(John Mullen) (03/19/90)
Ughhh. The stupid C64 power supply burnt out AGAIN. What really sucks is that Hills Dept. store no longer sells them. Children's palace doesn't, Sears doesn't, K-Mart doesn't... Does anyone know where I can buy the stupid thing?!! Thanks for any help. John Mullen
wbks@tygra.UUCP (Sean Burke) (03/19/90)
Have you opened it up and looked at it yet? Sometimes only the fuse has burnt out in it. -- = CAT-TALK Conferencing Network, Prototype Computer Conferencing System = - 1-800-825-3069, 300/1200/2400/9600 baud, 8/N/1. New users use 'new' - = as a login id. <<Redistribution to GEnie PROHIBITED!!!>>> = E-MAIL Address: (Mike Varney,215 Hamlin,,2684032) (03/20/90)
From article <>, by (John Mullen): > > > Ughhh. The stupid C64 power supply burnt out AGAIN. What really > sucks is that Hills Dept. store no longer sells them. Children's > palace doesn't, Sears doesn't, K-Mart doesn't... Does anyone know > where I can buy the stupid thing?!! Thanks for any help. > > John Mullen > > There is a store around where I'm from called "Electronics Botique" (It's a chain)... Around us it's the only real store (well, there's one other) that has really good Commodore stuff. If there isn't an "Electronics Botique" near you, you can email me and I'll send you their 1-800 number. Mike Varney VARNEYML@CLUTX.CLARKSON.EDU (Geoffrey Welsh) (03/20/90)
In article <> (John Mullen) writes: > Ughhh. The stupid C64 power supply burnt out AGAIN. Have you considered building one that won't die? I did many years ago and never regretted it. It looks funny (like an octopus orgy, to be exact) and it's the subject of jokes from so-called friends in the industry, but it has never failed me and I've been able to piggyback a second (or third) computer on it whenever necessary. Interested? (03/21/90)
In article <>, (John Mullen) writes: > Ughhh. The stupid C64 power supply burnt out AGAIN. What really > sucks is that Hills Dept. store no longer sells them. Children's > palace doesn't, Sears doesn't, K-Mart doesn't... Does anyone know > where I can buy the stupid thing?!! Thanks for any help. > > John Mullen > Around the Northwest you can get them in Fred Meyer and also I believe in Sears and Best. You can also get them through a number of mail order companies like: Lyco Computers Montgomery Grant Tenex Computer Direct Briwall etc.....for address or phone# look in a commodore magazine. Most of this power supplies are better built than the original one and also most of them are repairable too. Sincerely, Scott K. Stephen