    22.1    16.2      20.9

HP 9000/835	 16.7	  7.9	  16.3	  16.6	    18.3     9.7      13.6

Sparcstation 1	 12.6	  4.6	  10.3	  16.0	    11.6     8.7       9.9

MicroVAX II    	  1.0	  1.0	   1.0	   1.0 	     1.0     1.0       1.0

*Could not run at the highest optimization level.
Cray and Convex timings were obtained using just one processor.

Prof. Mohan K. Ramamurthy                  |Internet:mohan@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu
Department of Atmospheric Sciences         | DECnet: uiatmb::mohan
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | ZAP (FAX):  (217) 244-4393
PONY EXPRESS : 105 S. Gregory Avenue       | Telephone:  (217) 333-8650
               Urbana, IL  61801           | ICBM: 40.08N  88.31W                           

			"Read my MIPS: No new VAXes"


mike@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike McNelly) (11/09/90)

Could you please give some specifics on the machines you tested.  For
example, OS version, hardware configurations, and compiler version all
make large differences in performance.  Given the rapidly changing
levels of performance on all vendor's machines, it's only fair to
identify what you're testing and publicizing.

Mike McNelly

mohan@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu (mohan ramamurthy) (11/13/90)

In article <7370251@hpfcso.HP.COM> mike@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike McNelly) writes:
>Could you please give some specifics on the machines you tested.  For
>example, OS version, hardware configurations, and compiler version all
>make large differences in performance.  Given the rapidly changing
>levels of performance on all vendor's machines, it's only fair to
>identify what you're testing and publicizing.
>Mike McNelly

Yes, at some point, when I find some spare time, I'd like to write 
up a more detailed article explaining the different system configurations, 
compiler versions and the details of the computations, along with an
interpretation of the results.  But I don't believe any of that is going to
change the "ball-park" floating-point performance figures I have posted,
which is what most end-users wish to know.  I can see why Mr. Mike 
McNelly is not pleased with the posting, for no vendor likes to see its
machine near the bottom of a performance pile, but frankly, that is not
my problem. 

wunder@orac.HP.COM (Walter Underwood) (11/14/90)

   I can see why Mr. Mike McNelly is not pleased with the posting, for no
   vendor likes to see its machine near the bottom of a performance pile,
   but frankly, that is not my problem.

All of the machines at the bottom of the pile are two or more years
old, so they should be at least half the speed of current processors.
The MicroVAX II, the Sparcstation 1, the DECstation 3100, and the
9000/835 are all old machines, and each vendor has a much faster
machine on the market now.  Also, all three of those vendors have been
working hard on their compilers, so a mismatch of one or two versions
is significant.

It didn't look like Mike was complaining -- he just wanted to know
more, so he could really compare the data.  Running a set of
real-world programs on a bunch of a machines is a lot of work, and
it would be nice to have enough information about the experiment to
figure out what it means.  Without the additional information, the
reported numbers are mostly noise, with very little signal.


PS: Is the code available?  Some people might want to re-run the
benchmarks with compilers now in development.

mike@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike McNelly) (11/15/90)

> In article <7370251@hpfcso.HP.COM> mike@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike McNelly) writes:
> >Could you please give some specifics on the machines you tested.  For
> >example, OS version, hardware configurations, and compiler version all
> >make large differences in performance.  Given the rapidly changing
> >levels of performance on all vendor's machines, it's only fair to
> >identify what you're testing and publicizing.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Mike McNelly
> >mike@fc.hp.com
> Yes, at some point, when I find some spare time, I'd like to write 
> up a more detailed article explaining the different system configurations, 
> compiler versions and the details of the computations, along with an
> interpretation of the results.  But I don't believe any of that is going to
> change the "ball-park" floating-point performance figures I have posted,
> which is what most end-users wish to know.  I can see why Mr. Mike 
> McNelly is not pleased with the posting, for no vendor likes to see its
> machine near the bottom of a performance pile, but frankly, that is not
> my problem. 

I'm not personally involved in any of the machines you've reported on
but I have seen many such lists over the years.  Few, if any, of the
authors find spare time to provide either the source code of the
benchmark in question or the machine configurations which make
substantial differences, your viewpoint to the contrary.  Small things
like floating point accelerators can change performance 2-5x, for
example.  We once found in our lab that a minor algorithmic change in
I/O policy made a substantial difference in one benchmark (but not in
overall system performance).  We're also in an era where machine
performance is increasing by roughly 2x per year on most machines so it
would be nice to know if a benchmark is comparing machines from
different time frames.

A lot of people at all of the companies represented by benchmark lists
work hard to improve the performance of their machines.  It's
disheartening to these folks when their efforts are ignored or
misrepresented.  It's also a fact that no package will make a bit of
difference if it isn't installed.

You've apparently spent a substantial amount of time on your benchmark.
Why not finish the job. Neglecting to post the details seems roughly
analogous to posting a thesis without relevant attributions.

Mike McNelly