[comp.sys.cbm] Epson for sale

backstro@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (05/29/88)

Anybody out there interested in buying a Epson RX80 printer?  It's in good
shape.  Asking $150 or best resonable offer.  Commodore interface included.

If interested...   Send mail to...

 | James Colyer | #define LIFE  42 | AMIGA!  //// |  Running his 1 Meg Amiga  |
 |---------------------------------|        ////  |   1000 from a Lobby (!)   |
 | ARPA: backstro@silver.bacs.     |       ////   |---------------------------|
 |       indiana.edu               | \\\\ ////    | "There is no dark side on |
 | USSnail: 4755 N. Kinser Pike,   |  \\\X///     |  the moon, really. Matter |
 |          Bloomington, IN, 47401 |   \XXX/      |  of fact it's all dark."  |
 | The opinions expressed are those of a sick and deranged maniac.  Poor sod. |