[comp.sys.cbm] REPLY

david.johnson@canremote.uucp (David Johnson) (02/21/90)

To: leblanc@eecg.toronto.edu
Subj: User group meeting

The Track 36 User group in Hamilton Ontario has been trying to track 
you down and see if you would be interested in giving a talk and a 
demonstration of the latest Supersnaphot Cartridge at one of our 
meetings.   The CBM 8/Amiga chapter of the club meets every 2nd Monday 
of each month and we would be most appreciative of you giving a talk at 
one of our meetings.  (April?)

Track 36 C128 Librarian
 * Via ProDoor 3.1 
 ~ QNet 2.02: Track 36 BBS System The Commodore Support Group