[comp.sys.cbm] help me, and free magazines

henning@agnes.uucp (Mark D. Henning) (05/20/89)

Hi,  I have two orders of business.

1:  HELP.  does anyone have the documentation to the "Supercalc"
public domain spreadsheet for the amiga (a port of the usenet version)
Please mail them or where I can FTP them.

2:  I have four transactor magazines that I want to get rid of.  You
can have them for the postage to get them to you.  They are recent
issues.  I recently traded my 128 for an amiga 1000, and since
transactor has a seperate amiga magazine after point N, my
subscription transfered over, but I had 4 magazines without amiga


All opinions are my own, as are the spellings
any deviation from the norm is just an effect
of my deviance.