anne@bmcg.UUCP (06/12/84)
[summary follows] Thanks to all who responded to my request for references on the lambda calculus. Here are the results: Wegner, Peter; Programming Languages, Information Structures, and Machine Organization; McGraw-Hill 1968; has examples of several lambda-calculus interpreters. Church, Alonzo; The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion; Annals of Mathematical Studies, v.6; Princeton Univ. Press 1941 (the original source) Boehm (ed.); Lambda Calculus and Computer Science Theory; Springer Verlag 1975; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.37 Geoff Wyant recommended the following: Henderson, Peter; Functional Programming; Prentice-Hall Burge, William; Recursive Programming Bruce Kapron recommends: Barendregt, H. THE LAMBDA CALCULUS: ITS SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1980); "fairly general" Stenlund, S.; COMBINATORS, LAMBDA TERMS AND PROOF THEORY; d. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrect, Holland (1972); "fairly general" Hindley, R. and G. Longo; "Lambda Calculus and Extensionality", Z. MATH LOGIK GRUNDLAGEN MATH 26, pp. 488-521 (1980); "Probably the best paper I have seen dealing with models for the lambda calculus." Anne H. Anderson ucbvax!sdcsvax!bmcg!anne decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!bmcg!anne ihnp4!sdcrdcf!bmcg!anne