[comp.sys.hp] qterm -- identifying terminals

zlsiial@uts.mcc.ac.uk (A.V. Le Blanc) (02/20/91)

Recently on this list someone mentioned the qterm program,
available as unix/util/qterm.tar.Z from lut.fi.  This program
reads a data base in /usr/local/lib and tries to identify the
terminal type.

The data base identifies NCSA telnet and MS-Kermit terminals
correctly as it is configured.  I found that by adding the
following two lines at the end of the data base

^[*s^	9000/340^J	300h	HP bit-mapped display terminal
^[*s^	X-hpterm^J	hpterm	HP X-windows terminal

I can thus identify the two other most widely used terminals on
our system.  Unfortunately there is a snag.  (Isn't there
always?)  We have 9 HP 700/92 terminals which we use as
monitors on the file servers of 9 of our clusters.  This
terminal is, of course, not identified by the data base as
it stands.  Moreover, either the ESC-*s^ or the ESC-Z sequence
causes the 700/92 to lock its keyboard, which can be released
only -- as far as I know -- by pressing RESET.

1)  Is there any code that the 700/92 should be sent to identify
itself?  What does it respond?

2)  Why is the keyboard locking?  Can qterm be convinced to
unlock it?

				A. V. Le Blanc

Kimmo.Suominen@lut.fi (Kimmo Suominen) (02/22/91)

>>>>> On 20 Feb 91 11:24:25 GMT, zlsiial@uts.mcc.ac.uk (A.V. Le Blanc) said:

A.V.> Recently on this list someone mentioned the qterm program,
A.V.> available as unix/util/qterm.tar.Z from lut.fi.  This program

That was me.  And I haven't added the HP-specific lines to its table
of recognized terminals on the distribution package.

A.V. alreadey gave you lines for hpterm and a s300 console.  Here are
a couple more, that I use on my system:

^M^[*s^	2392A\12			hp2392a	Hewlett Packard 2392A
^M^[*s^	2627A\12			hp2627a	Hewlett Packard 2627A

The ^M in the beginning is just an extra to hide the "c" which is
being displayed from the earlier queries.

A.V.> always?)  We have 9 HP 700/92 terminals which we use as
A.V.> monitors on the file servers of 9 of our clusters.  This
A.V.> terminal is, of course, not identified by the data base as
A.V.> it stands.  Moreover, either the ESC-*s^ or the ESC-Z sequence
A.V.> causes the 700/92 to lock its keyboard, which can be released
A.V.> only -- as far as I know -- by pressing RESET.

The HP 700/92 terminals we have seem to work just fine with qterm.  We
only have one of them connected to our HP9000/845 as a console, and
the others are hardwired to a HP3000/925, so I haven't added them to
qterm's database.  However, I looked up the string they return, when
receiving "^[*s^".  It is 70092, so you could add to qtermtab the line

^M^[*s^	70092\12			hp2392	Hewlett Packard 700/92

Actually, I don't know which terminfo entry would be closest to 700/92
as there is no exact entry for it at least on HP-UX 7.0.  Maybe
someone could post a terminfo entry for it.

However, because SAM doesn't like too many terminal types, I
configured the 700/92 to answer 2392, so now SAM is happy and seems to
work ok on console.  That's why I used the hp2392 entry above.

A.V.> 2)  Why is the keyboard locking?  Can qterm be convinced to
A.V.> unlock it?

Perhaps you have something configured differently in your terminal.
The console here uses 8 bit character set (Roman-8), XON/XOFF
handshaking, not ENQ/ACK.  Ask more, if you need, and I will be glad
to help.
Kim                      /  Internet: Kimmo.Suominen@lut.fi
"That's what I think."  /   Bitnet:   KIM@FINFILES