[comp.sys.cbm] ymodem source - 64

brendan@gryphon.COM (Brendan Kehoe) (07/16/89)

 Following is the ymodem source I mentioned earlier. It's in Lads
format, but all you have to do is strip off the leading line #'s and
change the .opt stuff here and there, and you can form it to most of
the assemblers out there..
 I hold no guarantee with this...I just found it on a bbs one day and grabbed

--- cut here ---
1000 ; ymodem protocol source
1010 ; by the voyager   finally done on 1/17/88
1020 ; i was too lazy to include more comments.
1030 ; it was impossible to add a buffer
1040 ; window to this - the blocks are
1050 ; 1024 bytes long, bigger than the
1060 ; screen!  this should be a seq file
1070 ; for commodore macro assembler, and a
1080 ; prg file for lads or symass.
1090 ;
1100 .opt nolist
1110 ;
1120 * = $c000   ;you can change this..
1130 ;
1140 mem = $c400 ;..and this to whatever you want
1150 header = mem+$0400
1160 crc = $61
1170 memory = $63
1180 sizcount = $65
1190 calcrc = $69
1200 crclen = $6b
1210 endfile = $6d
1220 st = $90
1230 blknum = $b0
1240 badblk = $b2
1250 setup = $ef7e
1260 chrout = $ffd2
1270 settim = $ffdb
1280 chrin = $ffcf
1290 getin = $ffe4
1300 chkin = $ffc6
1310 chkout = $ffc9
1320 restor = $ffcc
1330 close = $ffc3
1350 ;
1360         jmp xmit
1370         jmp recv
1380 data    .byt 0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,10,0
1390 ;
1400 ; data+0 : timer1
1410 ;      1 : timer2
1420 ;      2 : last block good or bad
1430 filend = data+3
1440 ;      4 : abort code return
1450 ;      5 : first blockprint
1460 ;      6 : signal being sent
1470 sigtry = data+7
1480 blktry = data+8
1490 ;      9 : # of 128-byte blocks
1500 ;
1510 ; abort code returns:
1520 ;
1530 ; 0 : eot received/acknowledged
1540 ; 1 : ^x received
1550 ; 2 : c= pressed
1560 ; 3 : timeout
1570 ; 4 : more than 10 tries a block
1580 ; 5 : lost synchronization
1590 ;
1600 blkset  inc blknum
1610         bne noinc
1620         inc blknum+1
1630 noinc   lda blknum
1640         sta header+1
1650         eor #255
1660         sta header+2
1670         ldx data+9
1680         bne shorter
1690         ldx #02
1700         jsr chkin
1710         lda #00
1720         sta sizcount
1730         sta sizcount+1
1740         lda #<mem
1750         sta memory
1760         lda #>mem
1770         sta memory+1
1780         ldy #00
1790 getblk  ldx filend
1800         beq padblk
1810 getonce jsr chrin
1820         .byt $2c
1830 padblk  lda #00
1840         sta (memory),y
1850         ldx filend
1860         beq notend
1870         lda st
1880         beq notend
1890         lda sizcount
1900         sta endfile
1910         lda sizcount+1
1920         sta endfile+1
1930 ended   ldx #00
1940         stx filend
1950 notend  iny
1960         bne incr
1970         inc memory+1
1980 incr    inc sizcount
1990         bne getblk
2000         inc sizcount+1
2010 incr2   lda sizcount+1
2020         cmp #04
2030         bne getblk
2040         ldx filend
2050         bne noshort
2060         lda endfile+1
2070         asl a
2080         sta data+9
2090         lda endfile
2100         and #$80
2110         rol a
2120         adc data+9
2130         tay
2140         iny
2150         iny
2160         sty data+9
2170         cpy #08
2180         bcc carry
2190 noshort lda #<mem
2200         sta memory
2210         lda #>mem
2220         sta memory+1
2230         lda #00
2240         sta data+9
2250         lda #02
2260         sta header
2270         jmp short2
2280 shorter clc
2290         lda memory
2300         adc #$80
2310         sta memory
2320         bcc carry
2330         inc memory+1
2340         clc
2350         jmp carry2
2360 carry   lda #>mem
2370         sta memory+1
2380 carry2  lda #128
2390         sta sizcount
2400         lda #00
2410         sta sizcount+1
2420         lda #01
2430         sta header
2440         dec data+9
2450 short2  ldx #01
2460         jsr savstk
2470         sty header+3
2480         stx header+4
2490         jmp setup
2500 signal  ldx #06
2510 signal2 stx sigtry
2520         sta data+6
2530 codsen  jsr timer
2540         ldx #05
2550         jsr chkout
2560         lda data+6
2570         beq wait
2580         jsr chrout
2590 wait    ldx 653
2600         cpx #02
2610         bne table
2620         cpx #00
2630         rts
2640 table   jsr getchr
2650         cpx #00
2660         beq return
2670         inc data
2680         bne wait
2690         inc data+1
2700         bne wait
2710         dec sigtry
2720         bne codsen
2730         ldx #03
2740 return  rts
2750 getchr  sty $57
2760         lda 667
2770         cmp 668
2780         beq get1
2790         ldy 668
2800         lda ($f7),y
2810         inc 668
2820         ldx #00
2830         jmp get2
2840 get1    ldx #02
2850         lda #00
2860 get2    ldy $57
2870         rts
2880 init    ldy #00
2890         sty blknum
2900         sty blknum+1
2910         sty badblk
2920         sty badblk+1
2930         sty data+2
2940         rts
2950 xmit    jsr init
2960         sty data+9
2970         iny
2980         sty filend
2990         sty data+5
3000         jsr setup
3010         jmp code
3020 ack     lda #10
3030         sta blktry
3040         lda filend
3050         bne next
3060         lda data+9
3070         bne next
3080         jmp eot
3090 next    jsr blkset
3100 nak     ldx #05
3110         jsr chkout
3120 send0   ldy #00
3130 send4   lda header,y
3140         jsr chrout
3150         iny
3160         cpy #03
3170         bne send4
3180         ldx #00
3190         jsr savstk
3200         lda header+3
3210         jsr chrout
3220         lda header+4
3230         jsr chrout
3240         ldx 667
3250         stx 668
3260 code    lda #00
3270         ldx #10
3280         jsr signal2
3290         beq nope0
3300         cpx #03
3310         beq send0
3320         txa
3330         jmp exit
3340 nope0   cmp #$06
3350         bne nope1
3360         jsr restor
3370         lda #'-'
3380         jsr chrout
3390         jmp ack
3400 nope1   cmp #$15
3410         bne nope2
3420 nak0    jsr restor
3430         lda #':'
3440         jsr chrout
3450         dec blktry
3460         bne nak
3470         lda #04
3480         jmp exit
3490 nope2   cmp #'c'
3500         bne nope3
3510         lda data+5
3520         beq code
3530         jmp ack
3540 nope3   cmp #$18
3550         bne code
3560 can     lda #01
3570         .byt $2c
3580 timout  lda #03
3590         .byt $2c
3600 end     lda #00
3610 exit    sta data+4
3620         beq exit2
3630         ldx #05
3640         jsr chkout
3650         lda #$18
3660         jsr chrout
3670         jsr chrout
3680         jsr chrout
3690 exit2   lda #02
3700         jsr close
3710         jmp restor
3720 timer   lda #00
3730         sta data
3740         sta data+1
3750         rts
3760 eot     lda #04
3770         jsr signal
3780         bne timout
3790         cmp #06
3800         bne timout
3810         jmp end
3820 recv    jsr setup
3830         jsr init
3840         lda 667
3850         sta 668
3860         lda #'c'
3870         .byt $2c
3880 nak1    lda #$15
3890         .byt $2c
3900 ack1    lda #$06
3910 over4   sta data+6
3920 over3   lda data+6
3930 over1   jsr signal
3940         beq over2
3950         txa
3960         jmp exit
3970 over2   cmp #$02
3980         beq start
3990         cmp #$01
4000         beq lessblk
4010         cmp #$18
4020         beq can
4030         cmp #$04
4040         bne over3
4050 chr4    lda #06
4060         jsr chrout
4070         jsr chrout
4080         jsr chrout
4090         jmp end
4100 start   ldx #00
4110         stx sizcount
4120         ldx #04
4130         jmp chr3
4140 lessblk ldx #128
4150         stx sizcount
4160         ldx #00
4170 chr3    stx sizcount+1
4180         sta header
4190         lda #<mem
4200         sta memory
4210         lda #>mem
4220         sta memory+1
4230         ldx #02
4240         jsr savstk
4250         ldy #01
4260 waits   lda #00
4270         ldx #02
4280         jsr signal2
4290         beq wait3
4300         cpx #03
4310         beq nak1
4320         txa
4330         jmp exit
4340 wait3   cpy #03
4350         beq block
4360         bcs recsum
4370         sta header,y
4380         iny
4390         jmp waits
4400 block   dec sizcount
4410         ldx sizcount
4420         cpx #$ff
4430         bne block0
4440         dec sizcount+1
4450         bmi block1
4460 block0  ldy #00
4470         sta (memory),y
4480         ldy #03
4490         inc memory
4500         bne waits
4510         inc memory+1
4520         jmp waits
4530 block1  iny
4540 recsum  sta header-1,y
4550         iny
4560         cpy #06
4570         bne waits
4580         ldy #03
4590 restk   lda calcrc,y
4600         sta memory,y
4610         dey
4620         bpl restk
4630         jsr bufclr
4640         lda header+1
4650         cmp blknum
4660         bne test2
4670         ldx data+2
4680         bmi sync
4690         jmp ack1
4700 test2   inc blknum
4710         bne noinc1
4720         inc blknum+1
4730 noinc1  cmp blknum
4740         beq sync
4750         lda #05
4760         jmp exit
4770 sync    eor #$ff
4780         cmp header+2
4790         bne nak2
4800         ldx #01
4810         jsr savstk
4820         cpy header+3
4830         bne nak2
4840         cpx header+4
4850         beq good
4860 nak2    jsr restor
4870         lda #':'
4880         jsr chrout
4890         lda #$ff
4900         sta data+2
4910         jmp nak1
4920 good    jsr restor
4930         lda #'-'
4940         jsr chrout
4950         lda #00
4960         sta data+2
4970         ldx #02
4980         jsr chkout
4990 disk    ldx #00
5000         jsr savstk
5010         jsr setup
5020         jmp ack1
5030 bufclr  jsr setup
5040         lda $02a1
5050         and #02
5060         cmp #02
5070         beq bufclr
5080         ldx 667
5090         stx 668
5100         rts
5110 savstk  ldy #03
5120 savstk1 lda memory,y
5130         sta calcrc,y
5140         dey
5150         bpl savstk1
5160         cpx #02
5170         beq savstk2
5180         cpx #00
5190         beq sav2
5200         jsr cksum
5210         ldx crc
5220         ldy crc+1
5230 savstk2 rts
5240 sav2    jmp send
5250 ;crc.m65 - written for mac/65
5260 ;          by ralph walden
5270 ;this takes a variable size block
5280 ;and calculates the crc and
5290 ;returns with the value in
5300 ;crc.
5310 ;
5320 cksum   lda #00 ;zero crc
5330         sta crc 
5340         sta crc+1 
5350         tay
5360 mainlp  dec crclen
5370         lda crclen
5380         cmp #$ff
5390         bne loop3
5400         dec crclen+1
5410         bmi end2
5420 loop3   lda crc+1
5430         eor (calcrc),y
5440         sta crc+1
5450         iny
5460         bne loop4
5470         inc calcrc+1
5480 loop4   ldx #08
5490 loop2   lda crc+1
5500         bpl shft
5510         lda crc
5520         asl a
5530         eor #<$1021
5540         sta crc
5550         lda crc+1
5560         rol a
5570         eor #>$1021
5580         sta crc+1
5590 check2  dex
5600         bne loop2
5610         beq mainlp
5620 shft    asl crc
5630         rol crc+1
5640         jmp check2
5650 end2    rts
5660 send    ldy #00
5670 send1   dec crclen
5680         lda crclen
5690         cmp #$ff
5700         bne send2
5710         dec crclen+1
5720         bmi send3
5730 send2   lda (calcrc),y
5740         jsr chrout
5750         inc calcrc
5760         bne send1
5770         inc calcrc+1
5780         jmp send1
5790 send3   rts
5800 .opt list
5810 .end
--- cut here ---

Brendan Kehoe
brendan@gryphon.com |  "Oh No! I forgot to say goodbye to my mind!"
Just for the summer |                                  - Abby Normal