[comp.sys.cbm] Disk speed-ups & Power C

don@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Donald R Lloyd) (01/09/89)

      Well, as far as disk speed-enhancers go, the one I'd go with is JiffyDos. It's not quite as fast as Rapidos Pro or Dolphin Dos, but it's got a lot of     advantages going for it that the others (to my knowledge) don't have.
       For one thing, it's the only one that works with dissimilar drives
(i.e. if you have a 1541, 71, and 81 like I do, you can install it in all 3, butwith Rapidos, Dolphin Dos, etc, if you have multiple drives they'd better all be the same model or it won't work with them.
      Also, Jiffydos adds no extra cables, doesn't take up any ports, and fixes the bugs in 1571's.  I think it costs something like 54.95 for the 64 version   for 1 drive, 69.95 for the 128 (both modes) version w/1 drive, and 24.95 for    each extra drive.  It speeds up loading (of prg files) by 15x, and accelerates
everything else from 4x to 10 or 11x (I forget the exact statistics).
     As soon as I scrounge up the money for the nx-1000 I'll be buying soon, 
I'll have to start saving a little for JiffyDos.....
     Oh, I almost forgot...it's got a 30-day money back guarantee that it will 
work with ALL software......

     C Power and Power C ARE the same thing.  Originally, 64 & 128 versions of  it were sold separately as C Power, and were later packaged together as Power C.I bought Power C at World of Commodore in Philly a few months ago but haven't 
gotten much use out of it yet (mainly due to the fact that I still haven't      learned C!) but it looks like a good compiler.  I'm interested in any info any- body can give me about it.

     As soon as I get my 128 back (it kinda died...) I'll start my self-taught
C lessons (at least, until the beginning of next semester....then I've got      either C or Modula-2 (I forget which) in Comp Sci.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Disclaimer:
      My employers wouldn't know what the hell I'm talking about even if it
	 was any of their business!!