[comp.sys.cbm] Forth in Geos! part 2 of 3

anderson@ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM (Joel Peter Anderson) (10/25/89)

This is part one (of two) of the GeosForth documentation.

	Since I have un-geosized this document, you will not see the bold
used to highlight some words.  If you follow the syntax description
provided in the text, and are familiar with Forth usage, this should be
no problem.  If you do have difficulty I would suggest (recommend,
encourage) you consult a Forth manual such as 'Starting Forth'.

	The second thing (or the first, depending on how you look at it)
you MUST get is the Geos Programmers Reference - using that and a few
hours of effort I have managed to already make a 'scribble' graphic
program.  My next step? 'GeoDraw', an object oriented drawing tool!


-------------------CUT HERE-------------------

  geosFORTH V1.0 (c) 1989 Nicholas J. Vrtis

  This version of FORTH for GEOS has been adapted from the figFORTH
  release-1 6502 definition by:

  Nicholas J. Vrtis
  5863 Pinetree S.E.
  Kentwood, MI 49508

  The original definition was created and supplied by:

  Forth Interest Group
  P.O. Box 1105
  San Carlos, CA 94070
  GEOS is a copyright of Berkely Softworks.

  This version of geosFORTH is distributed as User Supported software.

  You may freely copy and distribute this software.  The only conditions are
  that you cannot charge more than a nominal copy/handling fee, and you
  must not remove the credits.  If you find the program useful and
  interesting, I would like a $10 support fee, or a disk of your software
  in exchange to the Kentwood address.  I have Forth 79 standard version
  which runs on the native C-64 and includes floating point support and
  an assembler.  If I get enough interest (and support) with this version, I
  will port that one over to GEOS also.  If you send a support fee, I
  will send back the Forth 79 version if I ever get that converted.

  As usual, this software has been tested and does not have any bugs that
  I know of.  If you find some, please drop me a line and describe the
  error or problem.  Without some sort of feedback I will not know what needs
  to be fixed.  The definitions are presented in the order of their ASCII
  sort.  The first line of each entry shows a symbolic description of the
  action of the word on the FORTH stack.  The symbols indicate the order
  of parameters on the stack.  The stack is shown in order from left to
  right,  with three dashes (---) indicating the execution point of the word.
  Symbols to the left of the dashes indicate input parameters, while
  symbols to the right indicate output parameters.  Unless otherwise
  noted, all references to numbers are for 16 bit signed integers.  All
  arithemetic is implicitly 16 bit signed integer math.  The symbols used

  addr 	memory address
  b 	8 bit byte
  n 	16 bit signed integer number
  u 	16 bit unsigned integer
  f 	boolean flag (0=false, non-0=true)
  ff 	boolean false flag (0)
  tf 	boolean true flag (non-0)

  Some fig-FORTH words have been redefined in geosFORTH.  In general, the
  operation has not been changed, but some of the internal working have
  changed in order to adapt them to a GEOS environment.  Additional words
  have been defined for source code editing and access to some of the
  GEOS routines.  I have not added any printer support for the source code.
  That is left 'as an excercise for the reader'.  Source code is a
  standard GEOS VLIR file with each VLIR record 1024 bytes long.  The last byte of
  the record is a zero.  There are no carriage control characters.  Read
  it in, hack it up into 64 character lines and print it.

  !  n addr ---
  Store the 16 bit integer n at address addr.

  !csp ---
  Save the current stack position in CSP (used as part of compiler

  # n1 --- n2
  Generates from a number n1, the next ASCII character which is placed in
an output string.  The result n2 is the quotient after division by base,
and is maintained for further processing.  Used between <# and #> (See

  #> n --- addr count
  Terminates numeric output conversion by dropping n, leaving the text
address and character count suitable for type.

  #s n1 --- n2
  Generates ASCII text in the text output buffer by the use of #, until a
zero number n2 results.  Used between <# and #>.

  ' --- addr
  Used in the form ' wwww Leaves the parameter field address of the
dictionary word wwww.  Executes in a colon definition to compile the
address as a literal.  If the word is not found, an error message is

  ( ---
  Starts a comment.  All input until the following ) or a null is
ignored.  Executes during a colon definition to allow comments within a
definition.  A blank after the leading ( is required.

  (.")  ---
  The run-time proceedure compiled by ." which prints the following
inline text.

  (;code) ---
  The run-time proceedure compiled by ;code that rewrites the code field
of the most recently defined word to point to the following machine code

  (+loop) n ---
  The run-time proceedure compiled by +loop which increments the loop
index by n and tests for loop completion.

  (abort) ---
  Executes after an error.  This word normally executes abort.

  (do) ---
  The run-time proceedure compiled by DO which moves the loop control
parameters to the return stack.

  (find) addr1 addr2 --- pfa b tf (OK)
  addr1 addr2 --- ff (bad)
  Searches the dictionary starting at the name field address addr2,
matching to the text at addr1.  Returns the parameter field address
(pfa), the length byte of the name field (b), and a true flag (tf) for a
good match.  If no match is found, only the false flag (ff) is returned.

  (loop) ---
  The run-time proceedure compiled by loop which increments the loop
index and tests for loop completion.

  (number) n1 addr1 --- n2 addr2
  Convert ASCII text beginning at addr1+1 with regard to base.  The new
value is accumulated into n1 being left as n2.  Addr2 is the address of
the first unconvertable digit.  Used by number.

  * n1 n2 --- prod
  Leave the signed product of the two signed numbers (n1*n2).

  + n1 n2 --- n3 Leave the sum of n1+n2 as n3.

  +!  n addr --- Add n to the value at the address.

  +- n1 n2 --- n3 Apply the sign of n2 to the value of n1, leaving the
result as n3.

  +buf addr1 --- addr2 f Advance the disk buffer address addr1 to the
address of the next buffer addr2.  The flag f is false when addr2 is the
buffer presently pointed to by the variable prev.

  +loop n1 --- (run time)
  addr n2 --- (compile time)
  Used in a colon definition in the form:
  do ... n1 +loop

  At run time, +loop selectively controls branching back to the
  corresponding do based on n1, the current loop index, and the loop
  The signed increment n1 is added to the index and the total is compared
  to the loop limit.  The branch back to do occurs until the new index is
  equal or greater than the limit (if n1>0), or until the new index is
  equal or less than the limit (if n1<0).  Upon exiting the loop, the
  parameters are discarded and execution continues after +loop.  At
  time, +loop compiles the run time word (+loop) and the branch offset
  computed from here to the address left on the stack by do.  The value
  is used for compile time error checking to ensure that the +loop is
  within a do.

  +origin n --- addr Add n to the memory address of the origin parameter
area leaving addr.  The parameter area is located at the start of the
program area.

  , n --- Store n into the next available dictionary location, advancing
the dictionary pointer.

  - n1 n2 --- n3 Leave the difference of n1-n2.

  --> Continue interpretation with the next disk screen.

  -dup n --- n (if 0)
  n --- n n (if <>0) Duplicate n only if it is non-zero.  This is usually
used to copy a value just before if, to eliminate the need for an else
part to drop it.

  -find --- pfa b tf (found)
  --- ff (not found) Accepts the next text word (delimited by blanks)
  in the input stream to here and searches context and then current
  vocabularies for a matching entry.  If found, the dictionary entry's
  parameter field address (pfa), its length byte (b), and a true flag
  Otherwise, only a flase flag (ff) is left.

  -trailing addr n1 --- addr n2 Adjusts the character count n1 of a text
string beginning at address addr to suppress the output of trailing
blanks or zeros (i.e. the characters at addr+n1 to addr+n2 are blanks or

  .  n --- Print a number from a signed 16 bit value, converted according
to the numeric base.  A trailing blank follows.

  ."  --- Used in the form:
  ." wwww"
  Used in a colon definition, ." compiles (.") and an inline string wwww
to transmit the text to the screen.  The space after the ." is necessary,
and will not be included in the inline string.
  Used outside a colon definition, ." will immediately print the ext
until the final " The maximum number of characters is 256.

  .r n1 n2 --- Print the number n1 right aligned in a field whose width
is n2.  No following blank is printed.

  / n1 n2 --- n3 Leave the signed quotient n3=n1/n2.

  /mod n1 n2 --- n3 n4 Leave the remainder (n3) and the signed quotient
of n1/n2.  The remainder has the sign of the dividend (n1).

  0 1 2 3 --- n These small numbers are used so often that it is worth
while to define them as constants.
  0< n --- f Leave a true flag if the number is less than zero
(negative), otherwise leave a false flag.

  0= n --- f Leave a true flag if the number is equal to zero, otherwise
leave a false flag.

  0branch f --- The run time procedure to conditionally branch.  If f is
false (0), the following signed inline value is added to the interpretive
pointer to branch ahead or back.  Compiled by if, until, and while.

  1+ n1 --- n2 Increment n1 by 1, leaving n2.

  2+ n1 --- n2 Increment n1 by 2, leaving n2.

  1- n1 --- n2 Decrement n1 by 1, leaving n2.

  : Used to define a new word in FORTH, called a colon definition, using
the form:
  : cccc .... ;
  This creates a dictionary entry defining cccc as equivalent to the
following sequence of FORTH word definitionss (...) until the next ;.
The compiling process is done by the text interpreter as long as state is
non-zero.  Other details are that the context vocabulary is set to the
current vocabulary and that words with the precedence bit set are
executed rather than being comipled (see compile).

  ; --- Terminate a colon definition and stop further compilation.
Compiles ;s.

  ;s --- Stop interpretation of a screen.  ;s is also the runtime word
compiled at the end of a colon definition by (;) which returns execution
to the calling word.

  < n1 n2 --- f Leave a true flag if n1 is less than n2; otherwise leave
a false flag.

  <# --- Setup for pictured numeric output formatting using the following
  <# # #s sign #>
  The conversion is done on a signed number producing text at pad.

  <builds --- Used within a colon definition with the following form:
  : cccc <builds ....
  does> .... ;
  Each time cccc is executed, <builds defines a new word with a high
level execution procedure.  Executing cccc in the form:
  cccc xxxx
  uses <builds to create a dictionary entry for xxxx with a call to the
does> of cccc.  When xxxx is later executed, it has the address of its
parameter area on the stack and executes the words after does> in cccc.
<builds and does> allow run time procedures written in high level rather
than assembler level code.

  = n1 n2 --- f Leave a true flag if n1=n2; otherwise leave a false flag.

  > n1 n2 --- f Leave if true flag if n1>n2; otherwise leave a false

  >r n --- Remove a number from the computation (Forth) stack and place
as the most accessable on the return stack.  Use should be balanced with
r> in the same definition.

  ?  addr --- Print the value contained at the address in free format
(using .) according to the current base.

  ?button --- f Leave a flag indicating the current status of the mouse
button.  True means the button is pressed, false means the button is up.
If the mouse is currently not active, a call is made to the UPDATE-MOUSE
GEOS routine to get the current status of the button.

  ?comp --- Issue error message #17 if not compiling.

  ?csp --- Issue error message #20 if the current stack position differs
from the value saved in csp (used to make sure the stack is kept even).

  ?derror n --- If n is not zero, issue the error message DISK ERROR n
and call quit.  If n is zero (the normal return from a disk function), n
is discarded and processing continue.

  ?error f n --- Issue error message #n, if the flag (f) is true.

  ?exec --- Issue error message #18 if not executing.

  ?loading --- Issue error message #22 if not loading.

  ?mouse --- n1 n2 Leave the y coordinate (n1), and the x coordinate (n2)
of the current mouse position.  If the mouse is not turned on (via
mouseon), the coordinates will be as they were the last time the mouse
was active.

  ?pairs n1 n2 --- Issue error message #19 if n1 does not equal n2.  Used
by figForth to indicate that compiled conditionals do not match (begin
.... until, if ... endif).

  ?stack --- Issue error message #?? if the stack is out of bounds.

  ?vopen --- Checks to see if a GEOS VLIR file is open (usually the
source file).  Performs no action if it is already open.  If the file is
not open, executes vopen to open the file named in vfn.

  @ addr --- n Leave the 16 bit contents of the address addr.

  abort --- Clears the stacks and enters the execution state, and return
control to the terminal input device.

  abs n --- u Leave the absolute value of n as u.

  again addr n --- (compile)
  --- (runtime) Used in a colon definition as:
  begin .... again
  At run time, again forces execution to return to just after the
corresponding begin.  The stack is unchanged.  Execution will never leave
this loop (unless r> drop is executed one level below).

  allot n --- Add the signed number to the dictionary pointer (dp).  May
be used to reserve dictionary space or re-origin memory.

  and n1 n2 --- n3 Leave the bitwise logical and of n1 and n2 as n3.

  b/buf --- n This constant leaves the number of bytes per disk buffer
(the number read from disk, excluding the screen number control bytes).
Each memory buffer is b/buf + 2 bytes long.

  back addr --- Calculate the backward branch offset from here to addr
and compile it into the next available dictionary memory address.

  base --- addr A user variable containing the current number base used
for input and output conversion.

  begin --- addr n (compile)
  --- (run time) Used in the colon definition as:
  begin ... until
  begin ... again
  begin ... while ... repeat
  At run time, begin marks the start of a sequence that may be
repetitively executed.  It serves as a return point from the
corresponding until, again, or repeat.  When executing until, a return to
begin will occur if the top of the stack is false; for again and repeat a
return to begin always occurs.

  At compile time, begin leaves its return address (addr) and n for
compiler error checking.

  bl --- c A constant that leaves the ASCII value for the "blank"

  blanks addr n --- Fill and area of memory beginning at addr with n
"blank" characters.

  block n --- addr Leave the memory address of the block buffer
containing block n.  If the block is not already in memory, it is
transferred from disk to which ever buffer was least recently written.
If the block occupying that buffer has been marked as updated (via
update), that block is first written to disk before block n is read in.
See also buffer, update, flush.

  block-read addr n1 n2 --- f Read VLIR record number n2 (up to n1 bytes)
into a buffer at address addr.  If there is a disk error, the standard
GEOS disk error +64 is left as the flag f, otherwise a zero is returned.

  block-write addr n1 n2 --- f Write n1 bytes to the VLIR record number
n2 from buffer at addr.  If there is a disk error, the standard GEOS disk
error +64 is left as the flag f, otherwise a zero is returned.

  branch --- The run time word to unconditionally branch.  A signed 16
bit inline offset is added to the interpretive pointer (ip) to branch
ahead or back.  branch is compiled by else, again, repeat.

  buffer n --- addr Obtain the next memory buffer, assigning it to block
n.  If the contents of the buffer are marked as updated, the buffer is
written to disk before being assigned.  The block is not read from the
disk.  The address left is the first byte within the buffer for data
storage (ie. past the 2 byte block number).

  c!  b addr --- Store 8 bits at address addr.

  c, b --- Store 8 bits into the next available dictionary location,
advancing the dictionary pointer.

  c@ addr --- b Leave the 8 bits contents of addr.

  cfa pfa --- cfa Convert the parameter field address (pfa) of a
definition to it's code field address.

  clit --- A run time word to take the next dictionary byte and put it on
the stack (this is a single byte version fo lit).

  cls b --- Fill the screen from the GEOS locations windowTop,
windowBottom, leftMargin, rightMargin, with the pattern specified by b.

  cmove addr1 addr2 n --- Move the n number of bytes from addr1 to addr2.
The contents are moved from the start of addr1 proceeding towards higher
memory.  No check is made for overlapping areas.

  cold --- The cold start word to adjust the dictionary pointer to the
original value when geosForth was loaded.  The word then restarts the
system by calling abort.  This word is useful to remove all the
application programs and restart geosForth.

  compile --- When the word containing compile executes, the execution
address of the word following compile is copied (compiled) into the
dictionary.  This allows specific compilation situations to be handled in
addition to simply compiling an execution address (which the interpreter
already does).

  constant n --- A defining word used in the form:
  n constant cccc
  This creates the word cccc, with it's parameter field containing n.
When cccc is later executed, it will push the value of n to the stack.

  context --- addr A user variable containing a pointer to the vocabulary
within which dictionary searches will first begin.

  cols --- A constant containing the number of pixel columns which will
fit on a screen (normally 320).

  count addr1 --- addr2 n Leave the byte address addr2 and byte count n
of a message text beginning at address addr1.  It is presumed that the
first byte ad addr1 contains the text byte count, and the acutal text
starts with the second byte.  Typically count is followed by type.

  cr --- Set the user variable out to zero to move the text cursor to the
left edge of the screen.  Advance the user variable row by one text line.
cr check the resulting text line location against the geos bottom margin
value and calls scroll to scroll the screen if needed.

  create --- A defining word used in the form:
  create cccc
  Used by such words as code and constant to create a dictionary header
for the Forth word definition.  The code field contains the address of
the word's parameter field.  cccc is created in the current vocabulary.

  csp --- addr A user variable temporarily storing the stack pointer
position, for compilation error checking.

  current --- addr A user variable containing the vocabulabulary into
which new words are compiled.

  decimal --- Set the numeric conversion base for base 10 (decimal) input
and output of numbers.

  definitions --- Used in the form:
  cccc definitions
  Set the current vocabulary to the context vocabulary.  In the example,
executing vocabulary name cccc made it the context vocabulary and
executing definitions made both specify the same vocabulary.

  depth --- n A word which returns the current number of items on the
Forth stack (not counting the n returned by depth).

  desktop This word exits geosFORTH and returns to the GEOS DeskTop.

  digit c n1 --- n2 tf (ok)
  c n1 --- ff (bad)
  Converts the ASCII character c (using the base n1) to its binary
equivalent n2, accompanied by a true flag.  If the conversion is invalid,
leaves only a false flag.

  do n1 n2 --- (run time)
  addr n --- (compile time)
  At run time, do begins a sequence with repetitive execution controlled
by a loop limit n1 and an index.  The initial index value is n2.  do
removes these from the stack.  Upon reaching loop, the index is
incremented by one.  Until the new index equals or exceeds the limit,
execution loops back to just after do, otherwise the loop parameters are
discarded and execution continues following the loop.  Both n1 and n2 are
determined at run time and may be the result of other operations.  Within
a loop, i will copy the current value of the index to the stack.  See i,
loop, +loop, leave.  When compiling within a colon definition, do
compiles (do), and leaves the following address addr and n for later
error checking.

  does> --- A word which defines the run time action within a high level
defining word.  does> alters the code field and first parameter of the
new word to execute the sequence of compiled word addresses following
does>.  Used in combination with <builds.  When the does> part executes
it begins with the address of the first parameter of the new word on the
stack.  This allows interpretation using this area or its contents.
Typical uses include multidimensional arrays and compiler generation.

  dp --- addr A user variable, the dictionary pointer, which contains the
address of the next free memory above the dictionary.  This is the value
returned by here, and updated by allot.

  dpl --- addr A user variable containing the number of digits to the
right of the decimal point on integer input.  It may be used to hold
output column location of a decimal point in user generated formatting.
The default value is -1.

  drop n --- Discard the value currently on top of the stack.

  dup n --- n n Duplicate the value on top of the stack.

  else addr1 n1 --- addr2 n2 (compile time)
  Occurs in a colon definition in the form:
  if ... else ... endif
  At run time, else executes after the true part following if.  else
forces execution to skip over the following false part and resumes
exectuion after the endif.  It has no stack effect.
  At compile time else compiles branch reserving a branch offset, and
leaves addr2 and n2 for error testing.  else also resolves the pending
forward branch from if by calculating the offset from addr1 to here and
storing it at addr1.

  emit c --- Transmit ASCII character c to the screen.  The user variable
out is incremented by the width of the character.

  empty-buffers --- Mark all the block buffers as empty.  Updated blocks
are not written to disk.  empty-buffers is called as part of loading the
geosForth, but is not called as part of cold.

-------------------CUT HERE-------------------

"We know only the strong will survive, But the meek will inherit.
 So if you've got a coat of arms, oh friend, I suggest we wear it."
					John Mellencamp.
  anderson@c10sd3.StPaul.NCR.COM |UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!jpa
     Joel Peter Anderson         |ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!jpa@nosc.mil
  NCR Comten / Software engineer |INET: jpa@pnet51.cts.com