[comp.sys.hp] Need LJII to Postscript filter

heather@sdcc4.ucsd.edu (Heather Ebey) (04/25/91)

You can see by the number of news groups, that I am really

I need a HP Laserjet II to Postscript filter. I called Adobe and
they don't have a pcl2ps translator/filter. (PCL is HP's Printer
Control Language. It is filled with 8-bit escape codes.) I need
this for HP LaserROM/UX. This package only outputs PCL and the
printers accessible are Postscript machines.

I also need a a fitler that will take BSD 4.3 man page plot(5)
output and translate it to PCL. I need this for some applications
that output in plot(5) in a stand-alone lab that has only a
LaserJet II printer, which does not have a postscript cartridge.

I'd be very grateful for any direction on these two problems.
This can't be the first time anyone has encountered this problem??

Is there any filters in either the public domain (shareware?)
or does anyone know of a company who has written the above

Any suggestions on a book to help me figure out how to write them?

--Heather (Internet: hebey@ucsd.edu ==  Bitnet: hebey@ucsd )

 ====== Heather Ebey ======== hebey@ucsd.edu ======
 UC San Diego, Instructional Computing Center, 0110
    9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA. 92093-0110
 == Office: (619)534-7987 == FAX: (619)534-7018 ===