[comp.sys.cbm] Memory Expansion for C=64

scott@max.acs.washington.edu (08/25/89)

Has anyone try to build that project that expands the
internal memory of the C=64 to 256K? This project was
published in volume 9, issue 2 of TRANSACTOR magazine,
a bi-monthly publication. At the moment I am thinking
of building this project, since according to the
author, can be used with GEOS 1.3 as a ramdisk.
I would like to hear some comments about this project
like some tips in building this project, where to find
the best price for the chips, and its usefulness.
By the way, there was another memory expansion project
published again in Transactor that expands the C=64
memory capacity to ONE MEGABYTES! This project was
published in two parts. The first part, volume 9,
issue 5 (June of this year), showed how to expand the
1764 REU to 512k. The second part, volume 9, issue 6
(August of this year), showed how to expand the internal
memory of the C64 to 512k that can be used along with
the 1764 512k REU, making a grand total of 1 Meg.
256K is enough for me......  :)
Thanks in advance,
Scott K. Stephen