[comp.sys.cbm] Q-Link files

pcr@genrad.com (Perry Rothermel) (12/07/89)

Could someone please tell me EXACTLY where these 2 files are located on
 Q-Link so I can download them. I have looked for both and cannot find
 them. I have a C-128D and would like to use these programs. I believe
 the Kermit program is compatible with a 128. Is it?
Any help would be appreciated.

xcbw11c@ucrmath.UCR.EDU (wayne wallace) (12/08/89)

In article <29657@genrad.UUCP> pcr@genrad.com (Perry Rothermel) writes:
|Could someone please tell me EXACTLY where these 2 files are located on
| Q-Link so I can download them. I have looked for both and cannot find
| them. I have a C-128D and would like to use these programs. I believe
| the Kermit program is compatible with a 128. Is it?
|Any help would be appreciated.

Well, it's been a while, but (hoping others in the net want to know also) here's
what I remember: go to (Q-link) CIN/software from commodore and search by subject or files, whatever works, and it should be there. It was written by Fred
Bohen (sp?) and if you try to use "download a specific file" that or Commodore
should work for the name of the uploader.

As for Kermit V2.2, I haven't looked in Q-link for it, being perfectly
satisfied with  vt100-128V16.2 (the correct name), which I'm using right now
as I type this article in the (tv commercial) "comfort and privacy of my own
home." If you really need it, the most reliable way (and less costly!) is to
use ftp at maxwell.physics.purdue.edu. If you haven't used ftp before, just
Read The Friendly Manual and all will be explained. If not, someone with
appropriate knowledge should be available to you. As a last resort, waste
some + time in people connection and go to the 'help' room.

th-th-th-that's all folks!

*          Lord Zar,Commander Of All He Surveys (xcbw11c@ucrmath.ucr.edu)     *
*USNail:             100 Aberdeen Drive Box #737                              *
*                    Riverside,CA 92507                                       *
* "The only good Assassin/Paladin is a dead one!" --Me                        *

givler@cbmvax.UUCP (Greg Givler - PA) (12/08/89)

In article <29657@genrad.UUCP> pcr@genrad.com (Perry Rothermel) writes:
>Could someone please tell me EXACTLY where these 2 files are located on
> Q-Link so I can download them. I have looked for both and cannot find
> them. I have a C-128D and would like to use these programs. I believe
> the Kermit program is compatible with a 128. Is it?
>Any help would be appreciated.

I am not sure where Kermit2.2 is although I did download the program from
there. VT100-128 is in Commodore Information Network, Commodore Headquarters,
Software from Commodore. 

Greg Givler                        | Q-Link: GregGivler
Analyst - Systems Evaluation Group | CompuServe: Greg Givler 76702,647
Commodore Product Assurance        | GEnie: G.Givler
215-431-9100                       | The NET: givler@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com
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