[comp.sys.hp] mail aliases and YP

ct1x+@andrew.cmu.edu (Ching-Ping Tseng) (06/24/91)

HI, I am a novice system administration assistant.   At our site we just
got three 9000/320 joining into our local network, mostly of Sun

I'd like to ask if sendmail does consult YP (now NIS) version of
aliases?  If it does, since the mail aliases is not a standard map of
HP's implementation of YP, how should it be configured to realize the
existence of the new map?  If it doesn't, how do you suggest to manage a
site-wide mail aliases?


Robert Tseng
CADLab, Department of Architecture
Carnegie Mellon University

alek@spatial.com ( Alek O. Komarnitsky ) (06/24/91)

In article <AcNIqSS00VQCIe3kN7@andrew.cmu.edu> ct1x+@andrew.cmu.edu (Ching-Ping Tseng) writes:
>HI, I am a novice system administration assistant.   At our site we just
>got three 9000/320 joining into our local network, mostly of Sun
>I'd like to ask if sendmail does consult YP (now NIS) version of
>aliases?  If it does, since the mail aliases is not a standard map of
>HP's implementation of YP, how should it be configured to realize the
>existence of the new map?  If it doesn't, how do you suggest to manage a
>site-wide mail aliases?

We're running HP-UX 7.0{3,5} and have not been able to do this - even with
a "patched" version of sendmail (but it predates me, so I don't know the
history of it). How do I get around this? I have a shell script that rsh's
(OK, remsh's) to each machine from the YP master, copies the aliases file,
and runs newaliases (can you spell k-l-u-d-g-e? ... but it works).
Remember that HP has different locations for most of the files involved here.
Also, you'll need to set up .rhosts appropriately.

I'd sure like to NOT have to do this - can some HP'ers help us?
(love to hear I'm doing something dumb, but the answer is probably HP-UX 8.0)

Alek Komarnitsky                                      303-449-0649
Software Tools Manager, Spatial Technology, Inc.      2425 55th Street, Bldg A
alek@spatial.com                                      Boulder, CO 80301-5704

P.S. One can still use the HP's as YP (oops, NIS) slave server by using
     ypxfr to get 'em over there. Be sure that your slave servers have ALL 
     of the maps, since your Sun clients may bind to an HP at boot time.
     FYI: we don't seem to have any problems ignoring vhe_list.