hanusj@bionette.cgrb.orst.edu (Joe Hanus - Botany) (11/09/90)

I can't find the manual for my cbm Model 1670 modeem 1200.  Could
someone e-mail them to me.  Most important the single command to
cause it to re-execute the last dial instruction for redial.


Joe Hanus                            | E-MAIL hanusj@bionette.cgrb.orst.edu
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology  | Phone  (503)-737-3451
Oregon State University              |
Corvallis, OR 97331-2902             |

treesh@vangogh.helios.nd.edu (11/12/90)

You will proabaly get five million replies to this question, but just in case
you dont, typing the "A/" on your keyboard (without quotes) will redo the 
last issued command, if that was a dial command (ATDT) then it will make 
an effective re-dial.
