mark@unisec.UUCP (05/15/87)
Here's the source to MRterm, as promised. Remember, you'll need my C-ASSM assembler (C-Power compatible assembler) and C-Power in order to assemble and link this source. My apologies to anyone who feels that I've saturated this group with my postings this past week. I've been wanting to do this for while but haven't found and free time. If I don't get beat up too badly, I'll post some more C-Power stuff next week. Mark -------------------------------- c u t h e r e ----------------------------- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # buffer.a # configure.a # diskutil.a # This archive created: Fri May 15 15:02:58 1987 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'buffer.a' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'buffer.a'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'buffer.a' ;MRTERM Buffer Management ;Filename: buffer.a ;History: ; 04/20/87 - 3.5 - tbuf is now an external symbol, defined at the ; end of MRTERM. This allows all unused space ; to be claimed by the buffer. ; 08/12/86 - 2.3 - implemented Print Buffer command ; 08/16/86 - 2.4 - fixed sprite color problem ; 08/18/86 - 2.4 - optimized with printpkt, ; i$tbuf zeroes buffer ; 09/28/86 - 3.3 - added Clear Buffer command ; #include "mrterm.i" #include "mem.i" #include "kernal.i" #include "char.i" #include "printpkt.i" ;External Definitions .ref asc2cbm .ref atoi .ref bkrd .ref bkwt .ref buzz .ref cbm2asc .ref center .ref ckdisk .ref disk$status .ref ed$start,ed$end,ed$max,edit .ref errmsg .ref fclose .ref filprmpt .ref gets .ref hilite .ref kbwait .ref mdmrd .ref mdmwrt .ref menu,menu$title,menu$list .ref mfill .ref offline,online .ref open$seq .ref openmodem .ref pdvc,pinit,psa .ref print,println,printpkt .ref tbuf .ref typenum ;Note: The current buffer range overlaps the ;BASIC ROM area. This implies that BASIC ;must be switched out to access the buffer ;tbuf = $6000 ;terminal buffer start (24576) etbuf = $c000 ;terminal buffer end + 1 bufsize .word 0 ;buffer size tbufsw .byte 0 ;buffer switch bufspadr = 832 ;address of buffer sprite ;Buffer sprite definition data ;Should look like man with parachute. bufsprite .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,255,0,1,129,128,2 .byte 66,64,4,36,32,15,255,240 .byte 4,0,32,2,0,64,1,0 .byte 128,0,129,0,0,126,0,0 .byte 66,0,0,24,0,0,24,0 .byte 0,126,0,0,90,0,0,24 .byte 0,0,36,0,0,36,0,77 ;************************************** fullmsg .byte "BUFFER FULL!",0 fullpkt .byte PP$RVS|PP$BUZZ|PP$CR .byte 255,255 ;current row/column .word fullmsg m$quit .byte "Quit",0 m$clear .byte "Clear Buffer",0 m$edit .byte "Edit/View Buffer",0 m$load .byte "Load Buffer from File",0 m$prnt .byte "Print Buffer",0 m$save .byte "Save Buffer to File",0 m$tran .byte "Transfer Buffer to Host",0 buftitl .byte "Buffer Utilities",0 buflist .word m$quit .word m$clear .word m$edit .word m$tran .word m$load .word m$save .word m$prnt null .word 0 bufdsp ;dispatch table .word 0 ;quit .word clrbuf .word edbuf .word trbuf .word lodbuf .word savbuf .word prntbuf .word 0 dfn .byte 0 ;disk file number ;Main driver .def bufutil bufutil lda #<buftitl sta menu$title lda #>buftitl sta menu$title+1 lda #<buflist sta menu$list lda #>buflist sta menu$list+1 jsr menu cmp #0 ;quit? beq bufx clc rol A tay lda bufdsp,y sta bufjmp+1 lda bufdsp+1,y sta bufjmp+2 lda #clrscrn jsr chrout lda buflist,y tax lda buflist+1,y tay jsr center jsr bufjmp jmp bufutil bufx rts bufjmp ;dispatch jump jmp $ffff ;Edit buffer edbuf lda tbuf sta ed$start lda tbuf+1 sta ed$start+1 lda bufpnt sta ed$end lda bufpnt+1 sta ed$end+1 lda #<etbuf sta ed$max lda #>etbuf sta ed$max+1 jsr edit lda ed$end ;update buffer pointer sta bufpnt lda ed$end+1 sta bufpnt+1 rts ;Load buffer from seq file lodprmpt .byte "INPUT File: ",0 fullflg .byte 0 lodbuf lda #0 sta fullflg ldx #<lodprmpt ldy #>lodprmpt jsr filprmpt lda buf ;null response? beq lodbufx ;abort ldx #<buf ldy #>buf lda #'r ;read access jsr open$seq sta dfn bne lodbuf0 jmp showstatus lodbuf0 ldx tbuf ldy tbuf+1 stx ptr1 sty ptr1+1 ldx bufsize ldy bufsize+1 lda dfn jsr bkrd ;read block from file bne lodbuf1 ;should get 64 (EOF) inc fullflg jmp lodbuf2 ;save what we can lodbuf1 cmp #64 ;end of file is good beq lodbuf2 jsr ckdisk ;get disk status ldx #<disk$status ldy #>disk$status jsr errmsg jmp lodbuf3 lodbuf2 lda ptr1 ;update buffer pointer sta bufpnt lda ptr1+1 sta bufpnt+1 lodbuf3 lda dfn jsr fclose lda fullflg ;buffer overflow? beq lodbufx ldx #<fullmsg ldy #>fullmsg jsr errmsg lodbufx rts ;Save buffer to seq file savprmpt .byte "OUTPUT File: ",0 savbuf ldx #<savprmpt ldy #>savprmpt jsr filprmpt lda buf ;null response? beq savbufx ldx #<buf ldy #>buf lda #'w ;write access jsr open$seq sta dfn bne savbuf1 showstatus ldx #<disk$status ldy #>disk$status jsr errmsg savbufx lda dfn jsr fclose rts savbuf1 lda tbuf ;starting address sta ptr1 lda tbuf+1 sta ptr1+1 sec ;block length lda bufpnt sbc tbuf tax lda bufpnt+1 sbc tbuf+1 tay lda dfn jsr bkwt php ;save carry status lda dfn jsr fclose plp bcc savbufx jsr ckdisk jmp showstatus rts ;Print Buffer prntmsg1 .byte "Position printer to top of form...",13,13 .byte "Continuous (c) or Paginated (p)? ",0 prntpkt1 .byte PP$NULL|PP$EOS|PP$GONG|PP$WAIT .byte 10,0 .word prntmsg1 prntmsg2 .byte 13,13,"Press STOP to abort printing",0 prntmode .byte 0 ;mode: 'c' or 'p' prntlc .byte 0 prntbuf lda #mdmfn ;close modem jsr close lda #pfn pha jsr close pla ldx pdvc ldy psa jsr setlfs lda pinit ldx #<pinit+1 ldy #>pinit+1 jsr setnam jsr open lda #0 sta prntlc prntbuf1 lda hilite sta color ldx #<prntpkt1 ldy #>prntpkt1 jsr printpkt sta prntmode cmp #13 beq prntbufx cmp #'c beq prntbuf2 cmp #'p bne prntbuf1 jsr prntskp ;top margin, 1st page prntbuf2 ldx #<prntmsg2 ldy #>prntmsg2 jsr println lda tbuf ;set buffer pointer sta ptr1 lda tbuf+1 sta ptr1+1 prntbuf3 sec lda ptr1 sbc bufpnt lda ptr1+1 sbc bufpnt+1 bcs prntbufx ;whole buffer printed jsr getin ;STOP key pressed? cmp #$03 beq prntbufx lda prntmode ;paginated print? cmp #'p bne prntbuf30 lda prntlc cmp #63 bcc prntbuf30 jsr prntskp ;bottom margin lda #0 sta prntlc jsr prntskp ;top margin prntbuf30 ldx #pfn jsr chkout ldy #0 lda (ptr1),y cmp #13 bne prntbuf31 inc prntlc prntbuf31 jsr chrout jsr clrchn inc ptr1 bne prntbuf3 inc ptr1+1 bne prntbuf3 prntbufx jsr prntskp lda offline sta color lda #pfn jsr close lda #mdmfn ;reopen modem jsr openmodem rts ;Skip 3 lines on printer prntskp ldx #pfn jsr chkout ldy #3 prntskp1 dey beq prntskpx lda #13 jsr chrout inc prntlc bne prntskp1 prntskpx jsr clrchn rts ;Transfer Buffer to Host crmsg .byte "CR substition (none): ",0 crpkt .byte PP$WAIT|PP$BELL .byte 5,0 .word crmsg dlymsg .byte "Delay (0-30) (none): ",0 dlypkt .byte PP$EOL|PP$BELL .byte 7,0 .word dlymsg donemsg .byte "Transfer done.",0 infomsg .byte "Press SPACEBAR to pause, STOP to abort",0 pausemsg .byte "Pausing...any key continues.",0 subc .byte 0 ;substitute this for CR delay .byte 0 ;delay between chars trbuf lda #0 sta subc sta delay lda hilite sta color ldx #<crpkt ldy #>crpkt jsr printpkt cmp #13 ;CR? beq trbuf2 sta subc ;save it jsr chrout ;and echo it trbuf2 trbuf21 lda #$ff ;default color ldx #<dlypkt ldy #>dlypkt jsr printpkt lda #3 ;3 char max jsr gets ;get response lda #13 jsr chrout lda buf beq trbuf3 ;no response? ldx #<buf ldy #>buf jsr atoi cpy #0 ;compare to 30 beq trbuf22 baddelay jsr buzz jmp trbuf21 trbuf22 cpx #31 bcs baddelay stx delay trbuf3 lda tbuf ;set up pointer to buffer sta ptr3 lda tbuf+1 sta ptr3+1 lda #0 ;reset delay timer sta jclock+2 lda online sta color trbuf4 ;main loop jsr mdmrd ;read host bcs trbuf40 tax lda asc2cbm,x ;translate jsr chrout ;print trbuf40 jsr clrchn jsr getin ;keyboard pressed? cmp #0 beq trbuf5 cmp #$03 ;STOP? beq trbufx ;yes - abort cmp #32 ;CR? beq trbuf41 jsr buzz ;signal bad character jmp trbuf4 trbuf41 lda #13 ;scroll last line jsr chrout ldx #<pausemsg ldy #>pausemsg jsr errmsg trbuf5 sec ;are we done? lda ptr3 sbc bufpnt lda ptr3+1 sbc bufpnt+1 bcs trbufx lda jclock+2 ;delay time over? cmp delay bcs trbuf6 jmp trbuf4 trbuf6 ldy #0 lda (ptr3),y cmp #13 ;carriage return? bne trbuf61 ldx subc ;want to substitute? beq trbuf7 lda #32 ;substitute space for CR bne trbuf7 trbuf61 cmp subc ;substitute character? bne trbuf7 lda #13 ;replace with CR trbuf7 tax ;translate character lda cbm2asc,x jsr mdmwrt ;output to modem inc ptr3 bne trbuf71 inc ptr3+1 trbuf71 lda #0 sta jclock+2 ;reset jiffy timer jmp trbuf4 trbufx ldx #<donemsg ldy #>donemsg jsr errmsg rts ;************************************** ;The following short subroutine stores ;one character into the buffer, then ;increments the buffer pointer. Other ;routines in this package modify the ;buffer pointer, which is actually the ;address field of an STA instruction. bufstore .byte $8d ;sta (absolute) .def bufpnt bufpnt .word tbuf inc bufpnt bne bufstorex inc bufpnt+1 bufstorex rts ;************************************** ;Initialize terminal buffer .def i$tbuf i$tbuf sec lda #<etbuf sbc tbuf sta bufsize lda #>etbuf sbc tbuf+1 sta bufsize+1 lda tbuf sta bufpnt sta ptr1 lda tbuf+1 sta bufpnt+1 sta ptr1+1 ldx bufsize ;fill buffer with zero ldy bufsize+1 lda #0 jsr mfill ldx #0 i$tbuf1 ;copy sprite data to buffer area lda bufsprite,x sta bufspadr,x inx cpx #64 bne i$tbuf1 lda #13 ;sprite buffer block number sta 2040 ;832/64 = 13 ;This will eventually get replaced by ;calls to a sprite handling package lda $d010 ;set msb of sprite x ora #1 sta $d010 ;msigx lda #64 ;320-256 = sprite x sta $d000 ;sp0x lda #30 ;highest visible position sta $d001 - sp0y lda $d015 ;spena - disable sprite display and #$fe sta $d015 lda $d01b ;spbgpr - give sprite and #$fe ;foreground priority sta $d01b jsr bufspcol rts ;Set Buffer Sprite Color .def bufspcol bufspcol lda hilite sta $d027 rts ;Clear Buffer clrmsg .byte "Clear the buffer? ",0 clrpkt .byte PP$EOS|PP$BELL|PP$WAIT .byte 10,0 .word clrmsg clrbuf lda offline ldx #<clrpkt ldy #>clrpkt jsr printpkt cmp #'y bne clrbufx jsr i$tbuf clrbufx rts ;Toggle Buffer Switch .def togglebuf togglebuf lda tbufsw eor #$01 sta tbufsw beq togglebuf2 jsr pcspr ;position sprite lda #13 ;set buffer location sta 2040 jsr bufspcol lda $d015 ;enable sprite ora #1 sta $d015 rts togglebuf2 lda $d015 ;disable sprite and #$fe sta $d015 rts ;Put character in buffer ;Called with: ; ACC = character to store (CBM ASCII) .def pcbuf pcbuf ldx tbufsw ;buffer on? beq pcbufx ldx bufpnt+1 ;buffer full? cpx #>etbuf bcc pcbuf1 ;nope jsr togglebuf ;disable buffer lda #13 jsr chrout lda hilite ldx #<fullmsg ldy #>fullmsg jsr printpkt pcbufx rts ;yes - ignore pcbuf1 cmp #32 ;control character? bcs pcbuf2 cmp #13 ;carriage return? beq pcbuf2 cmp #10 ;line feed? beq pcbuf2 cmp #$14 ;DEL? beq pcdel jmp pcspr ;ignore control character pcbuf2 jsr bufstore ;store character jmp pcspr pcdel ;delete buffer character lda bufpnt+1 ;at least 1 character? cmp tbuf+1 bne pcdel1 lda bufpnt cmp tbuf beq pcbufx ;nothing in buffer pcdel1 dec bufpnt lda bufpnt cmp #$ff ;transition negative? bne pcspr dec bufpnt+1 ;All store operations end up here. ;Update the buffer sprite vertical ;position. pcspr sec lda #>etbuf ;use msb of sbc bufpnt+1 ;buffer amount left cmp #96 ;design maximum bcc pcspr1 lda #96 ;set maximum pcspr1 clc rol A ;256's * 2 sta ptr1 ;at 24k, max is 192 lda #242 ;min 50, max 242 sec sbc ptr1 sta $d001 ;set vertical position rts SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'configure.a' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'configure.a'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'configure.a' ; ; MRTERM Configuration Routines ; Filename: configure.a ; ; History: ; 07/27/86 - Allow user to edit the dial command ; 08/16/86 - 2.4 - set buffer sprite color ; 08/21/86 - 2.4 - add printpkt calls ; 09/15/86 - 3.1 - add XMODEM/CRC, XMODEM/CHECKSUM .nlst #include "mem.i" #include "kernal.i" #include "char.i" #include "printpkt.i" .list ;Global data references .ref background,border .ref dialcmd .ref hilite,online,offline .ref baud,databits,parity,stopbits .ref protocol,modemtype ;Other external support .ref bufspcol .ref buzz .ref center .ref eraseeol .ref gets .ref kbwait .ref menu,menu$title,menu$list .ref lpf,spf .ref openmodem .ref print,println,printpkt .ref rvsoff,rvson .ref strcpy,string$1,string$2 ;Main menu title string cfgtitle .byte "Configure MRTERM",0 ;Menu command strings (alpha order) cfgclr .byte "Colors",0 cfglod .byte "Load Parameters",0 cfgmdm .byte "Modem/Communications Parameters",0 cfgquit .byte "Quit",0 cfgsav .byte "Save Parameters",0 ;Menu string array (menu order) cfglist .word cfgquit .word cfgmdm .word cfgclr .word cfglod .word cfgsav null .word 0 ;end of list marker ;Main configuration menu dispatch vectors cfgvect .word 0 ;quit handled specially .word cfgmodem .word cfgcolors .word cfgload .word cfgsave cfgjump ;address modified at run time jmp $ffff .def configure configure lda #<cfgtitle sta menu$title lda #>cfgtitle sta menu$title+1 lda #<cfglist sta menu$list lda #>cfglist sta menu$list+1 jsr menu ;get command cmp #0 ;quit command? beq configurex clc rol A ;times two pha ;save index lda #clrscrn jsr chrout pla pha tay lda cfglist,y tax lda cfglist+1,y tay jsr center pla tax lda cfgvect,x sta cfgjump+1 lda cfgvect+1,x sta cfgjump+2 jsr cfgjump jmp configure ;do it again configurex rts ;Configure Modem Parameters NMODEMOPT = 7 ;number of modem options mdmbaud .byte "Baud Rate",0 mdmdata .byte "Data Bits",0 mdmpar .byte "Parity",0 mdmprot .byte "Protocol",0 mdmstop .byte "Stop Bits",0 mdmtype .byte "Modem Type",0 mdmdial .byte "Dial Command",0 mdmlist .word mdmbaud .word mdmdata .word mdmstop .word mdmpar .word mdmprot .word mdmtype .word mdmdial .word 0 ;end of list baudopt .byte "300,1200",0 dataopt .byte "8,7,6,5",0 stopopt .byte "1,2",0 paropt .byte "None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space",0 protopt .byte "Punter,XMODEM/CRC,XMODEM/CHECKSUM",0 typeopt .byte "1650/1660,Hayes",0 dialopt .byte 0 ;Option string array optlist .word baudopt .word dataopt .word stopopt .word paropt .word protopt .word typeopt .word dialopt .word 0 mdmvect ;vector list .word cfgbaud .word cfgdata .word cfgstop .word cfgpar .word cfgprot .word cfgtype .word cfgdial spmsg .byte "Press SPACEBAR to change options",0 sppkt .byte PP$EOS .byte 23,0 .word spmsg edflg .byte 0 ;edit flag opx .byte 0 ;option index sadr .word 0 ;saves option name string svrow .word 0 ;saves option row trm .byte 0 ;terminating character cfgmodem lda hilite ldx #<sppkt ldy #>sppkt jsr printpkt lda #0 sta edflg sta opx lda #csrdn sta trm cfgmodem1 clc lda opx ;compute row pha adc #5 tax stx svrow ldy #0 jsr plot pla ;get option name string clc rol A tax lda mdmlist+1,x ;high byte tay lda mdmlist,x ;lo byte tax stx sadr sty sadr+1 jsr rvson jsr print jsr rvsoff clc ;compute switch(opx) vector lda opx rol A tax lda mdmvect,x sta mdmjump+1 lda mdmvect+1,x sta mdmjump+2 mdmjump jmp $ffff ;modified above cfgbaud lda baud ;current value ldx #2 ;number of option values jsr option sta baud jmp cfgmodem2 cfgdata lda databits ldx #4 jsr option sta databits jmp cfgmodem2 cfgstop lda stopbits ldx #2 jsr option sta stopbits jmp cfgmodem2 cfgpar lda parity ldx #5 jsr option sta parity jmp cfgmodem2 cfgprot lda protocol ldx #3 jsr option sta protocol jmp cfgmodem2 cfgtype lda modemtype ldx #2 jsr option sta modemtype jmp cfgmodem2 cfgdial jsr edial jmp cfgmodem2 cfgmodem2 clc ldx svrow ldy #0 jsr plot ldx sadr ldy sadr+1 jsr print lda trm ;terminating character cmp #13 ;carriage return? bne cfgmodem3 lda #5 jsr openmodem ;re-open modem rts cfgmodemjmp jmp cfgmodem1 cfgmodem3 cmp #csrdn ;down? bne cfgmodem4 inc opx lda opx sec sbc #NMODEMOPT bcc cfgmodemjmp inc edflg ;enable edit mode lda #0 sta opx beq cfgmodemjmp cfgmodem4 cmp #csrup bne cfgmodemjmp dec opx bpl cfgmodemjmp lda #NMODEMOPT-1 sta opx bne cfgmodemjmp ;Get legal option edit/position key optkey jsr kbwait sta trm cmp #csrdn beq optkx cmp #csrup beq optkx cmp #13 beq optkx cmp #$20 beq optkx jsr buzz jmp optkey optkx rts ;Position cursor at option field ;and erase the field. optplot lda opx ;row = option index + 5 clc adc #5 tax ldy #20 ;col = 20 jsr eraseeol rts ;Select a modem option ;Called with: ; ACC = current option value ; X = number of option values ; opx = current option index opmax .byte 0 ;max value opval .byte 0 ;current value option stx opmax sta opval option0 jsr showopt lda edflg ;display only? beq optionx option1 jsr optkey cmp #$20 ;space? bne optionx ;up/down or CR inc opval lda opval cmp opmax bcc option0 lda #0 sta opval beq option0 optionx lda opval rts ;Show one modem option value ;Called with: ; opx = option index ; opmax = max option value ; opval = current value showopt jsr optplot showopt0 lda opx clc rol A tax lda optlist,x sta ptr1 lda optlist+1,x sta ptr1+1 ldx #0 ;comma count ldy #0 ;character index showopt1 cpx opval ;at selected value? beq showopt4 ;yes showopt2 lda (ptr1),y ;get character cmp #', ;comma? bne showopt3 iny ;skip comma inx ;count comma bne showopt1 showopt3 iny ;next character bne showopt2 showopt4 lda (ptr1),y beq showoptx cmp #', ;next option? beq showoptx jsr chrout ;print character iny bne showopt4 showoptx rts ;Display/Edit Dial command edial jsr optplot ldx #<dialcmd ldy #>dialcmd jsr print lda edflg beq edialx edial1 jsr optkey cmp #$20 bne edialx jsr optplot lda #8 ;max length of dial command jsr gets lda #<buf sta string$2 lda #>buf sta string$2+1 lda #<dialcmd sta string$1 lda #>dialcmd sta string$1+1 jsr strcpy edialx rts ;Configure Colors f1str .byte "F1 - Background",0 f2str .byte "F2 - Border",0 f3str .byte "F3 - Online",0 f4str .byte "F4 - Highlight",0 f5str .byte "F5 - Offline",0 cr2quit .byte 13,"Press RETURN to quit",0 cfgcolors jsr setcolors clc ldx #5 ldy #0 jsr plot ldx #<f1str ldy #>f1str jsr println ldx #<f2str ldy #>f2str jsr println lda online ;set current color to online sta color ldx #<f3str ldy #>f3str jsr println lda hilite sta color ldx #<f4str ldy #>f4str jsr println lda offline sta color ldx #<f5str ldy #>f5str jsr println lda hilite sta color ldx #<cr2quit ldy #>cr2quit jsr println lda offline sta color jsr kbwait cmp #13 ;return? bne chkf1 rts ;exit chkf1 cmp #f1 bne chkf2 ldx #<background ldy #>background bcs cfgcolr1 chkf2 cmp #f2 bne chkf3 ldx #<border ldy #>border bcs cfgcolr1 chkf3 cmp #f3 bne chkf4 ldx #<online ldy #>online bcs cfgcolr1 chkf4 cmp #f4 bne chkf5 ldx #<hilite ldy #>hilite bcs cfgcolr1 chkf5 cmp #f5 bne badfkey ldx #<offline ldy #>offline bcs cfgcolr1 badfkey jsr buzz jmp cfgcolors cfgcolr1 stx ptr1 sty ptr1+1 ldy #0 clc lda (ptr1),y adc #1 and #15 ;must be 15 or less sta (ptr1),y jmp cfgcolors ;Load Parameter File cfgload jsr pfprmpt ;prompt for file name jsr lpf beq cfgloadx ;load failed? jsr setcolors ;good load - set new colors lda #5 ;and re-open modem jsr openmodem cfgloadx rts ;Save Parameter File cfgsave jsr pfprmpt jsr spf rts ;Prompt for parameter file name ;Returns: ; X,Y = Filename string address (buf) pfpmsg .byte "Enter parameter file name",13 .byte "(RETURN=default): ",0 pfpkt .byte PP$GONG|PP$EOS .byte 10,0 .word pfpmsg pfprmpt lda hilite ldx #<pfpkt ;prompt string ldy #>pfpkt jsr printpkt lda #0 ;insure a null sta buf lda #20 ;max name length jsr gets ;get string ldx #<buf ldy #>buf rts ;Set colors per configuration data .def setcolors setcolors lda border sta 53280 lda background sta 53281 lda offline sta color jsr bufspcol ;set buffer sprite color rts SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'diskutil.a' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'diskutil.a'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'diskutil.a' ;MRTERM Disk Utilities Package ;Filename: diskutil.a ;History: ; 08/22/86 - 2.4 - use printpkt ; 08/28/86 - 2.5 - added printer option .nlst #include "mem.i" #include "kernal.i" #include "char.i" #include "printpkt.i" #include "mrterm.i" .list .ref itoa,imath$val .ref center,crwait .ref ckdisk,fclose .ref clsptr .ref disk$dvc,disk$cmd,disk$status,fil$num .ref disk$blks,disk$fnam,disk$ftyp .ref eraseeos .ref errmsg .ref gdk$ccf .ref getdir .ref gets .ref hilite .ref kbwait .ref menu,menu$title,menu$list .ref offline,online .ref open$dir .ref openmodem .ref opnptr .ref print,println,printpkt .ref prtchr .ref scratch .ref scrndmp .ref strcat,strcpy,strlen,string$1,string$2 .ref tabstr cmdbuf .bss 60 ;command string buffer filcnt .byte 0 dfn .byte 0 ;disk file number disktitle .byte "Disk/File Utilities",0 bkscmd .byte "Blocks Free",0 dircmd .byte "Directory",0 execmd .byte "Execute Disk Commands",0 fmtcmd .byte "Format Disk (new ID)",0 initcmd .byte "Initialize Disk (same ID)",0 quitcmd .byte "Quit",0 rnmcmd .byte "Rename File",0 scrcmd .byte "Scratch File(s)",0 disklist .word quitcmd .word bkscmd .word dircmd .word execmd .word fmtcmd .word initcmd .word rnmcmd .word scrcmd null ;dual-purpose: end of list, null bytes .word 0 ; diskvect .word diskutilx .word bkfree .word lstdir .word dsend .word fmtdsk .word indisk .word rename .word scrfil ; diskjmp jmp $ffff .def diskutil diskutil lda #mdmfn ;close the modem jsr close diskutil1 lda #<disktitle sta menu$title lda #>disktitle sta menu$title+1 lda #<disklist sta menu$list lda #>disklist sta menu$list+1 jsr menu cmp #0 ;quit? beq diskutilx clc rol A ;command index * 2 pha ;save adjusted index tax lda diskvect,x sta diskjmp+1 lda diskvect+1,x sta diskjmp+2 lda #clrscrn ;clear screen jsr chrout pla ;print title tay lda disklist,y tax lda disklist+1,y tay jsr center lda #13 jsr chrout jsr diskjmp ;call routine jmp diskutil1 ;keep looping diskutilx ;exit lda #mdmfn ;re-open modem jsr openmodem rts ; ;Display Blocks Free ;This is actually a cheap imitation ;of the directory command. bkname .byte "$",0 ;invalid name bkfree ldx #<bkname ldy #>bkname jmp lstdir0 ;Warn user that he is about to destroy ;the data on a diskette. warnmsg .byte "Insert the diskette to be formatted or",13 .byte "initialized. All data on the diskette",13 .byte "will be lost",13,13 .byte "Enter 'y' to continue, 'n' to abort: ",0 warnpkt .byte PP$EOS|PP$BELL|PP$WAIT .byte 3,0 .word warnmsg warn lda hilite ldx #<warnpkt ldy #>warnpkt jsr printpkt cmp #'y beq warnx cmp #'n bne warn warnx rts fmtdcmd .byte "n0:",0 fmtflg .byte 0 namemsg .byte "Disk name (16): ",0 namepkt .byte PP$BELL .byte 10,0 .word namemsg idmsg .byte "Disk ID (2): ",0 idpkt .byte PP$BELL .byte 11,0 .word idmsg ;Format a disk fmtdsk lda #1 ;format mode (not initialize) sta fmtflg fmtdsk0 ldx #2 jsr eraseeos ldx #<fmtdcmd ldy #>fmtdcmd jsr setcmd jsr warn cmp #'y beq fmtdsk1 jmp fmtx fmtdsk1 lda hilite ldx #<namepkt ldy #>namepkt jsr printpkt lda #16 jsr gets lda buf beq fmtdsk0 lda #<buf ;add name to command sta string$2 lda #>buf sta string$2+1 lda #<cmdbuf sta string$1 lda #>cmdbuf sta string$1+1 jsr strcat lda fmtflg beq fmtdsk2 lda hilite ldx #<idpkt ldy #>idpkt jsr printpkt lda #2 jsr gets lda buf beq fmtdsk0 ;null response lda #', jsr addchr ;add a comma to command lda #<cmdbuf ;append disk id sta string$1 lda #>cmdbuf sta string$1+1 lda #<buf sta string$2 lda #>buf sta string$2+1 jsr strcat fmtdsk2 jsr cmddsk ;send command to disk jsr crwait jmp fmtdsk0 fmtx rts ;Initialize a disk (quick format). indisk lda #0 sta fmtflg jmp fmtdsk0 ; ;List directory ; pors .byte "Printer (p) or Screen (s)? ",0 porspkt .byte PP$BELL|PP$EOS|PP$WAIT .byte 5,0 .word pors ;Get printer or screen mode ;Returns: ; lstmode = 0 => screen ; lstmode = 1 => printer getmode lda #0 sta lstmode lda hilite ldx #<porspkt ldy #>porspkt jsr printpkt cmp #13 beq getmodex cmp #'s beq getmodex cmp #'p bne getmode ;try again inc lstmode jsr opnptr ;open the printer getmodex rts ;Select screen or printer as output device selout jsr clrchn lda lstmode beq seloutx ldx #pfn jsr chkout seloutx rts lstmsg .byte "STOP to quit, any other key for more",0 lstmode .byte 0 enddir .byte 0 ;1 => end of directory lstdir jsr getmode lda #clrscrn ;clear the screen jsr chrout ldx #<null ;null specification ldy #>null lstdir0 jsr open$dir sta dfn ;save file number cmp #0 ;open? bne lstdir01 ;no jmp lstdirx1 lstdir01 ldy #0 sty enddir tax jsr chkin jsr getin ;discard load address bytes jsr getin lda #0 sta filcnt ;initialize file count lstdir1 lda enddir ;end of directory? beq lstdir10 jmp lstdirx lstdir10 ldx dfn jsr chkin jsr getin ;discard link address jsr getin jsr getdir ;get directory entry beq lstdir11 ;end of directory? inc enddir lstdir11 jsr fmtdir ;format directory entry lstdir3 inc filcnt ;count files printed lda lstmode bne lstdir4 lda filcnt cmp #23 bne lstdir1 lda #13 jsr chrout ldx #<lstmsg ldy #>lstmsg jsr errmsg ;wait for key cmp #$03 ;STOP key? beq lstdirx jsr scrndmp ;test for screen dump lda #clrscrn ;clear screen jsr chrout lda #0 sta filcnt lstdir4 jsr clrchn jmp lstdir1 lstdirx jsr clrchn lda lstmode beq lstdirx0 jsr clsptr jmp lstdirx1 lstdirx0 lda filcnt ;anything left on screen? beq lstdirx1 jsr crwait ;yes - wait for user to read it lstdirx1 lda dfn ;close directory file jsr fclose rts ;Format and print one directory entry ;or 'blocks free' if enddir != 0. bksmsg .byte " blocks free",0 fmtdir lda disk$blks sta imath$val lda disk$blks+1 sta imath$val+1 ldx #<cmdbuf ldy #>cmdbuf jsr itoa ;convert integer to ascii ldx #<cmdbuf ldy #>cmdbuf lda enddir ;is this 'blocks free'? beq fmtdir0 jsr print ldx #<bksmsg ldy #>bksmsg jsr println jmp fmtdirx ;exit fmtdir0 lda #4 jsr tabstr ;pad with spaces jsr selout ;select output device ldx #<cmdbuf ldy #>cmdbuf jsr print lda #'" jsr chrout ldx #<disk$fnam ldy #>disk$fnam jsr print lda #'" jsr chrout ldx #<disk$fnam ;compute padding ldy #>disk$fnam jsr strlen tay fmtdir1 lda #32 ;output spaces jsr chrout iny cpy #20 bne fmtdir1 ldx #<disk$ftyp ldy #>disk$ftyp jsr println fmtdirx jsr clrchn rts ; ;Send commands to disk ; dsendmsg .byte "Enter disk command or RETURN to quit",0 dsendpkt .byte PP$BELL .byte 12,0 .word dsendmsg dprmpt .byte ">",0 dprpkt .byte PP$EOL|PP$BELL .byte 14,0 .word dprmpt dsend lda hilite ldx #<dsendpkt ldy #>dsendpkt jsr printpkt dsend1 lda hilite ldx #<dprpkt ldy #>dprpkt jsr printpkt lda #58 ;design maximum? jsr gets beq dsendx ;null response? jsr gdk$ccf ;get command channel fn jsr chkout ldx #<buf ldy #>buf jsr println ;print to disk jsr clrchn jsr pdkst jmp dsend1 dsendx rts ;Print disk status dkstpkt .byte PP$EOL .byte 16,0 .word disk$status pdkst jsr ckdisk ;test status lda hilite ldx #<dkstpkt ldy #>dkstpkt jsr printpkt rts ;Send command (in cmdbuf) to disk, ;then display status cmddsk jsr gdk$ccf jsr chkout ldx #<cmdbuf ldy #>cmdbuf jsr println jsr clrchn jsr pdkst rts ;Rename a file rn .byte "r0:",0 newp .byte "NEW filename (16): ",0 newpkt .byte PP$EOS|PP$BELL .byte 12,0 .word newp oldp .byte "OLD filename (16): ",0 oldpkt .byte PP$EOS|PP$BELL .byte 13,0 .word oldp rename ldx #<rn ldy #>rn jsr setcmd ldx #<newpkt ldy #>newpkt jsr getnam beq renamex jsr catbuf lda #'= ;append '=' to command jsr addchr ldx #<oldpkt ldy #>oldpkt jsr getnam beq renamex jsr catbuf jsr cmddsk jsr crwait jmp rename renamex rts ;Get filename ;Called with: ; X,Y = prompt string packet ;Returns: ; ACC = First response character ; BUF = file name getnam lda hilite jsr printpkt lda #16 jsr gets lda buf rts ;Scratch File(s) scrmsg .byte "File(s) to scratch or RETURN to quit:",13,0 scrpkt .byte PP$EOS|PP$BELL .byte 10,0 .word scrmsg scrfil lda hilite ldx #<scrpkt ldy #>scrpkt jsr printpkt lda #55 ; (58 - 's0:') jsr gets lda buf beq scrfilx ldx #<buf ldy #>buf jsr scratch jsr pdkst ;print disk status jsr crwait jmp scrfil scrfilx rts ;Setup disk command string setcmd stx string$2 sty string$2+1 lda #<cmdbuf ;store command part sta string$1 ;of string lda #>cmdbuf sta string$1+1 jsr strcpy rts ;Add a character to the end of the ;command string. ;Called with: ; ACC = character to append addchr pha ;save character to append ldx #<cmdbuf ;append comma ldy #>cmdbuf jsr strlen tax pla ;retrieve character sta cmdbuf,x inx lda #0 sta cmdbuf,x rts ;Catenate the contents of BUF with ;cmdbuf catbuf lda #<cmdbuf sta string$1 lda #>cmdbuf sta string$1+1 lda #<buf sta string$2 lda #>buf sta string$2+1 jsr strcat rts SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check # End of shell archive exit 0 -- | Mark R. Rinfret, SofTech, Inc. | | Guest of UniSecure Systems, Inc., Newport, RI | | UUCP: {gatech|mirror|cbosgd|uiucdcs|ihnp4}!rayssd!unisec!mark | | work: (401)-849-4174 home: (401)-846-7639 |