[comp.sys.cbm] Need help downloading with Xmodem

hinkle@acsu.buffalo.edu (steven j hinkle) (07/01/90)

    I recently posted a message asking for ftp sites with terminal
programs for the c128.  I received a list and used ftp to obtain the
files in my Unix directory but I can't seem to download from there.
My Xmodem program that came with the VT100-128 program that I am using
is not copying the files.  It starts up, the drives starts to spin and then
just stops.  The light is still on and the computer hangs there.
What am I doing wrong?  How can I fix this problem?

I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks in advance,
|  Steven Hinkle   "The Quaker"       |  Always look on the bright side |
|  University of Buffalo              |  if there isn't one, check the  |
|  INTERNET : hinkle@acsu.buffalo.edu |  light bulb, it is probably     |
|  BITNET   : V367XKKK@UBVMSC.BITNET  |  burned out.                    |

slogan@ms.uky.edu (Stan Logan) (07/02/90)

having the same problem with Bob's Term Pro.  Anyone have any suggestions on
using XModem with  UModem?
