[comp.sys.cbm] Looking for terminal program for 64

digdon@ug.cs.dal.ca (Mike Digdon) (01/18/91)

Novaterm 9.1 does 2400 and 80 column, as well as all kinds of other neat
things.. I think it can be found at Milton..

	+   Mike Digdon: digdon@ug.cs.dal.ca  + My 64 can still get the +
	+		 mike@ac.dal.ca	      + job at hand completed!! +

luce@aurs01.UUCP (J. Luce) (01/18/91)

NOVATERM 9.1 (also does ANSI).
and I think Bellterm.
NT is shareware and is floating around. Make sure you get 9.1 as any
before that version is buggy.

Bellterm is comercial.

John Luce               | Life is the leading cause of death
Alcatel Network Systems | -----------------------------------------
Raleigh, NC             | Standard Disclaimer Applies
919-850-6787            | Mail? Here? Try aurs01!aurw46!luce@mcnc.org
------------------------------------- or luce@aurs01.UUCP

CTuna@cup.portal.com (Image - BBS) (01/19/91)

I'll lay odds that someone has already posted this, but NovaTerm 9.1 is
what will fill your needs for an 80 column/2400 baud term for the 64.