[comp.sys.cbm] Quick Summary of C-64/128 Terminal Emulators

kentsu@microsoft.UUCP (Kent Sullivan) (09/12/89)

I thought a quick summary of the terminal emulators I know of for the C-64/128
and the experiences I have had with them might be useful, based on a couple of
recent articles and some mail I have received:

Bobsterm Pro 128 v2.3          Bob Lentini 

For C-128 mode.  VT-100 emulation with some VT-102 features, if special setup
is done.  Several known bugs, and some limitations (no VT-52 mode, double
high/wide, soft scroll, 132 columns, or scrolling regions).  Also has
VT-52 and ADM-31 emulations, but I have not tested them.  Supports 2400 bps. 
Commercial.  Available from:
   Progressive Peripherals and Software
   464 Kalamath St.
   Denver, CO 80204

Note:  Ray Moody and I have fiddled with the settings for Bobsterm and have
come up with some hacks to make it more usable on Unix systems which support
the "termcap" terminal library.  Send me mail if interested.  I also have
available a summary of the bugs that we were able to document.

DesTerm 128 v1.02             Matt Desmond

For C-128 mode.  VT-100 emulation with some VT-102 features.  Supports the
VT-52 mode of the VT-100.  No known emulation bugs, but some limitations (no
double high/wide, soft scroll, 132 columns, etc.).  Supports 2400, 4800, &
9600 bps.  Shareware.  Available on most major networks or from the author:
   Matthew Desmond
   265 Beechlawn Dr.
   Waterloo, Ontario N2L 5W8
Registration fee: $25.

Emulator.100                  Louis Leff

For C-64 mode.  Supports 80 columns through hi-res graphics.  VT-100 emulation
with some VT-102 features.  Appears to have some bugs but overall works pretty
well.  Does support double high/wide, but not 132 columns or soft scroll.
Supports 300 & 1200 bps, but loses characters when scrolling rapidly at
1200 bps.  Commercial.  Available from:
   Allegheny Softworks
   P.O. Box 7103
   Pittsburgh, PA 15213

C-64/128 Kermit v2.2          Ray Moody

Can both do 80 columns on a C-64 (hi-res graphics or BI-80 card) and a C-128
(but still running in C-64 mode).  VT-100 emulation, with some VT-102 features
and support for the VT-52 mode of the VT-100.  No known emulation bugs, but
some limitations (no double high/wide, 132 columns, soft scroll, etc.).
Supports 2400 bps when using the C-128 screen driver only.  Public domain.
Available on most major networks, including anonymous FTP from
maxwell.physics.purdue.edu (directory: pub/c64kermit).

VT-100/128 v2.1               Fred Bowen   

For C-128 mode.  VT-100 emulation with some VT-102 features.  No known
emulation bugs, but some limitations (no VT-52 mode, double high/wide, soft
scroll, 132 columns, etc.).  Supports 2400 bps and 4800 bps (somewhat flakey
at 4800).  Commercial, I guess, but available on Quantum Link in the
"Commodore's Headquarters" area, and soon to be on the 1670 modem disk.

Note: this is an updated version of the program.  The first version is in
wide distribution as it has been on the 1670 modem disk.

If anyone has additions to the list, great!  I did not mention many of the 
other great features of the various programs as I wanted to focus mainly
on the emulations.

Hope this is useful,

Kent Sullivan
Microsoft Corporation

The opinions expressed in this article are my own and do not necessarily
represent those of my employer.