(Mark A. Miller) (02/08/91)
**************************************************************** Hello. I'm just starting to read this group and I have a small problem. I have downloaded Desterm from milton to my school account, but the only file transfer protocol this machine uses is Kermit. Since I use Bobsterm Pro on my C-128, I can't get anything to my C-128 (no Kermit). Question: Where can I download a copy of Kermit using protocols available to me (Xmodem,....)? The only thing I can think of are BB's, but the ones I know of don't have Kermit. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!!! Mark Miller (02/08/91)
I had that problem too, but I found (with the help of some good people on the net) a execelet solution to the problem. I was given a copy of a program called 'xmodem' that runs on the unix system. With it, I can activate file transfers to my 64 via modem with the following protocols. XMODEM checksum XMODEM crc XMODEM 1k XMODEM modem7 batch YMODEM batch I use a program called C-Term, but its part of my BBS wich is comerical software and supports all those protocos, but the only one that I can make work is Xmodem 1K. I wish I could do batch transfers, but for some silly reason my commodre Ymodem stuff requires the file name to have a comma and a type indicator ("filename,s"). Since unix does not send this extiosion, my ymodem never initiates the transfer. Anyone know of a working terminal that works with Ymodem. (Actually W O R K S, not just has the slelection in the menu?) At any rate, I was able to obtain this 'xmodem' program via the AFS system. Im am on this system, but I dont know the exact procedure, but everyone on AFS should have access to my unix directory, feel free to snatch it! ctfm