[comp.sys.hp] HP 700/X terminal and starbase sox11

gordon@maxwell.waterloo.edu (Gordon R. Strachan) (11/27/90)

Hello there.

We have recently acquired an HP 700/X X terminal (model C2300B).  While, all
in all this is a nice terminal and we a quite happy with it there is one
severe problem we are having.  This terminal seems to be completely allergic
to starbase.  We use starbase a lot on our system, and we have a number of
graphical programs which we wish to display on the X terminal.  In theory this
is possible through with the starbase sox11 device driver.  Indeed, I have
not had any trouble doing this on other remote X servers (both HP servers and
others such as Sun and NCD terminal).  However, on the 700/X, the terminal
will randomly lock up and die.  There seems to be a critical timing bug
associated with the opening of the window and the call to gopen.  In theory,
this shouldn't happen because I wait for server to notify me that the window
is open before I attempt to call gopen.  Also, the terminal seems to view
the bitmap_to_file function as particularly evil.  It sometimes will work,
but generally causes the terminal to die.  Now I would like to think that
HP would have tested this terminal with their own software before releasing
it so what gives?  Has anyone else seen this type of problem with this
terminal?  Any suggested work arounds?

I would submit a software report on this one but it is not clear to me who
it should be sent to, the HP-UX guys or the HP 700/X guys.  Actually I don't
even now how to submit bug reports on that terminal now that I think of it.

We are using HP/UX v 7.0 and the 700/X server version is listed as B.03.00.
I don't suppose by any miracle there is a later version of the server which
might fix this bug.


stroyan@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike Stroyan) (11/28/90)

>                                There seems to be a critical timing bug
>associated with the opening of the window and the call to gopen.  In theory,
>this shouldn't happen because I wait for server to notify me that the window
>is open before I attempt to call gopen.  Also, the terminal seems to view
>the bitmap_to_file function as particularly evil.  It sometimes will work,
>but generally causes the terminal to die.

The older MIT sample servers, (and possibly the terminal's software),
would not consider a window id valid for other connections until the
window was mapped for the first time.  The sox11 driver has a separate
connection to the display, so it could run into this problem.  To avoid
the problem map the window and wait for a MapNotify event before calling
gopen.  You actually have to wait for a MapNotify because the window
manager can redirect an XMapWindow request and delay the mapping

The bitmap_to_file function uses block_read to get data from the server.
There was a correction to the block_read function in the sox11 driver
made last January.  It corrected block_read data problems on the four
plane HP X terminals.  The first release with that fix was 7.03.

Neither of these problems are known to make the server die.

>I would submit a software report on this one but it is not clear to me who
>it should be sent to, the HP-UX guys or the HP 700/X guys.  Actually I don't
>even now how to submit bug reports on that terminal now that I think of it.

Go ahead and send it to the HP-UX guys.  They can talk to the HP 700/X guys.
Full version numbers and short source code examples are much appreciated.

Mike Stroyan, mike_stroyan@fc.hp.com

gordon@maxwell.waterloo.edu (Gordon R. Strachan) (11/28/90)

In article <7370261@hpfcso.HP.COM> stroyan@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike Stroyan) writes:
>>                                There seems to be a critical timing bug
>>associated with the opening of the window and the call to gopen.  In theory,
>>this shouldn't happen because I wait for server to notify me that the window
>The older MIT sample servers, (and possibly the terminal's software),
>would not consider a window id valid for other connections until the
>window was mapped for the first time.  The sox11 driver has a separate
>connection to the display, so it could run into this problem.  To avoid

Hmmm.... I had suspected that it had did this thanks for the confirmation.

>the problem map the window and wait for a MapNotify event before calling
>gopen.  You actually have to wait for a MapNotify because the window

Double checking my code I did find that I wait for the MapNotify event. I
used to call XSync and this didn't work at all (obviously because of the
different display connection).  Still, even with the MapNotify I will
occasionally get into trouble.

>manager can redirect an XMapWindow request and delay the mapping
>The bitmap_to_file function uses block_read to get data from the server.
>There was a correction to the block_read function in the sox11 driver
>made last January.  It corrected block_read data problems on the four
>plane HP X terminals.  The first release with that fix was 7.03.
>Neither of these problems are known to make the server die.
>>I would submit a software report on this one but it is not clear to me who
>>it should be sent to, the HP-UX guys or the HP 700/X guys.  Actually I don't
>>even now how to submit bug reports on that terminal now that I think of it.
>Go ahead and send it to the HP-UX guys.  They can talk to the HP 700/X guys.
>Full version numbers and short source code examples are much appreciated.

Tell you what, I'll talk to my SE and try to get v7.03 of the sox11 driver.
That might fix my problems.  If it doesn't I'll try to put together some
sample code.  But like I said it's kind of random so its hard to figure out
the minimum amount of code required to hit it.

By the way, we used to kill the 7.0 server running one the workstation consoles
a lot when doing starbase graphics using the 300h device driver.  I grabbed
the 7.03 server off the net a while back and besides being a lot faster, it
seemed to fix that problem.  All in all, the 7.03 server seems to be quite

>Mike Stroyan, mike_stroyan@fc.hp.com

Thanks for the help

jbb@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com (Jim B. Byers) (11/30/90)

> I grabbed the 7.03 server off the net a while back and besides being a 
>  lot faster...

Great! Glad you found it useful.

I want to clarify one point.  You probably have the server that is made
available from: hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com (an open subnet machine).

This ftpable server has a what string as follows (note the D):

        X Window System, Version 11 HP-UX 7.03  A.03.02  $Revision: $
         $Revision: 64.4 $
        hpa1096 R703 $Date: 90/05/03 14:55:04 $
        hpa1416 R703 $Date: 90/05/07 10:19:49 $
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd300h.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd300l.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98550.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98720.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98730.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98704.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98735.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libsdiutils.a

This server is identical to the server that ships with the 7.03 instant
Ignition Series 400s except that it knows how to run fast on the 98550
(1280x1024) graphics card.  If you take the standard 7.03 server and run
it on the 98550 card, X11 performance will be about 10% faster than the 
7.0 server.  If you take the server from hpcvaaz you will get the performance
on the 98550 card that is the same as available on a 7.03 Series 400 Color
VRX.  This combination is noticabily faster than the 98550/7.0 combination.

The 98550/post 7.03 server (hpcvaaz combination) is a supported combination
on HP-UX 7.0 and 7.03.

In short, ftp this server if you have this graphics card and want a boost
in X11 performance.

Jim Byers
Interface Technology Operation
Lab/Marketing Team

"The X11/Motif/Vue/Architect folks in Corvallis."

stroyan@hpfcso.HP.COM (Mike Stroyan) (12/03/90)

> Tell you what, I'll talk to my SE and try to get v7.03 of the sox11 driver.
> That might fix my problems.  If it doesn't I'll try to put together some
> sample code.  But like I said it's kind of random so its hard to figure out
> the minimum amount of code required to hit it.

You can't, in general, mix Starbase drivers from one release with
libraries from another release.  If you update the driver you should
update all of the system.

Mike Stroyan, mike_stroyan@fc.hp.com