[comp.sys.cbm] C128 RAM Configurations

Brendan@cup.portal.com (04/16/88)

 I'm working on a program, and would like to hear, first, if anyone's ever
used the configuration that I'm gonna describe, and, if they have, if there
have been any probems with it or any special handling I should do...

 POKE48,8:CLR ..this is to set the beginning of variables to $800
 POKE58,64:CLR ..this is to set the end of variables to $4000, so I can use
                  that memory for a good-sized buffer..
 LDA $D506:ORA #$0A:STA $D506 .this is to set $0000-$1000 at the bottom of
      variable storage as common memory...

 As far as I can tell, it should work properly..I'm generally going to be
working in 40-column screen memory ($400-$7FF), because I want to set certain
variables for locations within it, so I can modify them much more easily...the
only way possible, that I saw, to set up to $7FF as reserved common memory
was through the above...any and ALL suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
