[comp.sys.cbm] Transactor RS232 routines.. by George Hug

nrossi@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Nick Rossi) (03/12/91)

These routines were written by George Hug and appeared in the February 1989
issue of Transactor magazine.  The routines modify (indeed, somewhat replace)
the RS232 routines in the kernal ROM in order to achieve perfect transmission
at 300, 1200, and 2400 baud.  The routines may be modified for use on the
C-128 by changing a few lines where indicated.

These routines can easily be modified for your own needs.  You may want to
make some improvements, such as a check to prevent the receive buffer from
overflowing (as there is none currently).

This source code is distributed under the premise that material published in
Transactor magazine is public domain.

------------- cut here! ---------------

;  "newmodem.src" - 64 mode
;  @128 = changes for 128 mode.
ribuf = $f7
robuf = $f9
baudof = $0299
ridbe = $029b
ridbs = $029c
rodbs = $029d
rodbe = $029e
enabl = $02a1
rstkey = $fe56
norest = $fe72
return = $febc
oldout = $f1ca
oldchk = $f21b
findfn = $f30f
devnum = $f31f
nofile = $f701
*= $ce00                ; @128 $1a00
xx00    jmp setup
xx03    jmp inable
xx06    jmp disabl
xx09    jmp rsget
xx0c    jmp rsout
strt24  .word $01cb     ; 459   start bit times
strt12  .word $0442     ; 1090
strt03  .word $1333     ; 4915
full24  .word $01a5     ; 421   full bit times
full12  .word $034d     ; 845
full03  .word $0d52     ; 3410
setup   lda #<nmi64     ; @128 #<nmi128
        ldy #>nmi64     ; @128 #>nmi128
        sta $0318
        sty $0319
        lda #<nchkin
        ldy #>nchkin
        sta $031e
        sty $031f
        lda #<nbsout
        ldy #>nbsout
        sta $0326
        sty $0327
nmi64   pha             ; new nmi handler
nmi128  cld
        ldx $dd07       ; sample timer b hi byte
        lda #$7f        ; disable cia nmi's
        sta $dd0d
        lda $dd0d       ; read/clear flags
        bpl notcia      ; (restore key)
        cpx $dd07       ; tb timeout since timer b sampled?
        ldy $dd01       ; (sample pin c)
        bcs mask        ; no
        ora #$02        ; yes, set flag in acc.
        ora $dd0d       ; read/clear flags again
mask    and enabl       ; mask out non-enabled
        tax             ; these must be serviced
        lsr             ; timer a? (bit 0)
        bcc ckflag      ; no
        lda $dd00       ; yes, put but on pin m
        and #$fb
        ora $b5
        sta $dd00
ckflag  txa
        and #$10        ; *flag nmi (bit 4)
        beq nmion       ; no
strtlo  lda #$42        ; yes, start-bit to tb
        sta $dd06
strthi  lda #$04
        sta $dd07
        lda #$11        ; start tb counting
        sta $dd0f
        lda #$12        ; *flag nmi off, tb on
        eor enabl       ; update mask
        sta enabl
        sta $dd0d       ; enable new config
fulllo  lda #$4d        ; change reload latch
        sta $dd06       ;   to full-bit time
fullhi  lda #$03
        sta $dd07
        lda #$08        ; # of bits to receive
        sta $a8
        bne chktxd      ; branch always
notcia  ldy #$00
        jmp rstkey      ; or jmp norest
nmion   lda enabl       ; re-enable nmi's
        sta $dd0d
        and #$02        ; timer b? (bit 1)
        beq chktxd      ; no
        tya             ; yes, get sample of pin c
        ror $aa         ; rs232 is lsb first
        dec $a8         ; byte finished?
        bne txd         ; no
        ldy ridbe       ; yes, byte to buffer
        lda $aa
        sta (ribuf),y   ; (no overrun test)
        inc ridbe
        lda #$00        ; stop timer b
        sta $dd0f
        lda #$12        ; tb nmi off, *flag on
switch  ldy #$7f        ; disable nmi's
        sty $dd0d       ; twice
        sty $dd0d
        eor enabl       ; update mask
        sta enabl
        sta $dd0d       ; enable new config
txd     txa
        lsr             ; timer a?
chktxd  bcc exit        ; no
        dec $b4         ; yes, byte finished?
        bmi char        ; yes
        lda #$04        ; no, prep next bit
        ror $b6         ; (fill with stop bits)
        bcs store
low     lda #$00
store   sta $b5
exit    jmp return      ; restore regs, rti
char    ldy rodbs
        cpy rodbe       ; buffer empty?
        beq txoff       ; yes
getbuf  lda (robuf),y   ; no, prep next byte
        inc rodbs
        sta $b6
        lda #$09        ; # bits to send
        sta $b4
        bne low         ; always - do start bit
txoff   ldx #$00        ; stop timer a
        stx $dd0e
        lda #$01        ; disable ta nmi
        bne switch      ; always
disabl  pha             ; turns off modem port
test    lda enabl
        and #$03        ; any current activity?
        bne test        ; yes, test again
        lda #$10        ; no, disable *flag nmi
        sta $dd0d
        lda #$02
        and enabl       ; currently receiving?
        bne test        ; yes, start over
        sta enabl       ; all off, update mask
nbsout  pha             ; new bsout
        lda $9a
        cmp #02
        bne notmod
rsout   sta $9e         ; output to modem
        sty $97
point   ldy rodbe
        sta (robuf),y   ; not official till pointer bumped
        cpy rodbs       ; buffer full?
        beq fulbuf      ; yes
        sty rodbe       ; no, bump pointer
strtup  lda enabl
        and #$01        ; transmitting now?
        bne ret3        ; yes
        sta $b5         ; no, prep start bit,
        lda #$09
        sta $b4         ;   # bits to send,
        ldy rodbs
        lda (robuf),y
        sta $b6         ;   and next byte
        inc rodbs
        lda baudof      ; full tx bit time to ta
        sta $dd04
        lda baudof+1
        sta $dd05
        lda #$11        ; start timer a
        sta $dd0e
        lda #$81        ; enable ta nmi
change  sta $dd0d       ; nmi clears flag if set
        php             ; save irq status
        sei             ; disable irq's
        ldy #$7f        ; disable nmi's
        sty $dd0d       ; twice
        sty $dd0d
        ora enabl       ; update mask
        sta enabl
        sta $dd0d       ; enable new config
        plp             ; restore irq status
ret3    clc
        ldy $97
        lda $9e
fulbuf  jsr strtup
        jmp point
notmod  pla             ; back to old bsout
        jmp oldout
nchkin  jsr findfn      ; new chkin
        bne nosuch
        jsr devnum
        lda $ba
        cmp #$02
        bne back
        sta $99
inable  sta $9e         ; enable rs232 input
        sty $97
baud    lda baudof+1    ; set receive to same
        and #$06        ;   baud rate as xmit
        lda strt24,y
        sta strtlo+1    ; overwrite values in nmi handler
        lda strt24+1,y
        sta strthi+1
        lda full24,y
        sta fulllo+1
        lda full24+1,y
        sta fullhi+1
        lda enabl
        and #$12        ; *flag or tb on?
        bne ret1        ; yes
        sta $dd0f       ; no, stop tb
        lda #$90        ; turn on flag nmi
        jmp change
nosuch  jmp nofile
back    lda $ba
        jmp oldchk
rsget   sta $9e         ; input from modem
        sty $9f
        ldy ridbs
        cpy ridbe       ; buffer empty?
        beq ret2        ; yes
        lda (ribuf),y   ; no, fetch character
        sta $9e
        inc ridbs
ret1    clc             ; cc = char in acc.
ret2    ldy $9f
        lda $9e
last    rts             ; cs = buffer was empty