[comp.sys.hp] looking for GKS, PHIGS etc. for HPUX 7.0 X111R4

mike@penguin.gatech.edu (Mike Gourlay) (01/09/91)


	In December, I asked for info about GKS, PHIGS and
other standard graphics packages that come with the X11R4.
I looked in the MitX11R4 tar that is in hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com and
the libs.s300.tar.Z does not have those libraries in it.  Despite the
fact the I posted that I do not have enough disk space to build
it, several people smugly suggested that I build it for myself.  I am
asking if anyond has the libraries built for HPUX7.0 on a series 300.

	If anyone has libgks or whatever the name of the GKS and
PHIGS libraries are called, please let me know, or anonymous ftp them
to penguin.gatech.edu.  Please send me mail if you ftp it, so that I'll know
to look for it.

	Mike Gourlay