prindle@NADC.ARPA (09/29/87)
From: prindle@NADC.ARPA (Frank Prindle) As many have by now no doubt detected, a number of the wonderful *fast* file and disk copier modules in Fast Hack'em (3.0A thru 4.1) fail to work with a 1571 disk drive once the new -05 ROM has been installed. Since the company which produced this product is now apparently defunct, there is little hope they will be fixing this problem. I have developed a set of patches which repair the damage and make these modules work again with the -05 ROM (as well as continuing to work with the -03 ROM). Once I get it together, I will post this set of patches, along with a description of why each module stopped working and how the patch corrects this. Familiarity with patching machine language files (using a monitor or sector editor) will be assumed. Hopefully I will finish this posting within a week. In any case, cheer up, you can have your cake (the -05 upgrade and all the bugs it fixes) and eat it too (i.e. use the Fast Hack'em utilities). Sincerely Frank Prindle