[comp.sys.cbm] FTP help

bwildasi@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (Ben Wildasin) (11/14/89)

Due to the rash of questions about my FTP site, here's a quick reference
card to simplify logging in and carrying out business. This is also avaliable
on the server as 'quick.ref'.

------------------------------Cut here-----------------------------------------

                        FTP Quick Reference Card 

* LOGGING IN:                                                                *
* 1. 'ftp' at Unix/VMS prompt.                                               *
* 2. 'open gold.bacs.indiana.edu' at FTP prompt.                             *
* 3. 'indp0080' at username prompt.                                          *
* 4. 'anonymous' at password prompt.					     *
* 5. 'cd ftp' at FTP prompt.	                                             *
* DIRECTORIES:								     *
* 'ls' lists files in current directory. 				     *
* 'dir' lists files in curr. dir, along with file size and date uploaded.    *
* 'cd foo' changes the current directory to 'foo'.			     *
* 'cd ..' changes to the next directory level up.			     *
* DOWNLOADING FILES:							     *
* 1. Change to the directory containing the desired file.		     *
* 2. For binary files, type 'binary', otherwise 'ascii'.		     *
* 3. 'get foo' downloads the file 'foo.;1' to your account.		     *
* UPLOADING FILES:							     *
* 1. Make sure you are in the 'ftp' directory.				     *
* 2. 'mkdir foo' to create a directory in which to store your file(s).       *
*     Choose an appropriate name.                                            *
* 3. 'cd foo' to go into your new directory.                                 *
* 4. 'send something' to transfer the file 'something' from the local dir.   *
*    you were in when you started FTP to the remote dir. you are currently   *
*    in.								     *
* GETTING HELP:								     *
* 'help' lists the commands available on the local FTP program.		     *
* 'remotehelp' lists the commands available on the server.	             *
* Questions? Mail to bwildasi@silver.bacs.indiana.edu.  	             *
* LOGGING OUT:							  	     *
* 'bye' at the FTP prompt returns you to your local account.		     *

--------------------------------Cut Here---------------------------------------

General information about uploading, downtimes, etc. can be found in the file 
'readme-1'. It is reccomended you downlad and read this before you do any 

Ben Wildasin     			  bwildasi@silver.bacs.indiana.edu


 I have recently "discovered" FTPing and ahve a question or two that I think
you folks can answer.  I would normally post to newusers, but I get better
service from fellow Commodore users...Thanks!

I have successfully downloaded some nice stuff, but there are a couple of
programs that I would like to try that have defied file transfer.  These
files are listed in the directories by their titles, but have no "filetype"
or "mode" appendage.  When I type in GET <filename>, the host tells me I need
to add the filetype or mode; ie. GET <filename.type> or
                                 GET <filename.type.mode>

I have tried adding the period to the filename, a period and a space, making
up a bogus appendage, etc.  Nothing seems to work.  How do I GET these

Any help here or thru e-mail would be appreciated.

Kirk A. Janowiak