[comp.sys.hp] HP1000 -> IEEE floating point conversion

glong@rcsunb.gmr.com (Greg Long IN45) (02/09/91)

      This is my first ever post, so if I screw up, please be patient.

      My problem is that I have a data file created on an HP1000/A900
that contains
binary floating point numbers (single precision).  I want to move this
file, as is, to our HP9000/825.  At this point I would I would like to
read the file.  So, what I need is a routine to convert from HP1000
binary floating point to IEEE floating point (I believe that the
HP9000/825 uses IEEE directly).  I realize that the 1000 has these
routine, but we want to do the conversion on the 9000.  Any help would
be appreciated.