mark@unisec.UUCP (03/30/87)
Here is the definition of the Punter C1 file transfer protocol, as written by the man himself. You will note that there a a few garbled lines in this document. They are due to the fact that this document was actually a series of "bulletins" on Punter's main BBS. Since they were not available in the download area, I had to use the "capture buffer" technique to collect them. No essential information was lost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C1 Protocol by Steve Punter C1 Protocol The following document, describing the C1 (new Punter) protocol was 'captured' from Steve Punter's BBS (PNET Node 1). Inception During the summer of 1981, when I first got the idea of putting up a BBS, I started work on a simple protocol for transfering programs to and from the BBS. This protocol was similar in structure to XMODEM, and had about the same reliability. Under good line conditions, it would give error free transfers (this was to be expected). Under moderate noise conditions, the protocol would hold up, and would still give error free transmissions. It was under poor line conditions that it, and XMODEM, would fall apart. In the summer of 1984, I started work on a very ambitious project; to produce a protocol that was both fast, and extremely reliable, even under the worst of line conditions. From this work came the "C1" protocol; not a simple block/checksum affair, but a complete communication system for the computer. Be warned, therefore, that under- standing the ins and outs of "C1" will not be easy, but with enough patience, there's no reason why even the least skilled programmer cannot be comfortable with it. Concepts The concept behind the "C1" protocol was simple; to allow two computers to "talk" with one another (while transferring data) in such a way that nothing short of a complete distortion of the transmission line could result in a misunderstanding. If this concept could be realized, then files could be transferred between computers without fear of line noise causing a breakdown in the protocol, or that the received data would differ, in any way, from that which was sent. Nothing is perfect though, and I don't, for a minute, claim that "C1" is completely infallible, but I can say, with reasonable comfort, that "C1" can deliver bad line accuracy not found in any other microcomputer transfer protocols. For this accuracy though, there is a price to pay, and it is complexity; the protocol is extremely difficult to duplicate without a complete and utter understanding of the intricate workings of "C1". This document will attempt to give you that required understanding. A Simple Conversation Page 1 C1 Protocol In first deciding how the protocol would function, I thought of how two people could carry on a conversation under high noise conditions, where misunderstanding would be the norm. The senario I'm going to give differs from the protocol in that the people talking have no way of verifying the accuracy of that they believe they have heard. What it is meant to demonstrate is how the the two computers "talk" with one another, and discuss the neccessary repetition, or non-repetition, of each block of data (the cornerstone of a checksum based transfer protocol). Ken and John are attempting to assemble a machine in the middle of a very noisy machine shop. Ken reads the instructions to John, who carries them out. Even at close proximity, the two have difficulty hearing one another, so they adopt of form banter which allows each instuction to be verified and acknowledged. Here is how the conversation might go: John: Put part "A" in hole "D". Ken: Understood, putting part "A" in hole "D". John: Acknowledged, let me know when you are ready for the next instruction. Ken: Go ahead, what do I do next? John: Put screw "E" through slot "T". Ken: I didn't understand that, could you please repeat. John: Oh, ok, tell me when you're ready for that instruction again. Ken: Ready now. The conversation continues on in this fashion, guaranteeing that both John and Ken are fully aware of what the other is doing. In real life,@Q=A15Rt=U19"BY"!Q%9"=ZA*A5RD!Q=IQz&KW6.Kbut that's why they make more mistakes than a computer. It is just this sort of "conversation" that the two computers have between each other, only the language is different; the instruction is replaced by the block of data, and all other statements by special codes. Communication Codes One of the areas where simple protocols fall apart is in the transmission of "handshaking codes". It's called handshaking Page 2 C1 Protocol because is implies that the two computers are having a dialogue, rather than a monologue. These other protocols rely on single byte (8 bit) words for their communication codes, and that could spell trouble, since the likelihood of any one 8 bit code being transposed into another is greater than for multiple byte codes. For this reason, "C1" uses 3 byte (24 bit) codes which are sufficiently different that the likelihood of a transposition is extremely low. Not only that, but as you will soon learn, the method of receiving 3 byte codes is designed such that if there is sufficient line noise to make the neccessary transpositions, there would most likely be extra characters sent; "C1" can avoid this situation. Five distinct codes are used in the protocol; "GOO", "BAD", "ACK", "S/B", and "SYN". Each has it's own meaning, just like any English word, and all are used in a specific sequence such that synchronization difficulties would be automatically identified and corrected. Checksums When a block of data is sent, we must have a way of determining if it is correctly received or not. This accomplished by using what is known as a checksum. Quite simply, a checksum is a number which is mathematically derived from all the bytes within the block. The receiving computer recalculates the sum and compares it with the sum it received along with the block. Theoretically, any fault in the transmitted data will result in the two checksums not matching; but that's theory. In reality, the accuracy of the checksum is based on the type of mathematical operation used to calculate it, and what kind of noise it encounters. The simplest way to create a checksum is to add up all the ASCII values of the bytes contained in the block. This is fine for many types of errors, but not the type which inverts a particular bit. Should two identical inversions occur on two opposite bits, the sum will remain the same. For example, take the following two bytes: 11010011 = 211 Plus 01101101 = 109 -------- --- 320 Now assume that the forth bit from the right of both of these bytes becomes inverted by line noise: 11011011 = 219 Plus 01100101 = 101 -------- --- 320 Page 3 C1 Protocol As you can see, the sum remains 320, even though line noise has made obvious changes to the bytes. A better system is one called "Cyclic Redundancy", which works on a somewhat different principle. The checksum is 16 bits long, and is created in the following fashion; each byte from the block is Exclusive OR'ed with the low order part of the checksum. The checksum is then ROTATED one bit to the left, and the procedure repeated with the next byte. Even this highly superior method can be tripped up, so I have combined BOTH an additive checksum and Cyclic Redundancy checksum to create one very hard to beat 32 bit "super" checksum. Listening For Code Words Although 3 byte code words are more reliable than 1 byte code words, nothing is perfect. It was once said that if you let an infinite number of monkeys bash away at typewriters for an infinite amount of time, one of them would eventually type "To be or not to be, that is the question". Although this stretches statistical probability to it's limit, this kind of thing can easily happen on a smaller scale; the letters "GOO" could quite conceivably be produced by purely random line noise. To try and eliminate ALL possible errors isn't feasible, but "C1" makes an attempt at trying to eliminate as many as possible. One reasonably probable fact is that any noise capable of randomly producing "GOO", would not stop there; more likely, it would produce a string of characters, something like "HGOOEK". Were we to allow the protocol to listen exclusively for three letter combinations, it would most assuredly pick out the "GOO" in that string. My specifications for "C1" call for a code recognition routine which will ONLY make code word comparisons on the LAST 3 RECEIVED bytes. This is accomplished in my coding by going back and testing for further characters after I have identified a three byte code word. Should another byte be present, the identified code word is thrown away, and the search will continue. Statement and Listen Loops One immediate drawback to the system described above is that a REAL code word, masked within some random noise, would be rejected by the receiving computer. This would also be true of a code word simply damaged by noise (like "GOE"). For a protocol to be impervious to this sort of corruption, it must be capable of restating code words over and over until the receiving computer can understand, yet it must also have a way of knowing whether the receiving computer got the code word or not. This was a fact that eluded me when I wrote the original protocol. Page 4 C1 Protocol When we talk to other people, the cornerstone of understanding is recognition. If we ask "What do you think?", yet get no reply, we ask again. Only when we receive a reply from the person to whom we are talking do we continue on with our next statement. It would be pointless wasting our breath on someone who isn't listening. Within "C1", communication between computers is handled through a similar system which I call the "Statement and Listen Loop". It's quite simple really; when one computer has to "say" something to the other, it does so, then waits for a predetermined time for a known response. Should it fail to receive a response within that period of time, the code word is said again, and the computer listens for the reply. This continues until the required response is heard. The system is further enhanced by the fact that both computers are ALWAYS engaged in a "Statement and Listen Loop". Synchronization Lock That rather ominous sounding title is actually rather simple; it refers to a condition whereby the "Statement and Listen Loops" of each computer become locked together. This is analogous to two people speaking at the same time, over and over, such that no effective communication takes place. In order to guarantee that the two computers never get into this state, the wait times of the loops are altered slightly. Assume that the fixed wait loop time was 0.5 seconds; this is called a "Short" wait. We also have a "Long" wait, which would be slightly longer, say 0.6 seconds (actually, the delay within a "Statement and Listen Loop" is not particually critical, but should be somewhere in the neighbourhood of one half second). Each time the computer goes through an SLL, a counter would determine which type of wait to use; Long or Short. The sequence is broken into three; the transmitting computer will use a Long-Long-Short, while the receiving computer will use a Short-Short-Long. Block Structure Each block of data contains somewhat more than just a collection of characters taken from disk, it also contains a "header". The header is 7 bytes long, and contains the following information: Byte 1: Low part of ADDITIVE checksum Byte 2: High part of ADDITIVE checksum Byte 3: Low part of CLC checksum Byte 4: High part of CLC checksum Byte 5: Size of NEXT block Byte 6: Low part of Block Number Page 5 C1 Protocol Byte 7: High part of Block Number As you remember from the section on "checksums", there are two distinctly different, 16 bit (2 byte) checksums. One is an additive checksum, composed of the mathematical sum of the CBMASCII values of all the DATA bytes (and bytes 5 through 7 of the header). The other checksum is calculated using Cyclic (CLC) Redundancy (on the same bytes). These 32 checksum bits are placed in the first 4 bytes of the header. The 5th byte is the length of the NEXT block. This may seem odd to some, but consider the difficulties in sending the size of the current block in that self same block. You need to know the block size to calculate the checksum, but you can't know for sure that the block size is correct unless you have verified the checksum. We call this a Catch-22. By sending the size of any given block in the PREVIOUS block, the size is known for a fact BEFORE the checksum is calculated. In the 6th and 7th byte are the block number. This was added quite early on in the development of "C1" under the assumption that it would be necessary (as it is in XMODEM). As it turned out, "C1" uses a method of handshaking which makes this unnecessary. None the less, my specifications call for it's inclusion, as certain uses of the block number could be made. Also, the high order part of the block number (byte 7 of the header) is used to flag the last block. Varying Block Size The reason that block size was included in the header was originally to allow the last block only to vary in size (one can never guarantee that the amount of data to be sent will divide nicely into a preset block size). It quickly dawned on me that "C1" was set up in such a way that ANY block size could be used for ANY block in the transmission. Varying block size has it's advantages; under reasonably clean line conditions, large blocks transmit the most data with the least handshaking (which is mildly time consuming). Smaller blocks are superior under bad noise conditions, since smaller blocks run a higher chance of making it through the noise unscathed; and should it still fail to make it, less time is required to repeat a smaller block. My current implementation of "C1" allows the user to pick a fixed block size between 40 and 255 bytes, but in other implementations, there is no reason why block size couldn't be varied DURING transmission to adapt to CHANGING line conditions. One final thing concerning block structure is how would one presume to know the size of the FIRST BLOCK if that is revealed only in the block that came before it (quite a paradox). "C1" Page 6 C1 Protocol requires that the first block contain ONLY a header, which would make that block 7 bytes long. This header would do little more than supply the receiving computer with the size of first REAL block. Accuracy of this first "dummy" block is guaranteed since it must still pass the checksum tests. You must make the block number for this dummy block "0". Communication Syntax Now that you understand the block structure, handshaking methods, and code word vocabulary, it comes time to find out how this all comes together. Most procotols have very simple handshaking between blocks which is easy to trip up, given sufficiently noisy conditions. Usually, the transmitting computer sends the block, then waits for a response from the receiving computer; either "good" or "bad". The transmitting computer then proceeds to send the next block (if "good") or resend the last block (if "bad"). This system falls apart the moment the transmitting computer receives a false indication of "good" or "bad" and goes on to transmit the wrong block (and whether the receiving computer likes it or not, it has to tackle with another block). Should things get out of sync, and the transmitting computer sends the next block when it should have sent the last one again, XMODEM attempts to make corrections by use of the block number encoded within each block. "C1" does nothing so crude; it's very communication syntax guarantees that neither computer will get out of phase with the other. Whereas XMODEM uses a single statement monologue between each block, "C1" uses a multiple part dialogue. This makes "C1" about 3% slower than XMODEM, but this small trade-off in speed for accuracy will be well worth it the first time you run into trouble with XMODEM. XMODEM communcations would look something like this: Xmit: Transmits Block Rec : "Good" Xmit: Transmits Next Block Rec : "Bad" Xmit: Transmits Same Block Again In "C1", the transmission would look something like this: Xmit: Transmits Block Rec : "Good" Page 7 C1 Protocol Xmit: Good block acknowledged Rec : Send next block for me Xmit: Transmits Next Block Rec : "Bad" Xmit: Bad block acknowledged Rec : Send that block again Xmit: Transmits Same Block Again In this type of transmission dialogue, neither computer can get out of sync, since should it receive the opposite response than it expects, it goes back to give the correct code word for the response it DID RECEIVE, thus regaining proper synchronization. Couple this with the "Statement and Listen Loops", and you can readily see than communication would be hard to break down. Syntax Description ,ti +5 The following diagram should give you an understanding of the flow of information between blocks: For a Good Block: Xmit: [Block] "ACK" [Next Block] Rec : "GOO" "S/B" For a Bad Block: Xmit: [Block] "ACK" [Same Block] Rec : "BAD" "S/B" Actually, the two are identical; the only difference is the substitution of either "GOO" or "BAD" as the response to the received block. Immediately after receiving the block, the receiving computer recalculates the checksum to determine validity of the data. In the meantime, the transmitting computer starts to wait for a "GOO" or "BAD" signal. Since it can "say" nothing until it receives one of these codes, it merely waits. That may sound suspiciously like a good place to "hang up" the protocol, but the receiving end is eventually going to finish receiving the block, either because it timed out waiting, or it finished collecting the correct number of bytes from the transmitting computer. Page 8 C1 Protocol At that time, the receiving computer sends the appropriate code word ("GOO" or "BAD") and begins to wait for an acknowledgement ("ACK"). If it doesn't receive the "ACK" in about one half second, it sends the "GOO" or "BAD" code word once again. Meanwhile, the transmitting computer has been patiently awaiting the reception of the "GOO" or "BAD" code. Once it receives it, it transmits an "ACK" and starts to wait for an "send block" signal ("S/B"). If it doesn't get the "S/B" within about one half second, it sends "ACK" again. Back at the receiving computer, which is waiting for this "ACK" signal, it receives it and sends the "S/B" signal and begins to wait for the block. Should it receive an "ACK" while waiting for the block, or receives nothing at all for approximately 5 seconds, it assumes that the transmitting computer hasn't heard the "S/B" and transmits it again. In the meantime, the transmitting computer is waiting for the "S/B", and upon reception, starts sending the block. The process has now started all over again. A quick analysis of this system will reveal that it's damned near impossible to get any type of noise which could possibly mimick the code sequences required. Also, no noise could stop the eventual completion of the above sequence, since each computer is aways "sending and waiting". If two people keep repeating their sentences over and over, and continue to listen to the other person, even a noisy room couldn't stop them from hearing one another EVENTUALLY. Of course, some line noise is just so horrendous, that even this method of communication could fail. Then again, this type of noise would make it damned near impossible for the user to be online in the first place, so it can be considered an unlikely event. But, should one of the computers go offline for any reason, we wouldn't want the other computer to keep looping and looping until it died of old age. Although I haven't built in such protecbinn into the terminal program I distribute in the public domain, my BBS program does have abortion code. Should the protocol on the BBS have to go through the "Statement and Listen Loop" more than 12 times in row (which is hightly unlikely if the other computer is still online), it will abort the transfer. Similar code could be used in your implementation. The End-Off Situation When the final block is transmitted, the high order part of the block number should be made HEX "FF" (255 decimal). This will inform the receiving computer that this is the last block of data, and to expect no more. The question now arises; how can both computers be 100% sure that the other is fully aware of the file completion? A fair question, but not one with a simple Page 9 C1 Protocol answer. When the transmitting computer receives the "GOO" for the last block, it can be fairly certain that the receiving computer has received the final block, but it must inform the receiving computer that it knows this. It does so by sending an "ACK", but cannot be sure the receiving computer has received the "ACK" unless it gets the "S/B" signal back. Now, the transmitting computer must acknowledge the reception of the "S/B", but under the normal communications syntax, it would now have send a block. This is where the "End-Off" syntax comes into play; after receiving the "S/B", the transmitting computer sends back a "SYN" signal. In response to that receiving computer sends it's own "S/B" signal, then waits for the final "S/B" from the transmitting computer. Since it will not be responding to this code, it simply goes into a wait cycle for approximately 5 seconds. If it does get the "S/B" within that 5 seconds, it ends immediately, but otherwise doesn't really care if it receives the code or not since at this stage, there is a 100% assurance of both computers knowing things are Ok. The transmitting computer need only send three copies of the "S/B" code at this point, since, as stated above, there is full assurance that both computers are finished. NOTE that the code words chosen for the End-Off situation are not necessarily related to their appearant function. Transfering File Type When transfering files from one computer to another it is often necessary to also transfer the file type, but this must be known BEFORE the file is opened, and, therefore, before the protocol begins. "C1" does not impose any strict rules on what sort of information you transfer about the files, if any, but when writing a terminal program to communicate with one of my bulletin boards, the following should be done: Using a full implementation of the "C1" procotol (first dummy block, data block, and End-Off), transmit a single byte of data corresponding to the following file types: 1 = Program File 2 = SEQ File 3 = WordPro File Transmitting this single piece of data would require that TWO blocks be sent; the initial dummy block to set up the size of the first data block (of which there will be only one, size 8), and the data block itself, consisting of 7 header bytes and the single file type byte. For other applications, one could conceivable transfer much Page 10 C1 Protocol more information, including file name, file type, computer type, etc. It could even be possible to transfer multiple files, specifying the number and name of each file in this first transmission. Alternately, no one said you HAVE to use this first separate transmission; if no information other the file needs to be transmitted, you just send the file and nothing more. Page 11 -- | Mark R. Rinfret, SofTech, Inc. | | Guest of UniSecure Systems, Inc., Newport, RI | | UUCP: {gatech|mirror|cbosgd|uiucdcs|ihnp4}!rayssd!unisec!mark | | work: (401)-849-4174 home: (401)-846-7639 |