[comp.sys.cbm] Netnews interface

ejnihill@sactoh0.UUCP (Eric J. Nihill) (09/22/88)

 Has anyone found or heard of a program that will allow users of
Commodore 128's to send and receive E-Mail and Netnews from an
UUCP netnews site.I have noticed that more and more Commodore
BBS's are going to IBM's so that they can get E-Mail and news
feeds. The interface would not have to be complex (hopefully) and
should be easy enough to install. The program would have to be
able to trick the UUCP site into thinking the the Commodore was
running UNIX and be able to send the correct replys to the host. If
any one knows of such a PD program, please let me know.
  Our site has sent in the map entry, but it has not yet been
posted, so send your E-Mail response to:


  In advance, thank you for your time and help;
P.S. I do not normally get access to this fine newsgroup, so please
respond via E-Mail. Again, Thanks
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