[comp.sys.cbm] Commodore Equipment/Stuff -FORSALE

mitch@hq.af.mil (Mitch Wright) (07/24/90)

	*** I'm willing to sell it as a lot or in part ***
	***        E-mail me for more details.         ***

1- C-64 w/ manual.
1- C-64 motherboard (has bad video chip -- all other parts work)
1- 1702 Color Monitor w/manual

2- 1541 Floppy disk drives
   Both are modified -- Has power switch on the front and the ability to
   over ride write-protection (indicated by a LED).  Saves you from having
   to notch disks.
   One is also modified to allow the device number to be switched between
   8 and 9.  I'll be happy to provide the plans that I used for these

1- 1670 300/1200baud modem

1- USER-port <--> RS232 cable

1- C-64 Programmers Reference Manual

*** Games ***

Cart:  International Soccer, Miner 2049'er
Disk:  Rend. on Rama(2d), Ikari Warriors, St.Sports Soccer

For those who know -- MANY disks containing software from EagleSoft, FBR, etc
For those who dont -- MANY blank diskettes

Mitch Wright -- Former SysOP of ``Dark Side of the Moon''
Home Phone: (703)765-6285 (between 7-9pm EST)
Email: mitch@hq.af.mil  -or-  gretzky@unison.larc.nasa.gov


   mitch@hq.af.mil (Mitch Wright) | The Pentagon, 1B1046 | (202) 695-0262

   The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity,
   but not necessarily in that order.