(Torbjorn Kronander) (04/24/91)
i recently saw my first 9000/700. I was very interested in the system and we actually allready planned to not only move over from other hp systems but also to begin using more hp instead of suns. My disappointment was great when I discovered that hp has moved from the SONY trinitron monitors to Hitachi. We work with maging applications for medicine where contrast and intensity is of paramount importance. We once choose hp instead of sun because hp had SONY monitors while sun used Hitachi. Now sun is using SONY and hp Hitachi. This is so bad for our applications that we will not use the 9000/700 series until we can buy a SONY color screen with them. Could someone at hp explain such an absolutely strange decision ???? First You make a great computer than You choose a monitor taht reduces the user impression by several dB... -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Torbjorn Kronander Dept. of EE Linkoping University Sweden ph +46 13 28 22 07
rdm@cernapo (Alphonse Rademakers) (04/25/91)
Our HP 9000/720 came with a HP98754A (i.e. sony 1280x1024 triniton) monitor. It was, however, a 720 from the pre-release series. We ordered four more 720's assuming we will get the same monitor. Fons Rademakers. -- Org: CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research. Mail: 1123 Geneve, Switzerland Fax: +22 7677155 Phone: +22 7674886 or 7675049 UUCP: BITNET: rdm@cernvm.bitnet
chan@hpfcmgw.HP.COM (Chan Benson) (04/27/91)
> Our HP 9000/720 came with a HP98754A (i.e. sony 1280x1024 triniton) monitor. > It was, however, a 720 from the pre-release series. We ordered four more 720's > assuming we will get the same monitor. You probably have PVRX (Tigershark) display hardware. Do the RGB cables come out of a box seperate from the SPU? If so, you have a PVRX, which uses the Sony monitor. If the RGB cables come out of a card in the SPU then you have a CVRX (Elk) and you get the Hitachi monitor. -- Chan An employee of Hewlett-Packard Company and damn proud of it. Um, well I mean at least I'm not embarassed by it or anything. Most of the time I guess. Except when all these university guys get on the net and beat us up cause HP-UX isn't BSD. Oh, never mind.
tonyc@a4430ux.HP.COM ( Tony Cox (SR) ) (04/27/91)
Just a little additional info.....the monitor on the 720/730/750 GRX/CRX use 72Hz Hitachi monitors. The other monitors on the other graphics subsystems use the Sony 60Hz tubes. tonyc
perry@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Perry Scott) (04/30/91)
>Our HP 9000/720 came with a HP98754A (i.e. sony 1280x1024 triniton) monitor. >It was, however, a 720 from the pre-release series. We ordered four more 720's >assuming we will get the same monitor. > >Fons Rademakers. The 700s can be ordered with the Sony 1280x1024 color monitor. By default, you get black-and-white. I don't have the price sheet handy, but I would expect to pay a few $K more. Your Sales Rep will know what to do when you ask for the HP98754A monitor. I use the 98705 3D accelerator on my Snake - don't know what other controllers are available. Perry Scott HP Ft Collins.
stuartj@hpfcse.HP.COM (Stuart Jarriel) (05/22/91)
The monitor (Sony vs Hitachi) you get depends on which graphics option you buy. However, the comparison of display 'quality' between the Sony and Hitachi has been noticed and can actually be corrected. The Hitachi monitors are adjusted to have colors that are more 'pastel' then the Sony, and users, trying to get the picture to look like a Sony (great color separation) crank up the intensity. I believe that the Hitachi monitors will be properly adjusted to give the Sony look after May (as shipped from HP). If you want to compare a Sony and Hitachi monitor side-by-side, wait for the properly adjusted Hitachi monitors. I think you will be surprized. You will find that there is very little difference.