[comp.sys.hp] HP IIIsi Problems

darry@pagoda.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (05/31/91)

	We recently installed an HP LaserJet IIIsi and are having a few
problems.  We are a networked pc lab running Novell's Netware 386 v 3.1.
The IIIsi is attached to a print server using a parallel cable. 

	The problem occurs when we print documents with WordPerfect 5.1.
We have the IIIsi configured to switch between PCL and PostScript.  If
documents are sent using PCL mode it prints properly.  If documents 
are sent using PostScript mode it prints properly.  However,  if a
combination of PCL and PostScript jobs are sent, garbage is printed.  

	Any suggestions??  Please respond via e-mail to the address in
the sig.



			Darry Cooley