[comp.sys.cbm] Using secondary device number for languages other than BASIC

rickc@pogo.UUCP (05/27/87)

When I try to reference the printer (Seikoshia SP-1000VC superset of the
Comodore printer) or the plotter (1520) from Super-C or COMAL (other than
standard text) they seam to "see" the <CR> but not the data.  The operations
work from BASIC.  The results are the same from the C64 and C128. 

I would like to draw lines with the plotter an use the advanced features of
the printer.  But, I would not like to program in BASIC. 

The below tests were run twice.  The second time with the printer in hex

Source Code                     ASCII       Hex
------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------
open 7,4,7
open 14,4,14
print#7 "BASIC Test"            BASIC Test  C2 C1 D3 C9 C3 A0 45 53 54 0D
print#14                                    0D
print#7 "BASIC Test"            BASIC Test  C2 C1 D3 C9 C3 A0 45 53 54 0D
print#14 chr$(1)                            01 0D
print#7 "BASIC Test"            BASIC Test  C2 C1 D3 C9 C3 A0 45 53 54 0D

Source Code                     ASCII       Hex
------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------
#include "stdio.h"
void main()
    file text, mode;
    text = open(4, 7, "");
    mode = open(4, 14, "");
    fputs("C test\n", text);    C Test      C3 20 D4 45 53 54 0D
    fputc('\n',mode);                       0D
    fputs("C test\n", text);    C Test      C3 20 D4 45 53 54 0D
    fputc('\1', mode);                      01
    fputc('\n', mode);                      0D
    fputs("C test\n", text);    C Test      C3 20 D4 45 53 54 0D

With BASIC the first line is 10 char/inch draft.  The second line is
12 chars/inch draft.  The third line is 12 char/inch near letter quality.

With C the first line is 10 char/inch draft.  The second and third lines
are 12 chars/inch draft.

All the libraries SHOULD use the same kernal routines.  Can anyone offer any
suggestions?  I do not want to did the the BASIC and C libraries with the C128
monitor.  :-(

thanks in advance
Rick Clements