Is there a program for the C64 that can convert a single page of geoWrite file to a geoPaint file? I am in need of this program because I would like to transfer some of the documents written in geoWrite on the C64 to the Machintosh and printout the document on the laser-printer that is hooked to the Mac. Since there is no "geoWrite to macWrite" converter, the only way I can go about in getting the document printed out in the laser printer is by first converting the geoWrite file to a geoPaint file (page by page) then to macPaint file (through Mac-Attack prg) and then transfer it via modem to the Mac for printout. A nice scheme.....if it works now I can do some of the work at home using my faithful C64.......try to do that with an IBM :) Thanks in advance, Scott
anderson@ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM (Joel Peter Anderson) (10/24/89)
Scott asks: Is there a program for the C64 that can convert a single page of geoWrite file to a geoPaint file? And - of course - the answer is yes... but I won't be posting it to the net - it is from Berkeley, and is available in the Geos 2.0 package (upgrade is still only $29.95, I believe). Besides the proprietary reasons for not posting commercial software to the net, there is a practical consideration - this program has to be 'installed' according to the print driver you regularly use. The directions are not hard to follow - but setting it up IS non-trivial. This program is handy, for example if you use a 60 DPI printer like I do, since the text only show up in the portion of the GeoPaint image that will show on the paper. There are actually two 'special' print drivers (and they don't really have anything to do with GeoWrite, they replace ANY use of a printer driver with a P.D. that creates a paint image). 1) Print Pages, that creates multiple pages (called 'page 1', 'page 2', etc...) for multiple page printing; and 2) Print Overlay, which allows you to overlay two pages on the same graphic (I have seen different examples of effects this allows; a simple example is two column flow for a newsletter). Scott's suggestion is exactly what I have done with this - produce graphic images from text files -> move them to MacPaint format -> kermit them into work -> print them for a presentation on a Laser Printer! Joel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We know only the strong will survive, But the meek will inherit. So if you've got a coat of arms, oh friend, I suggest we wear it." John Mellencamp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- anderson@c10sd3.StPaul.NCR.COM |UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!jpa Joel Peter Anderson |ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51! NCR Comten / Software engineer |INET: QLINK: JPA -------------------------------------------------------------------------