[comp.sys.cbm] New products from TENEX

scott@uwav1.u.washington.edu (02/15/91)

Couple of weeks ago a got the latest catalog from TENEX, and here
are some of the new that just cameout that seems very interesting.
CONVERT-A-COM (by Aprotek)
This device will convert the 1670 modem and any of the Aprotek Minimodem
for the C64/C128 into an 25-pin ("D" female) RS-232 compatible.
This will allow you to use the above modems with virtually any computer.
USER-SWITCH (by Aprotek)
This device will allow you to connect more than one thing to the
user port of the C64/C128.
1991 Swiftax (by Timeworks)
This program will help you do your 1990 incometax. No prior computer
or accounting knowledge require to use this program.
Scott K. Stephen