Calendars for the months of November and December of 1990 are now available from Milton FTP-site in the following directory: "public/download/c64current/geos/calendars" The calendar files that you will find there are geoPaint files that you can load from geoPaint and printed out on your printer. At the moment there are only two calendars for the remaining months of this year. But soon calendars for the months of 1991 will be added (as soon as I get them ready) The calendars were/are/will-be design(ed) by me from an original layout by Terry Ann1. I have created this calendars because I needed to better orgazine my time and schedule that seem to grow more perplexing everyday. The days when I had to remember only four things - when to wake-up, when to sleep, when to eat, and when to watch teenage mutan ninja turtles - are gone for good (which wasn't that long ago :-) ). Let me know how you like the calendars. Sincerely, Scott K. Stephen