prindle@NADC.ARPA (11/03/87)
From: (Frank Prindle) Here is the library routine float1.a with a repair to the function c$cnvfi (convert float to int) which will cause statements such as "i=f;" to work properly where f is float (or double) and i is int. Note that with this implementation, truncation occurs toward negative infinity, not zero. This is permissible by the current K&R C standard, though it will not be by the ANSI C standard, once it is released. Also included, for those who do not have the Rinfret/Zarling C Power assembler, is a uuencoded version of the assembled object file float1.obj. Note that this all applies only to C Power *128*! C Power 64 does not have this problem and this library routine does not apply to C Power 64! Sincerely, Frank Prindle -------------------------------------float1.a--------------------------------- ;-------------------- .def c$fadd .ref c$kernin .ref c$kernout c$fadd lda #$01 jsr c$kernin lda $68 eor $6f sta $70 ldx #$af ldy #$1b jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$fsub c$fsub jsr c$kernin lda $68 eor $6f sta $70 ldx #$af ldy #$15 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$fmul c$fmul lda #$01 jsr c$kernin lda $68 eor $6f sta $70 ldx #$af ldy #$21 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$fdiv c$fdiv lda #$01 jsr c$kernin lda $68 eor $6f sta $70 ldx #$af ldy #$27 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$fneg c$fneg jsr c$kernin ldx #$af ldy #$33 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$fcmp c$fcmp sta $e0 sty $e1 ldy #$04 lab1 lda ($e0),Y sta $0100,Y dey bpl lab1 lda #$00 ldy #$01 jsr c$kernin ldx #$af ldy #$54 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$movmf1 c$movmf1 sta $e0 sty $e1 ldy #$04 lab2 lda ($e0),Y sta $0100,Y dey bpl lab2 lda #$00 ldy #$01 jsr c$kernin lda #$00 ldx #$02 jsr $0135 lda #$00 ldx #$04 jsr $0135 ldx #$af ldy #$60 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$movmf2 c$movmf2 sta $e0 sty $e1 ldy #$04 lab3 lda ($e0),Y sta $0100,Y dey bpl lab3 lda #$00 ldy #$01 jsr c$kernin lda #$00 ldx #$02 jsr $0135 lda #$00 ldx #$04 jsr $0135 ldx #$af ldy #$5a jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$movf1m c$movf1m stx $e0 sty $e1 ldx #$00 ldy #$01 jsr c$kernin lda #$00 ldx #$02 jsr $0135 lda #$00 ldx #$04 jsr $0135 ldx #$af ldy #$66 jsr c$kernout ldy #$04 lab4 lda $0100,Y sta ($e0),Y dey bpl lab4 rts ;-------------------- .def c$cnvfi c$cnvfi ; There is probably a better fix ; but this gets the job done! (FCP) jsr c$kernin ; fix 10/8/87 FCP ldx #$af ; (call BASIC INT) ldy #$2d ; " jsr c$kernout ; " jsr c$kernin ldx #$af ldy #$00 jsr c$kernout ; fix 10/8/87 FCP ldx #$00 ; (move F1 to BNK 1) ldy #$01 ; " jsr c$movf1m ; " lda $0103 ; (put into A, Y) ldy $0104 ; " rts ; " ;-------------------- .def c$cnvfu c$cnvfu jsr c$kernin ldx #$af ldy #$0c jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$cnvif c$cnvif jsr c$kernin ldx #$af ldy #$03 jmp c$kernout ;-------------------- .def c$movf1f2 c$movf1f2 jsr c$kernin ldx #$af ldy #$6c jmp c$kernout -------------------------------------float1.obj--------------------------------- begin 600 float1.obj M*P&I`2```*5H16^%<**OH!M,```@``"E:$5OA7"BKZ`53```J0$@``"E:$5O MA7"BKZ`A3```J0$@``"E:$5OA7"BKZ`G3```(```HJ^@,TP``(7@A.&@!+'@ MF0`!B!#XJ0"@`2```**OH%1,``"%X(3AH`2QX)D``8@0^*D`H`$@``"I`*(" M(#4!J0"B!"`U`:*OH&!,``"%X(3AH`2QX)D``8@0^*D`H`$@``"I`*("(#4! MJ0"B!"`U`:*OH%I,``"&X(3AH@"@`2```*D`H@(@-0&I`*($(#4!HJ^@9B`` M`*`$N0`!D>"($/A@(```HJ^@+2```"```**OH``@``"B`*`!(,``K0,!K`0! M8"```**OH`Q,```@``"BKZ`#3```(```HJ^@;$P```$``P$-"@!#)$9!1$0` M`0``0R1&4U5"``$2`$,D1DU53``!(@!#)$9$258``30`0R1&3D5'``%&`$,D M1D--4``!4`!#)$U/5DU&,0`!;`!#)$U/5DU&,@`!E@!#)$U/5D8Q30`!P`!# M)$-.5D9)``'K`$,D0TY61E4``0T*`4,D0TY6248``1<!0R1-3U9&,48R``$A M`1P`0R1+15).24X````"`$,D2T523D]55`````\`0R1+15).24X````2`$,D M2T523D]55````!\`0R1+15).24X````D`$,D2T523D]55````#$`0R1+15). M24X````V`$,D2T523D]55````$,`0R1+15).24X```!&`$,D2T523D]55``` M`$T`0R1+15).24X```!B`$,D2T523D]55````&D`0R1+15).24X```!^`$,D M2T523D]55````),`0R1+15).24X```"H`$,D2T523D]55````+T`0R1+15). M24X```#(`$,D2T523D]55````-T`0R1+15).24X```#K`$,D2T523D]55``` M`/(`0R1+15).24X```#U`$,D2T523D]55````/P`0R1+15).24X````-"@%# M)$M%4DY/550````4`4,D2T523DE.````%P%#)$M%4DY/550````>`4,D2T52 83DE.````(0%#)$M%4DY/550````H`0`` ` end