[comp.sys.cbm] Would someone please post Desterm?

bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Brian Scott Kendig) (10/20/89)

I have finally attributed my inability to get my uuencoded copy of
DesTerm 128 to work to the possibility that the file may have been
garbled when it came over the network.

Would someone please repost the DesTerm128.sda file that came over
this newsgroup a month or two ago?  I'd reallyReallyREALLY like a copy
of it...

And, while I think of it: Is the copy of c64kermit that's sitting in
maxwell.physics.purdue.edu the most recent version?

Thank you!
     << Brian >>
| Brian S. Kendig       |  I feel more like I   | bskendig                   |
| Computer Engineering  |  did when I got here  | @phoenix.Princeton.EDU     |
| Princeton University  |       than I do now.  | @PUCC.BITNET               |
| Systems Engineering, NASA Space Station Freedom / General Electric WP3     |