[comp.sys.cbm] South Central Commodore Show

drw@pollux.UUCP (David Russell Wood) (06/10/88)

          InfoMart, Dallas, Texas
               JUNE 11, 1988
 EXHIBITS - underground level, 9am.- 5pm.
 WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS, 10:00am.- 4:00pm.
     room      program
     6044 Modula II programming (Amiga)
     6044 Power Tools programming (Amiga)
     3021 Public Domain overview (64 & 128)
     Aud. Commodore Welcome and Announcement
     Aud. Laser Printing & Production (Amiga)
     Aud. Word Perfect for the Amiga
     Aud. Excellence! (new) (Amiga)
     3021 Make an 80col. cable for your C-128
     6044 Video Digitizing (Commodore/NewTek)
     3021 CP/M & Wordstar (C-128)
     6044 3-D in real stereo (new) (Amiga)
     6044 Render-3D (new) (Amiga)
     3021 Hooking up to USENET (Amiga)
     6044 Real artists at work (Amiga)
 NO admission charge to individuals!
     Local sponsor is SCOPE, supporting users
     of every Commodore computer from the KIM
     and Personal Electronic Transactor to the
     newest Amiga since March,1978.  We have
     been assisted by the Mid-Cities Commodore
     Club and supported by groups in 4 states.
 Commodore CONTEST announcement !
     Commodore is sponsoring a contest to
     reward user groups and their members.
     Credits and travel prizes will be awarded
     for helping sales of Amiga 500s & 2000s.
     The contest will be open to user group
     members only. Details will be announced
     at the show!
    INFOMART is located on Highway I35E, south
    of Texas Stadium and just north of
    highways I20 and I30 at the Oak Lawn exit.
    Available facilities at INFOMART include
    cafeteria, bar, library, bookstore. There
    is capacity for up to 10,000 attendees.
 HOTEL- Quality Inn, 2015 Market Center Blvd.
    214/741-7481, call direct for good rate.
 SHOW INFORMATION- 214/871-0625 (24 hour)
             S..... Society of
             SC.... Computer
             SCO... Owners and
             SCOP.. P.E.T.
             SCOPE. Enthusiasts