[comp.sys.hp] HP terminal emulation

laurino@cell.mot.COM (Joan S. Laurino) (02/14/90)

I have an hp protocol analyzer that I would like to run
remotely from a Sun Window.  The protocol analyzer has
software for remote control, all that is needed is a 
terminal that looks like an hp2392a.  The connection
from the protocol analyzer to the Sun is an rs232 
connection.  Does anyone out there have any clues as
to how I can accomplish this goal? 

burdick@hpindda.HP.COM (Matt Burdick) (02/21/90)

> I have an hp protocol analyzer that I would like to run remotely from a
> Sun Window.  The protocol analyzer has software for remote control, all
> that is needed is a terminal that looks like an hp2392a.  The connection
> from the protocol analyzer to the Sun is an rs232 connection.  Does
> anyone out there have any clues as to how I can accomplish this goal?

Take a look (via anonymous ftp) on columbia.edu [].  There is a
package there called "typhoon" that should be just what you need.  This is
a package that lets you upload and download programs with your protocol
analyzer, remotely fiddle with softkeys, etc.

The two files you should get are:
-rw-r--r--  1 chris    wheel         219 Aug 24 17:57 hp/typhoon.README
-rw-r--r--  1 chris    wheel       65785 Aug 24 17:57 hp/typhoon.tar.Z

Matt Burdick                    | Hewlett-Packard
burdick@hpda.cup.hp.com   OR    |
burdick%hpda@hplabs.hp.com      | Information Technology (IND/IT)

schultz@halley.est.3m.com (John C. Schultz) (06/29/91)

I am trying to find an emulator package for an HP terminal under X windows
able to talk to an HP 3000 system running MPE.

I am not sure that the hpterm software code (if I could find it anywhere)
would help since I tried running an hpterm from a HP/UX 835 and the hpterm
couldn't talk any better than an xterm to the MPE system.

Is there a hp emulator available?  I would even pay money for one :-(.
Comments from any HP personnel are very welcome.  I am a little suprised that
for a company dedicated to "open systems", HP hardware is so temperamental in
the communications area.

John C. Schultz                    EMAIL: schultz@halley.serc.3m.com
3M Company,  Building 518-01-1     WRK: +1 (612) 733-4047
1865 Woodlane Drive, Dock 4,       Woodbury, MN  55125
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