[comp.sys.hp] RMB on 9K/700?

devil@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL (Gil Tene) (05/05/91)

Hello HPeople,

I am interested in knowing whether RMB (I think it's called 
"Rocky Mountain Basic") runs on the news HP snakes. Does
anyone out there know? Anyone from HP maybe?

I need to know this in order to help in selection between
a 700 and a 385 or 433...


-- Gil.
-- Gil Tene			"Some days it just doesn't pay    --
-- devil@techunix.technion.ac.il  to go to sleep in the morning." --

fmonaldo@aplcomm.JHUAPL.EDU (Monaldo Francis M. S1R x8648) (05/06/91)

devil@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL (Gil Tene) writes:

>Hello HPeople,

>I am interested in knowing whether RMB (I think it's called 
>"Rocky Mountain Basic") runs on the news HP snakes. Does
>anyone out there know? Anyone from HP maybe?

>I need to know this in order to help in selection between
>a 700 and a 385 or 433...


>-- Gil.
>-- Gil Tene			"Some days it just doesn't pay    --
>-- devil@techunix.technion.ac.il  to go to sleep in the morning." --

After converstaions with my HP rep, these are my heresay impressions of RMB's

	In the past RMB has been intimately linked with (indeed has been)
the operating system. This makes it difficult to port.  My understanding,
(correct me HP people if I am wrong) is that HP will have two versions of RMB.
One, for a BASIC workstation. The second will be an radically restructed       
version that will be pure X-window application, that can be ported to
a variety of computers. This will be more than RMB/UX. It will not be
tied to the 680x0 processors.

	My rep also told me the HP is working on a port of this seond version
of RMB for the Snakes. I would welcome less heresay comments for HP
people who may have greater insight.

	I just saw an ad for an RMB to C conversion porgram. It would
be nice to write software in the comfortable RMB environment ane perform
a conversion to get the inherent speed of C.  What about it HP?

		Frank Monaldo

sjo@hplvec.LVLD.HP.COM (Scott Onofrio) (05/09/91)

    Here is the current thought...

    The unofficial word is that S/700 will not support RMB/WS on the S/700, 
    but it will support RMB/UX and C programming language. This will include
    at least access to the EISA HPIB card.

    I will refer you to the your HP Sales Rep in Tel-Aviv for more information.

Scott Onofrio (sjo@hplvec.lvld.hp.com)

sjo@hplvec.LVLD.HP.COM (Scott Onofrio) (05/10/91)

   HP has indicated that the HP BASIC/UX product (which is an
   application running on HP-UX) is supported today on the 
   Series 300 and Series 400 products and will be supported on
   the Series 700 workstation platforms in the future.

   This is a future product which has not yet been formally
   announced, hence details are not yet available.  HP has sent
   a series of messages and future product strategy statements
   to our sales personel regarding this matter.  Although, the 
   entire hardware platform issue (series 300/400/700/800 and PC) 
   has been somewhat confused within T&M, we are striving to clarify
   all platform related issues.  Simply stating the HP 9000 Series 
   300 products will continue to best meet the majority of the needs
   within T&M. 

   You should consult your HP T&M sales representitive regarding 
   this matter.


   Leonard M. Gilmore
   Hewlett Packard - Product Marketing

wayne@dsndata.uucp (Wayne Schlitt) (05/13/91)

In article <9959@discus.technion.ac.il> devil@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL (Gil Tene) writes:
> I am interested in knowing whether RMB (I think it's called 
> "Rocky Mountain Basic") runs on the news HP snakes. Does
> anyone out there know? Anyone from HP maybe?

to the best of my knowledge, no, neither rmb/ws nor rmb/ux will run on
the 700's or 800's.  

although i dont have any inside info, my guess is that the workstation
version of rmb will _never_ run on anything other than series 200's
and 300's.  the rmb under unix will probably not run on anything other
than the 300's and 400's for a _long_ time.  too many of the internal
structures of rmb have embedded 68000 instructions in them to make the
porting easy.

if you find out otherwise, please let me know.  i would be interested
in it also.
