[comp.sys.hp] NFS: Problems connecting HP400t and SGI

philipp@gris.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Philipp) (05/31/91)


We have got the problem that SGI and HP workstations don't like to work
together via NFS. Here is the problem:

We have a large network (university) with several SGI-workstations on the
backbone net.
Attached to it is a HP discless cluster (5 HP400t at one server) that
is connected to the backbone by a UNIX-PC (386 running Interactive Unix) that
is only acting as a router (no other tasks).

Connections from either the HP's or the SGI's to other hosts on the net (via
the router or not) are no problem, but access between SGI and HP (either
direction) don't work. The problem is mostly apparent on large files, when
a programm accessing it, halts with the message 'NFS server not responding'.
After a while the message 'NFS server OK' appears, but (on the next package ?)
we start again with 'not respondig'. 
Small files seem to be ok, most of the time.

Maybe others have had this problem before an can send suggestions on a fix.
Any help is welcome.

Here the data on the machines:
	HP: Serie 9000, HP400t, HP-UX 7.05 (7.03 is same problem), 16MB, 3x660MB SCSI
			disks on the server.
	SGI: W-4D210GTXB and W-4D25TG-I, IRIX 3.3.2, 16MB, 300MB local disk each

The backbone is a thick ethernet, while the cluster is on a thinwire.

     . (lots of other machines)                                      . 
     .                                       .  ( 5 more HP's)
     |               +----------+            .
     +---------------|   SGI    |            |
   B |               +----------+            |     +---------------+
   a |                                       +-----|  HP Client    |
   c |               +----------+            |     +---------------+
   k +---------------|  SGI II  |            |
   b |               +----------+            |     +---------------+
   o |                                       +-----|   HP Server   | 
   n |               +----------+            |     +---------------+
   e +---------------| UNIX PC  |------------+
     |               +----------+

Philipp Slusallek                  Universitaet Tuebingen, WSI/GRIS
                          Auf der Morgenstelle 10-C9, D-7400 Tuebingen, FRG
Email: philipp@gris.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de         Phone: +49-7071-295462
Philipp Slusallek                  Universitaet Tuebingen, WSI/GRIS
                          Auf der Morgenstelle 10-C9, D-7400 Tuebingen, FRG
Email: philipp@gris.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de         Phone: +49-7071-295462

mg@ (Mike Gigante) (06/01/91)

The problem may be the PC router - we had a similar problem at this
site (b/n two SGI machines)

The PC ethernet cards have a small (4k? ) buffer, anyhow smaller than
the default packet size in NFS. You can change the NFS packet size to
be smaller that the PC buffer and then things worked for us.

see the nfs man poage for details.

Mike Gigante, RMIT
Advanced Computer Graphics Centre

jason@hpcndjdz.CND.HP.COM (Jason Zions) (06/03/91)

Sounds like you're overrunning the router. Try using -o
"rsize=4096,wsize=4096" in the mount command; this will reduce the size of
the packet train in requests and responses. You can go smaller on the sizes
if you like, but the sizes must be powers of two, and you'll gain no benefit
in this configuration from going below 1024.
This is not an official statement of The Hewlett-Packard Company. No
warranty is expressed or implied. The information included herein is not to
be construed as a committment on HP's part. The devil made me do it. This
won't save me from the lawyers' wrath, but it can't hurt.

Jason Zions			The Hewlett-Packard Company
Colorado Networks Division	3404 E. Harmony Road
Mail Stop 102			Ft. Collins, CO  80525  USA
jason@cnd.hp.com		(303) 229-3800

raj@hpindwa.cup.hp.com (Rick Jones) (06/03/91)

Check your RPC retransmission rates (/usr/etc/nfsstat) on either side
of the router - they are probably high - perhaps a result of
overrunning the PC router's buffering capacity. You can try decreasing
the mount size to something like 1K or so. It will 'slow-down' NFS,
and hence make life easier on your PC router. 

rick jones

___   _  ___
|__) /_\  |    Richard Anders Jones   | HP-UX   Networking   Performance
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