[comp.sys.cbm] SEQ files

vu2416@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (vu2416) (03/01/91)

View / Print Sequential Programs....

10 print "(S)creen or (P)rinter? ";:input a$
20 open 21,3:if a$="p" then close21:open 21,4,7
30 print "Filename ";:input f$
40 open 5,8,4,"0:"+f$+",?,r":gosub 1000
50 get#5,a$:if st=66 then close5:end
60 print#21,a$:goto50
1000 close15:open 15,8,15:input#15,a$,b$,c$,d$:close15
1010 if a$<>"00" then close5:? a$,b$,c$,d$:end
1020 return
1030 rem 128 users can say:
1040 rem 1000 if left$(ds$,2)<>"00" then ? ds$:close5:end:else return

(Done from memory and untested... should work, though  :)  )

Gregg W. Riedel

vu2416@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (vu2416) (03/01/91)

oops... line 60 of the previous post should have a semicolon - 


CTuna@cup.portal.com (Image - BBS) (03/01/91)

A quicker one:

1 input"Filename";n$:open2,8,2,f$+",s,r":fori=0to1step0:get#2,a$:?a$;: